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Cannot align TGP to mark or steer point

Go to solution Solved by Lord Vader,

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After 6 Minutes or so, I marked the SAM. I also placed a steer point right above the SAM, but I can't align the TGP weather to the mark point 26 nor to the steer point. This issue occurs several times to me. I've tried to push the CN button in TGP and HSD but it will not work...
Not sure if it's a BUG or if I'm doing something wrong.


  • ED Team
  • Solution

Hello @Topper81

From your track, I can see your engagement and correct Mark point 26 creation. 

However, when you turn around to reengage with the Maverick, please note you are in EOS-VIS mode and that sets SPI to the square cursor slaved to the flight path vector (until you move to designate visually via the HUD). Remember the TPOD will always follow SPI and if you don't move out of that default position, it will continue follow the FPV.

Once I noticed this, I took control of your track, selected EOS-PRE on the Weapon page, then CZ on the TPOD and it immediately slewed to markpoint 26. 


Hope this helps. 


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