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X52 / X52 Pro printable button layout and template

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It's done and easily editable in Inkscape (freeware vector graphics program). 100% vector so it will be crisp and clear at any resolution. Originally done for A2A Simulations WW2 combat flight simulator - Battle of Britain II Wings of Victory (BoB2 WoV). For those who are not familiar with Inkscape at all I made a tutorial showing only essential skills needed to freely modify joystick button layout SVG drawing provided.


Here you can find the download link and updates



1280x1000 high quality video



3 part YouTube HD version. Please read the description.


Updated button layout with SST profile (~16 combinations of basic blocks added)




Updated Sept 10th 2010





Improved layout for X52 Pro. Contents - almost identical.

I re-distributed the blocks to minimize the risk that rearrangement will be needed. I also removed some obsolete figures.


Lots of notes included in the svg file. Open, zoom out if needed and read.




Download link http://www.mediafire.com/file/ugcb1u9db0kgp3w/X52Pro_blayout_Bucic_v1.1.zip



Updated Sept 10th 2010

Edited by Bucic
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What setup? I made it before I got X52 Pro and now when I got it I have nothing to populate it with :) Maybe I'll try to set some foundations to my profile today. Flight nav / combat / emergency seems like an optimal distribution of commands on the 3 available modes (times 2 if pinkie button pressed).


I'm going to remove the bottom-left drawing of the throttle. There's only two controls there.

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My mode1 broke, hence I'm stuck with mode2+3 anyway - but since the SST causes too much hazle, I chose to not use it.

There can be some minor issues with dual input, two keystrokes being emulated at the same time - press & release etc - as well as assigment conflicts with FC2/DCS themselves.

Instead I use this method: Small tip for x52pro users


But my rule for setting up the stick is quite simple - when the s*** hits the fan, I must be able to do whatever I need to do using two hands on the stick only:

- I must be able to attack without using the keyboard

- I must be able to evade / break away / survive without using the keyboard


The rest where time & reaction isnt a matter of life & death, such as NAV, IP, land, maintenance etc - I accept usage of keyboard.

Edited by Panzertard

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  • 3 months later...

Any chance of a blank template?

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What do you need a blank template for? What is 'blank' anyway? Joystick silhouette with pointers and frames? :) Some text has to be there otherwise text fields with no text will be gone.


Grab Inkscape and make it happen. What you want (what I think you want) is perfectly within reach with the tutorial I recorded. This tutorial is not about 'learning inkscape'. It presents only what's needed for editing my layout. In your case the required skills are: selecting and layers. Tadaa :)


Jump to 2:28 to quickly see the layers handling and fast disabling/enabling various layout elements (joystick sihouette, all the pointers etc.).

Edited by Bucic

F-4E Phantom module for sale -25% non-Steam

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  • 1 year later...
Hi. I just got my x52 pro and i got it all set up execpt for one thing. The speed break. I can not figue out how to set it up with the slideed, if anybody knows i would appreciate the help.





setup bands and then allocate the open/closed keys at the far extents (see attached profile)

ie: | Open | (do nothing) | Close |


doing this, just be aware of where the slider is as it will lock up all other keystrokes while its forward or back. In my profile the speedbrake slider will only operate with the pinky button depressed.


Edited by spikenet
edit: soory Bucic, I answered the question before realising the thread..
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Bucic, I have tried your help and thank you


Bucic, your help with the software, layout and insight on this stuff has been really nice and I am grateful...





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  • 1 year later...

Regarding printing problems - here's my reply to one of the forum users who face some problems with printing:


I'm sorry, I can't help you. The primary reason to prepare a solid documentation and tutorials for both the SST profile and editing the layout in Inkscape was to avoid the need of per-case basis assistance :) That said I won't leave you completely on your own. I advise you to proceed as follows:


1. Carefully review the Inkscape's File > Print dialogue and options. Please note there's an option to export directly to PDF. This enables anyone to experiment with the layout without the need to actually print a paper copy each time.


2. Please note that the layout is in SVG vector graphics format - a nowadays computer graphics marvel! ;) You can do anything with this beauty. If you have problems with page orientation at printout you can even select all and rotate it all however you like, without even slightest quality deterioration!


3. If you're still facing any Inkscape-related problems please sign up to http://www.inkscapeforum.com/ The guys there are very helpful. Please start a topic in appropriate forum section and share your problem. You can always drop me a link to your forum topic.



To those still using paper for profile buildup and notes:

You don't need paper when there's Inkscape around! Please take a look at my /x52pro_dcs_bs_profile_bucic_017c_PACKAGE/x52pro_dcs_bs_profile_bucic_017b_A4.pdf It wass all a constant brainstorm. No element of the figure is at its original (initial) position. CTRL+D is for duplicating objects, learn how to select and move objects using my youtube tutorial and off you go! :)




Both profile packages has been downloaded ~800 times (cumulative) :)

Edited by Bucic

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