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Keyboard/Input Device BACK-UP Help

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As I prepare to install the new Black Shark patch I'm a little hesitant to do so until I'm sure I've backed it up. The most critical file to me is the HOTAS/Keyboard command file. I have six separate USB devices and it's a big task to re-do it. Can someone point me in the right direction to what file/s contain the joystick/keyboard configuration?


Thanks for the help!

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Normally you'd have to save a LUA file for each device but I tried that and it didn't work. My keyboard file had mouse data in it and stuff like that. It was a mess.


Back up your entire \Ka-50\Config\Input\Aircrafts\ folder should do just fine.

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Copy the whole Input folder, once you've reinstalled normally all devices should keep same naming so you can just paste them back... if the naming does change (it will do so if you reinstall OS for example) you can still copy paste the saved file... then rename them to what ever ne name is in game, for example


You have in Input/Joystick folder:



After reinstall you find file



Copy paste the backed up... then copy only the name (bit before .ini), delete the new file, then paste the backed up file to new HOTAS_Cougar_07888888888.ini name


makes sense?

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