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LockOn ATC Screen Mod


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1. I get most Pilots exportet double in Network play, for example i see

Su-33(Me)(JaBoG32_Zillion) &


this happens a lot and is really confusing for my if statements in checkPilots();




in fact, i'm using the ID (var k in functio LoGetWorldObjects()) for each object and not the name. So no double :icon_wink


2. Because of Warping i cant properly calculate the groundspeed... It works perfectly for single player missions, but online, no chance... I tried a phytagoras between two positions 25 seconds seperated and still get a very bouncy reading, if I take the distance of 2 positions 5 seconds seperated its even worse....


Strange? In my ILS view i calcul distance between plane and the beginning of the runway (each 2 seconds) without pb.



I was always wondering if you are converting the lat, long to X and Z ? I am doing that and get a very good precision... If you have any problems doing that check this C++ and Flash example...

I'm using UTM zone for this. Just for fun, i will try yours to see difference. :p


I dont see any competition here, we're just doing 2 projects and we will have 2 different results....

Wish you all the best....


Same here. I take pleasure to develop lotatc. For me is like LockOn.. just a game. :icon_jook



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THANX. problem solved. My registry was incorrect, probably becos of 1.02 --> 1.1 upgrade. Bow all is fine, this tool is GREAT! :)


Hi, lotatc must find your lockon installation. If not then your installation is bad.


your installation folder is take here (in registry):


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\UbiSoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Path

met vriendelijke groet,



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Yes, I know, but pilot hsould be able to just stay on course and glideslope and be able to land even if he doesn't have the needles on the HuD, under the ATC's person's direction. I really do think it would be useful :)


ok you can do this, just config wind in LOTATC then the run ways in service change :D . ok, i will add the features.

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OK ,


New version on my site.....


Add borderline (thx to NGDC)

Add save contact position

New ILS view

Main windows can now be resized ( not tested in all configuration)

Remove some informations on ennemies targets

Button Information is now a push button

Add configuration on server

- Password

- Aeroport that player can control

- Enable or not Awacs view

Add SAM site on radar



i'm sure this version is plenty of bugs :D . So report it please.....


thx to all.

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Okay, here is my report + desired next steps :D


Currently I cannot run off ILS view.

There sems to be a text display bug in the teamspeak channels panel.

Infos is not a toggle, you have to hold it down to get infos.

Nothing shows up when I put mouse over a contact.

All ships show up as runways.


More requests (as usual)

A server configurable list of radars which contains:

Radar max range, radar update interval, radar accuracy.


So, the server could assign a 'radar type' to each airport's radar or a SAM, so for example one radar might do a sweep every 12 sec, another even 6 (so it takes that long for contacts to update)

ILS should alway shave its own, fixed update interval however, same as it is right now - might want to handle this client-side.


The 'accuracy' would be in say, meters, meaning radar resolution - when two planes would get so close that they are closer than radar accuracy, their contacts would merge. This may be too difficult, but give it a try. May want to handle this part on the client to relieve the server of computational problems.


The ability to have a configurable grid map on each side - this should be handles client-side. The paramters for the grid should be: Grid size (distance between grid lines) grid 'center' position, and grid labels.


The abilityto have a bullseye. The bullseye should be taken from an object of the appropriate side (Red or blue) which is placed on the map and named BULLSEYE.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Okay, here is my report + desired next steps :D


Currently I cannot run off ILS view.

???? can you explain. What's your screen resolution ?


There sems to be a text display bug in the teamspeak channels panel.

Screenshot ?


Infos is not a toggle, you have to hold it down to get infos.

Nothing shows up when I put mouse over a contact.


Yes and Yes :D new features. Your dont like ?


All ships show up as runways.


hopssss forgot to test ships :cool:



For new request, i'm add them to my todo list :cool:



thx for testing i really appreciate

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Thanks, I will get screenshots as soon as I get back from work :)


Could you also write more detailed communications, esp. on how server settings affect client?


Also a question: Does the server only send contact to the client that the client can 'see' or does it send all contacts, even if they are not in the client's 'view'? :) The latter would be desired behavior.


Also, if you want I can translate documentation :) I don't know french very well but I can read it, and if I have questions I'll ask.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Thanks, I will get screenshots as soon as I get back from work :)


Could you also write more detailed communications, esp. on how server settings affect client?


Also a question: Does the server only send contact to the client that the client can 'see' or does it send all contacts, even if they are not in the client's 'view'? :) The latter would be desired behavior.


Also, if you want I can translate documentation :) I don't know french very well but I can read it, and if I have questions I'll ask.

Client receive all data ;)

There is no documentation.. even in french . :( ( i must find time to do it)


Go to bed now byby...

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Sleep well ;D


Okay, if possible, client should only receive what it can see, on principle.


After playing a bit with it, here are some more comments:

By default, infos need to be off, but should display if you 'mouse over' a contact.


If you click 'infos' it should turn infos on for all aircraft and they should stay.


FONTS! They need to be bigger, it's REALLY hard to see!


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Some minor issues that I noticed:


When you enter the wrong password, the application does not give you an option to retry the password. You must restart the application.


When switching from ATC to AWACS, the positions of things on screen are not restored properly unless you click on one of the 'range' buttons.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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GGTharos said - The 'accuracy' would be in say, meters, meaning radar resolution - when two planes would get so close that they are closer than radar accuracy, their contacts would merge.


In real life it isn't quite that simple. Radars are great at measuring range (a simple timing related calculation) but are lousy (by comparison) at measuring azimuth (a.k.a. bearing). It is because of the width of the radar beam (eg. 3 degrees), and of course the beam is wider (measured in metres) as you increase the range. Ditto in height measurement if your radar is 3-D.

Thus resolving two small targets / one big target on the same azimuth but different ranges is a breeze compared to the other way round.


I guess for Lockon purposes it is too much hassle not to just ignore this and simply say the radar resolution is xxx metres.


Sorry Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum....

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Additional problem: When switching to ATC, the wearings are wrong witht he measuring tool - eg. try saki ... switch to atc, and measure SAKI's ILS - you will get a heading of 55, but SAKI's runways is 45. THis is because the image is distorted.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Hi Brothers31,


Thanks for your reply... I fixed the groundspeed by actually exporting and using the model time, instead of assuming the standart delay between updates...


Also im using the ID's instead of names now...

But I really wonder, how do you determine the total number of players(ID's) ? I assumed they would always come in the same order, so I fill an array with the ID's and when the first element[0] of the array matches the current ID, I stop filling. Like this in pseudo code:


TotalPlayerFull = false;



if(id != IDsTotal[0] && TotalPlayerFull == false){



elseif(id == IDsTotal[0]){

TotalPlayerFull = true;

playerCount= IDsTotal.length;

return playerCount



This works, but really unpredictable, sometimes if fails badly... I would love to know what your approach to this problem is.




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Hi Brothers31,


Thanks for your reply... I fixed the groundspeed by actually exporting and using the model time, instead of assuming the standart delay between updates...


Also im using the ID's instead of names now...

But I really wonder, how do you determine the total number of players(ID's) ? I assumed they would always come in the same order, so I fill an array with the ID's and when the first element[0] of the array matches the current ID, I stop filling. Like this in pseudo code:


TotalPlayerFull = false;



if(id != IDsTotal[0] && TotalPlayerFull == false){



elseif(id == IDsTotal[0]){

TotalPlayerFull = true;

playerCount= IDsTotal.length;

return playerCount



This works, but really unpredictable, sometimes if fails badly... I would love to know what your approach to this problem is.







i'm using a object chained list for my contact.


So when i'm receive information, i search in the list if i already have this contact. If yes i juste modify data, else i add this new contact to my list.


object Target



CString Name;





// and the most important...

int LastContactTime;



LastContactTime contain the last time i receive information for this target (time(null))


Then i've got a thread looking periodicaly the list and remove each contact that i dont receive information since X seconds.




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BTW, if you'd like some pseudocode (or real code, but I don't have MVC++ - well, I have the compiler and I can write some C code, heh ;) ) for some of the features that I am requesting I would not mind providing it. IMHO I think some of the features I request are very important from the point of view of security (cheat prevention) and making LOATC more interesting.


The major features I refer to:


1. A client should only receive data for hat it can 'see'

This means that client must notify the server about its position, and then the server must send ONLY relevant data to this client.

Eg. If you are placed at SAKI and your radar can get 150km range, then the server should only send you contacts that are within 150km of SAKI (150KM is the max possible range (radius) , so you don't need to tell the server which zoom level you are using - it is not necessary)


2. The server should do some computations to make contacts within radar range appear or dissapear, based on aspect, velocity and altitude. ED, if you could suggest a formula for this it would be of great help. Or SK, too.

Eg. A fighter coming directly towards radar at high speed and high altitude, should be detected at max range. A fighter flying away from the radar might be detected only up to say 1/3 or 1/2 the range. A fighter flying perpendicular to the radar would not be detected.

A fighter flying low towards the radar might again be detected at perhaps only 1/2 the range of the high-altitude, high speed fighter.

These are features worth researching and implementing IMHO.


The server would calculate wether contacts are displayed for 1 and 2, and send those contacts to the appropriate client for display. The alternative is to have the client do this work, but this is less secure and more prone to cheating.


3. LOATC should have the capability of being based on a RADAR object in the game. For example: if you put down a HAWK search radar, you should be able to get the object's coordinates and set up LOATC to display with that radar at its center. This object should be selectable in a list.

Perhaps this radar would need a special name (like, LOATC-whatever)

When this object is destroyed, LOATCserver stops sending information to the client, and displays a 'radar destroyed' message.


4. Strategic jamming could decrease detection ranges and cause false targets to appear on the radar. This feature may not be worth the hassle, though ... unless ED gives us some strategic jammers. :)


5. Low-rate random false positives. Every so often, a random contact should pop up on radar. This is realistic.


6. Chaff, if possible, should show up on radar.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Here is a formula for radar horizon based on radar antenna height and target aircraft height:






R is in nm, the H's are in feet. Please implement :D

This means each radar will require a 'height' variable as well (set by server) and then aircraft will be able to fly 'under the radar' for some distance :)


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Hi again,


Thats what i should do aswell, until now i dont have a thread monitoring dead or alive contacts. I also want to dynamically add all contacts that are not currently in my array... my two major next steps...


I also already have a variable for my last incoming message time...


I added a small arrow in the data label indicating if the contact is climbing or descending and a function to make it invisible if the speed is less than 10 Km/h




if you are intersted we found a way to make the export.lua only export targets of a specified type. For this we used the lua generic for loop inside the existing k,v in o for loop to check if "v.Name" string matches an airplane type specified in our "allowedTypes" array, if it does it exports, otherwise it doesn't...


Very handy for sparing you all the chaffs, flares, missiles and most annoying ground units for saving bandwith...


Try ur App in a ground unit loaded mission and u will see, it makes sense to actually filter them before they arrive in your app and slow down everything.


Tell me if u need it...






P.S. :) Right now, for 2 days I was actually to lazy and bored to work @ all... I will start again in a few days to give it some nice tidy efficient and good looking structure, before I finish and it will look similar to this or this

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He's already exporting only certain things - specifically, aircraft, SAMs, and ships, I think - nothing else.


Frankly, large missiles (eg cruise missiles) should still show up, as should chaff. The chaff clouds are a big part of the whole thing after all!


If you know which subtype of weapons chaff is, please tell! :)


And, a request for ED:

Obviously you have radar cross section values for each object.

Could you please release the list for aircraft and flying weapons, so that the LOATC program can use this to compute detection ranges etc? :)


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Very intersesting. Well in our export lua we can specifiy a string to search to export with if string.find() then export... So far we are exporting:



local allowed_types = {"A-50", "An-26B", "An-30", "IL-76", "IL-78", "MiG-23", "MiG-25", "MiG-27",

"MiG-29", "MiG-31", "Su-17", "Su-24", "Su-25", "Su-27", "Su-30", "Su-33", "Su-34", "Tu-142", "Tu-160",

"Tu-22", "Tu-95", "A-10", "B-1B", "B-52", "C-130", "C-17", "E-2C", "E-3A", "F-117", "F-14", "F-15", "F-16",

"F-5E", "F/A-18", "KC-10A", "S-3B", "Ka-27", "Ka-50", "Ka-52", "Mi-24W", "Mi-26", "Mi-8MT", "AH-1W", "AH-64",

"CH-47D", "CH-53E", "SH-3W", "SH-60B", "UH-60A", "AB-212ASW"}



You could easily add the "," for chaffs and flares but could you please explain me the thing with the v.Types ? It seems to work aswell...





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Well, he only exports an object of the type/subtype that he wishes :)


I forget which number is what, however if you look inthe LUA documentation you will see listed aircraft for example are say, type 1, with subtypes 1 and 2 (aircraft, helicopters) or something liek that.


So if type=1, subtype 1 then export.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Well, he only exports an object of the type/subtype that he wishes :)


I forget which number is what, however if you look inthe LUA documentation you will see listed aircraft for example are say, type 1, with subtypes 1 and 2 (aircraft, helicopters) or something liek that.


So if type=1, subtype 1 then export.


Yes, look in my export.lua.....



SO i'm decide to stop developing of LOTATC......... Non , it's not true :)


Current version news:


Add "radar only" options with range. You can select with airport player can control and with range as this radar.


Modify network protocol( less data transfert).


Add destroyable (?) Radar. This type of radar is a Lockon objet placed in the mission. When this object is destroy, player loses radar view.


Add Contact Speed


Add Font size selection


Correct some bugs



This version is currently in test. Available in a few days.... perhaps.

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Very good news :)


Thank you :)



BTW, yesterday this was tested during an online game with 44_Eagle running AWACS/ATC for BLUE and Shepski (ED Dev Team) running AWACS/ATC for RED. Everyone had good things to say about LOATC so keep up the good work!



Incidentally, the wind setting does not work currently it seems.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Very good news :)


Thank you :)



BTW, yesterday this was tested during an online game with 44_Eagle running AWACS/ATC for BLUE and Shepski (ED Dev Team) running AWACS/ATC for RED. Everyone had good things to say about LOATC so keep up the good work!


so.. thanks to everyone :D


Very good news :)Incidentally, the wind setting does not work currently it seems.


argggggggg don't say that or you kill me :rolleyes: what the pb with this f.... wind :) (i know there is strange things but don't know where. have you more infos )

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Well, on the client if I click 'conf' and adjust the wind, it doesn't do anything to the ILS display.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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