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HELP! New X52 Pro Throttle always spikes on one PC but not the other

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Hey Folks!


I hope this problem wasn't brought up by someone else before, but I couldn't find it. First of all, I know this is not the Saitek Support Forum (where I'd have loved to post my problem, but those F***ers closed their registration), but you seem like a bunch of competent and friendly people, and I'm desparate.


I'm currently running Windows 7 Ultimate 64, just if you're interested.


Now, I got a brand new Saitek X52 Pro for the upcoming A-10 game (my first HOTAS), so I downloaded the newest drivers (Version if I am not mistaken) and SST-Suite and proceeded with the installation. However, once the installation gets to the point where you can test all the inputs I found out that the Throttle Levere, i.e. the Z-Axis, was frozen at 100% and no moving of the lever could change that. The LEDs on the throttle indicator itself were also solid red, indicating 100% thrust, no matter where the lever was sitting.


So far so horrible. Before I went out whining to return it, I checked it on my old ass Windows XP Laptop (which probably couldn't even run the installer for A-10 -_-), using the XP Drivers provided on the disk that came with the X52 Pro, and there it worked.


Therefore, I uninstalled all the drivers through the device manager and tried using the XP Drivers (there was actually a 64 Bit version on the disk) on my new PC, however, the installation didn't work at all.


Saiteks Tech Support has yet to answer my e-mail and I am absolutely out of ideas on how to proceed.... Any help or suggestion on how to get this thing to work would be highly appreciated!

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Things to try with your Win 7 machine...


1. Disconnect your X-52 from the PC


2. Uninstall whatever Saitek driver and SST software you have now.


3. If you know how to *properly* use Regedit (Registry Editor *** DANGER, Will Robinson, DANGER!!! ***), remove the registry references to your X-52, drivers and SST software.


4. Decide whether to re-attempt installing the latest drivers and SST software for the X-52, or locate an earlier version for your Win 7 64 bit.

If you decide to re-install the latest, set your current install files aside, and download new ones. Make sure you do the install in the Saitek recommended order (ie. connect the controller when the instructions tell you to, etc.)


5. If you tried the latest again, and still got bad results, repeat steps 1 through 3, then do step 4 with an earlier version of the Saitek drivers and SST.


Good luck Mr. Phelps! Should you, or any of your IM team hopelessly screw up your Windows 7 machine, Saitek will undoubtedly disavow any knowledge of your actions.


This posting will self destruct in 5 seconds.




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Didn't the stick come with drivers, if so install them. Should be an older version.




I7 4790K running at 4390 with a gigabyte board with 16 gigs of ram with an Asus gtx 660-ti and 2 tb of hard drive space on 2 wd hard drives. A X-65F Hotas with trackir4 and pro combat peddles. A kick butt home built machine unfortunately running a windows 7 OS.

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Didn't the stick come with drivers, if so install them. Should be an older version.





they are not win 7 drivers, saitek just supply xp drivers on the cd, from memory. you have to get them from the saitek site. tried a different usb port? powered hub?

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HandoKardaan, when you reinstalled the same version drivers, did you do it from the same files that you already had, or did you download fresh copies? You don't want to re-use the files tthat you originally installed from, in case there was some sort of file corruption.


The USB port / powered hub issues that ilikepie raised are definitely worth checking out, as well.


Another possible approach on the driver issue... check to see what Microsoft has for drivers for the X-52 Pro. If they have drivers for it, theirs might work better for you.


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Guys, thanks for all the ideas and suggestions, but bad news:


@ilikepie: I tried powered and unpowered hubs as well as all kinds of ports on my PC when re-installing the drivers, unfortunately to no avail.


@Cyberkut: Following your suggestion, I also tried and re-installed the drivers from a fresh copy, also considering the usb port issue, unfortunately this did not work either


I tried to locate Microsoft Drivers for the X52 pro as advised, but couldn't find any.I even tried the registry editing solution from http://www.saitek.com/uk/supp/x52fsx3.html#b but that also did not help


Still no response from Saitek's Tech Support btw...

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IIRC they took a week or maybe two ( I really can't remember) to get back to me when I had problems with my first X52. Turned out it was DOA (like my second one), which I'd figured out before they replied anyway. Hope you're having better luck.

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Ok, I am officially insane now... and yet still happy... :doh:


So, Saitek tech support turned out to be rubbish, since they just wrote about the calibration fix which I had already tried (and I told them about that) so they simply suggested to return it. I somehow still had hope that the issue would be fixed though, so I kept it around a little longer.


Now, I preordered A10-C from DCS last night, installed the beta 4 and messed around with it a little :joystick: (problem with my throttle notwithstanding) and in the middle of a mission the game crashed inexplicably. Once I was thrown back to the desktop I took a look a the joystick and I couldn't believe my eyes: Suddenly the lights on the throttle base were green. So I checked the device manager and sure enough, no more spiking.:huh:


I unplugged the joystick, restarted the PC and after the reboot it still worked. I have NO explanation for this, but somehow the Beta 4 had the magic power to repair my joystick. So my problem got solved, somehow.


Just let me stress one point real quick: I have no idea how this worked, so if anybody experiences a similar problem and tries to fix it by buying a A10-C, there is an astronomical chance that it will NOT work. So save your money. If, however, you are looking for a great detailed sim, drop your cash, I can tell after only a few hours that this game is worth it.


Ok, enough rambling, thanks for everybody who tried to help me (especially CyBerkut) and sorry your expertise went to waste on a total freak occurence.

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