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Question about avionics detail level


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I was curious about the implementation details of the avionics model of the A10C and KA-50.

In the real avionics, to track the objects, the images taken from TGP or SKVAL are processed.

In the simulation is it modeled similarly (with image processing)? Or, since the actual objects are known only the success ratio of the algorithm is modeled?

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I was curious about the implementation details of the avionics model of the A10C and KA-50.

In the real avionics, to track the objects, the images taken from TGP or SKVAL are processed.

In the simulation is it modeled similarly (with image processing)? Or, since the actual objects are known only the success ratio of the algorithm is modeled?


The model is quite abstract. I can't say how it works exactly, but there is certainly no image processing going on, as this would be pretty wasteful concerning ressources. Also, as far as i can tell, there is no statistics involved. As long as you are in range and have LOS, you will be able to lock. Lighting conditions play a role too, IIRC (where DTV sensors are involved).

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I was curious about the implementation details of the avionics model of the A10C and KA-50.

In the real avionics, to track the objects, the images taken from TGP or SKVAL are processed.

In the simulation is it modeled similarly (with image processing)? Or, since the actual objects are known only the success ratio of the algorithm is modeled?



As the goal of a simulation is to get the same results with a simplified model, I guess that it is not like in reallife.

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I was curious about the implementation details of the avionics model of the A10C and KA-50.

In the real avionics, to track the objects, the images taken from TGP or SKVAL are processed.

In the simulation is it modeled similarly (with image processing)? Or, since the actual objects are known only the success ratio of the algorithm is modeled?


Right now only the success ratio of the algorithm is modeled. We would like to make an image processing algorithm in future, but some research and of course time is needed for that.



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