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[1.2.3] Landing Light Bug


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This is a well-known item that has been discussed before. I believe the operation of the landing light is incorrect. I refer to the "Landing Light On/Off " switch. In the up position it turns on the main landing light and that is correct. In the middle position it turns off the main landing light and that is correct. In the down position it retracts the main landing light, but the light should be turned on and be illuminating directly under the helo as seen in many real Ka-50 videos.


If the BS2 Manual says otherwise, I feel it is incorrect also.


I bring this back up for discussion because, to me, this is a simple bug to fix that would pay off big in overall enjoyment of BS2W. (forgive if I over-simplify)


Easily reproduced in the latest version of 1.2.3 BS2W.


Thanks for consideration.

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I suppose you want to use the Lnd Lgt as for signal your position to the friendly plane over your head, by illuminating just the terrain portion below, Right??


The problem is, the Lnd Lgt position is not send to the other client so, for them, your light is not movable and directed to the front, in Standard position.

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