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you have committed fratricide? refueling woes


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i dont understand how you can have such precise control.......i definitely need to add more curvature to my stick. how are you keeping the throttle under control?


you guys use rudder at all to do this?


and are you saying you're eating a cheeseburger while you do this?

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I don't use any curves on the warthog Y=X, linear in nature.


I don't use rudder in AAR.


My daughter was piecemeal feeding me a cheeseburger - one bite at a time :)


Remember when AAR, that you are receiving several TONNES of fuel in two or three minutes and there will be NO perfect thrust setting that will hold the receiver aircraft tracking perfectly steady with the KC-135. The receiver aircraft's weight (you), will be dynamically changing every second so will the CoG, the aircraft's pitch, roll and thrust will need to be micro managed every second. The key for me is use throttle control and the flight stick - no rudder. Power management :


Power off and use inertia of aircraft to slow down due to drag, when I am moving forward too much towards the tanker boom.


Power on when I am moving backwards and drag forces are too strong.


The key is juggling the throttle to a power setting to make the thrust equal drag (see first line regarding TONNES of fuel).


I would practice formation flying with the KC-135, without actually tanking. I practiced in different weather conditions, different lighting conditions, at night, in storms ... you get the picture. Do that for a few days. Get use to the tanker at extremely close distances. Do formation flying with other AI aircraft as well. Make a few practice missions in the ME with other slow moving formation aircraft. Follow them around the map for a few hours at close ranges.


With the A-10C engines, there is a noticeable lag time when shifting between power settings - ie between full throttle and half throttle. This lag time is what I found difficult training muscle memory to anticipate the engine lag time and trying to keep the tanker boom and receiver aircraft from colliding with each other.


It's been said before by some of the other respondents earlier in the thread that successful AAR, is just practice (that word again!!!!), practice, practice and like any skill, that it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.




AEF 161 Squadron CO ~~~ My YouTube Channel ~~~ "We struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering." The Shoveller ... Mystery Men

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It seems that the main problem is that the elevator doesnt center itself after pressing up or down. The aileron does that.


You came up with that keyboard air refueling thing... (...and thus admittedly poured fuel on the fire. :angel: :music_whistling:)

So it's up to you how to handle that :D

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you guys use rudder at all to do this?


Redfish is right.

It's best to forget for refueling that the A-10 even has a rudder.

A good idea is to take your feet off the rudder pedals.

No rudder input during refueling.


Also important:

Adjust only one axis!

Pitch or roll.

Not both.


Before you get in pre-contact position:

you may want to reset trim by pressing the t/o trim button on the sas panel (next to the flaps switch).

Edited by Konrad Friedrich
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i have an x-52. its not nearly as solid as the TM warthog. everything i have read about the x-52 and refueling is lots of curvature. i dont think my throttle is as precise as a TM warthog either.


thats pretty awesome of your daughter. mine would want to sit in my lap and take the joystick from me and eat my cheeseburger

Edited by Maachine
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just to update, i didnt get to fly much over the last few days. busy. did some refueling tonight and did really well actually. i'm getting it. i think the biggest issue i was having with that one mission is the wind and turbulence that is in that mission. getting better though. and thanks for all the input.

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