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How to edit the controls indicator window? Ctrl+return

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Thanks to davedontmind for his quick and fashionable mod.







Hi, I want to edit the controls indicator window to be entirely green instead of red, and put 1/8 scale or graduation marks on the different axes. Is there a psd for that window floating around somewhere?

Edited by WildBillKelsoe



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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PeterP, your presence is requested at this thread




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Wait!!!! There are signs of life on this forum. YAAAY!!!

Edited by SkateZilla



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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Funny, I was just looking at this yesterday, while I was trying to re-position the controls indicator for my 3-screen setup, so I can give you some pointers for at least changing the colours. It's not trivial, but if you have no problem editing lua files, then read on.


The file you want to look at is "DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\<X>\Cockpit\Scripts\ControlsIndicator\ControlsIndicator_page.lua" where <X> is one of the aircraft you have installed (look in the Mods\aircrafts folder to see what's there)


I suggest that, rather than editing the file directly, you set up JSGME (see http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98607), then make a copy of the ControlsIndicator_page.lua into your own mod folder, and edit that version so you have your own mod, but if you feel reckless go ahead and edit the default .lua file (just don't blame me if you break it! - make back-up copies before editing, just to be on the safe side).


If you look at that ControlsIndicator_page.lua (the versions for the different aircraft are all very similar), somewhere around line 33 is this:

local orange_mat = MakeMaterial("",{0,200,0,50})

This is the red (orange) material used for the background of the controls indicator. Rather than changing that line to be green (I hate it when variable names don't describe the contents accurately), what you want to do is add these lines just after it:


local background_mat = MakeMaterial("",{0,200,0,50}) -- colour for the background

local line_mat = MakeMaterial("arcade.tga",{0,255,0,200}) -- colour for the lines

local controls_font = "font_ARCADE_GREEN" -- colour for any text


These lines define the new colours we're going to use to display the controls panel. The numbers in each line are values for the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values of the colour. The values should be in the range 0-255. Alpha represents the transparency (255 is opaque, 0 is transparent). So what I have defined above is a green colour to use for the background, mostly transparent, and a brighter green (fully opaque) to use for the lines, and a green font for any text.


That just defines some colours. Next you need to use the colours.


First look for this line (around line 38-ish):


base.material = orange_mat -- "GREEN_TRANSPARENT"


and change it to:


base.material = background_mat


Then look for all occurrences of


XXXX.material = "ARCADE_3_RED"


XXXX.material = ... something with red in it ...


(where XXXX represents anything, it's not literally XXXX).

and change them to


XXXX.material = line_mat


Also look for anything like:


XXXX.material = "font_ARCADE_RED"


and change to


XXXX.material = controls_font


ARCADE_3_RED and font_ARCADE_RED, font_ARCADE_GREEN etc are defined elsewhere, in Mods\aircrafts\<X>\Cockpit\Scripts\materials.lua - you can look in that file to see predefined alternatives you can use, or you can create your own using MakeMaterial as I did above.


Changing the way the lines are drawn, to add graduation marks is trickier, and it look to me like it requires some lua programming. Perhap I'll look into it later if I have some time.


If this is way beyond you and looks like gibberish, let me know which aircraft you want this for and I'll see if I can whip up a mod for the colour change (no promises or guarantees, caveat emptor, batteries not included, etc).

Edited by davedontmind
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Hey dave,

It does look difficult for a guy like me. Would you be kind to form one for UH-1H? I'm looking for green background and blue axis indicators in the least, but I'll be happy with anything you give me.


Thanks in advance.




My resolution is 1366X768.


Funny, I was just looking at this yesterday, while I was trying to re-position the controls indicator for my 3-screen setup, so I can give you some pointers for at least changing the colours. It's not trivial, but if you have no problem editing lua files, then read on.


The file you want to look at is "DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\<X>\Cockpit\Scripts\ControlsIndicator\ControlsIndicator_page.lua" where <X> is one of the aircraft you have installed (look in the Mods\aircrafts folder to see what's there)


I suggest that, rather than editing the file directly, you set up JSGME (see http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98607), then make a copy of the ControlsIndicator_page.lua into your own mod folder, and edit that version so you have your own mod, but if you feel reckless go ahead and edit the default .lua file (just don't blame me if you break it! - make back-up copies before editing, just to be on the safe side).


If you look at that ControlsIndicator_page.lua (the versions for the different aircraft are all very similar), somewhere around line 33 is this:

local orange_mat = MakeMaterial("",{0,200,0,50})

This is the red (orange) material used for the background of the controls indicator. Rather than changing that line to be green (I hate it when variable names don't describe the contents accurately), what you want to do is add these lines just after it:


local background_mat = MakeMaterial("",{0,200,0,50}) -- colour for the background

local line_mat = MakeMaterial("arcade.tga",{0,255,0,200}) -- colour for the lines

local controls_font = "font_ARCADE_GREEN" -- colour for any text


These lines define the new colours we're going to use to display the controls panel. The numbers in each line are values for the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values of the colour. The values should be in the range 0-255. Alpha represents the transparency (255 is opaque, 0 is transparent). So what I have defined above is a green colour to use for the background, mostly transparent, and a brighter green (fully opaque) to use for the lines, and a green font for any text.


That just defines some colours. Next you need to use the colours.


First look for this line (around line 38-ish):


base.material = orange_mat -- "GREEN_TRANSPARENT"


and change it to:


base.material = background_mat


Then look for all occurrences of


XXXX.material = "ARCADE_3_RED"


XXXX.material = ... something with red in it ...


(where XXXX represents anything, it's not literally XXXX).

and change them to


XXXX.material = line_mat


Also look for anything like:


XXXX.material = "font_ARCADE_RED"


and change to


XXXX.material = controls_font


ARCADE_3_RED and font_ARCADE_RED, font_ARCADE_GREEN etc are defined elsewhere, in Mods\aircrafts\<X>\Cockpit\Scripts\materials.lua - you can look in that file to see predefined alternatives you can use, or you can create your own using MakeMaterial as I did above.


Changing the way the lines are drawn, to add graduation marks is trickier, and it look to me like it requires some lua programming. Perhap I'll look into it later if I have some time.


If this is way beyond you and looks like gibberish, let me know which aircraft you want this for and I'll see if I can whip up a mod for the colour change (no promises or guarantees, caveat emptor, batteries not included, etc).



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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Well I had a play with it and managed to figure out the graduations for the pitch/roll axes, so added them, and changed the colours to roughly what I thought you wanted:




Blue lines on green - I made the current control positions white, to stand out a bit more.


If you want to tweak the colours, just look at the first few lines of the lua file in the zip - I put all the colours in one place so you can easily adjust the red/green/blue/alpha values of the background/lines/ticks/indicators.


Here's the mod file.

See the README.txt in the .zip file for instructions.


NB: this is for DCS UH-1H Huey only. I could do other aircraft if there's a requirement, I believe - they're all very similar.

Edited by davedontmind
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Hey dave,


Thank you for this great mod, but my eyes!!!! :helpsmilie:

Can you put graduations on the throttle, rudder axes as well, and would you be kind to change the axes color to red while keeping the background color green as it is?


You did it buddy and I'm very happy you nailed it!

Well I had a play with it and managed to figure out the graduations for the pitch/roll axes, so added them, and changed the colours to roughly what I thought you wanted:




Blue lines on green - I made the current control positions white, to stand out a bit more.


If you want to tweak the colours, just look at the first few lines of the lua file in the zip - I put all the colours in one place so you can easily adjust the red/green/blue/alpha values of the background/lines/ticks/indicators.


Here's the mod file.

See the README.txt in the .zip file for instructions.


NB: this is for DCS UH-1H Huey only. I could do other aircraft if there's a requirement, I believe - they're all very similar.



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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I agree with your assessment of the colours (but you did say blue on green...). I can easily change those. But bear in mind that visual design's not my strong point, as I think I've already proved. :-)


As for graduations on the other axes, the rudder is probably reasonably simple. Not so sure about the throttle & collective (and what's the bit below the throttle indicator? Never did figure out what it's supposed to represent, and the lua didn't help...)


I'm busy today, but I'll have a go at tweaking it over the weekend if I get time.

Edited by davedontmind
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the bit under the throttle is the collective throttle (twist grip) thingy (PgUp/Dn). It's OK buddy, there is no rush. Take your time, and thanks again for doing this.



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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Of the 144 souls onboard this thread, none survived a simple attempt to reply...


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the bit under the throttle is the collective throttle (twist grip) thingy (PgUp/Dn).


I meant the bit below that - the top half of the vertical axis on the left is the collective position, the top half of the bottom half is the throttle, but there's an empty bit below that, which doesn't seem to indicate anything, as far as I can see.


Anyway, this is what I have now, taking your previous comments into account:




I figured out how to add graduations to the rudder, collective and throttle areas, and changed to the suggested red colouring.


Get the mod here


Caveat emptor. Use at your own risk. Batteries not included. May contain nuts.

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Dave!!! You rock, man!!! Thank you SOOOO much for this mod. Really happy with it. I've created a video using it. Check it out, and once again, thanks for your help!:thumbup:




Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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Bill; Which version of DCS are you flying with?


Dave; Thanks for this.

Intel i7-14700@5.6GHz | MSI RTX4080 Super SuprimX | Corsair V. 32GB@6400MHz. | Samsung 1TB 990 PRO SSD (Win10Homex64)
Samsung G5 32" + Samsung 18" + 2x8"TFT Displays | Saitek X-55 Rhino & Rudder | TM MFD Cougars | Logitech G13, G230, G510, PZ55 & Farming Sim Panel | TIR5 & M.Quest3 VR
>>MY MODS<< | Discord: Devrim#1068

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Bill; Which version of DCS are you flying with?


Dave; Thanks for this.


Devrim, 1.2.5



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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  • 3 months later...
Can anybody re-post these mod downloads?:


Here's a new link to the recoloured UH-1H controls thingy that I did for WildBill.


I lost the original zip with the readme - this is just a zip of the mod from my JSGME _MODS folder. Unzip into your mods folder, run JSGME, and you should see "Uh-1H Recoloured Controls Indicator" as a mod.

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Also, I am lazy and don't want to edit the code every time that I change resolution. I have a triple monitor setup with a touchscreen below, like in a T shape. So, my height can go from 1080 to 2160. I edited the script to use different start positions based on which resolution I am using. Like this:




-- *******************************************************************************


-- *******************************************************************************

if LockOn_Options.screen.height == 2160 then


size = 0.075

tex_scale = 0.27/size






if LockOn_Options.screen.height == 1080 then

base.init_pos = {3.5, -0.825}


base.init_pos = {1.751, 0.085}


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