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About tomeye

  • Birthday 03/03/1982

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  1. Sharing a thought, the script creates a temp folder in the location you execute. It unzips and processes the files there. It might be on a different drive from where you have DCS installed. Also when you receive the out of memory error, did you check the free space on your drives?
  2. Thanks! I am also using nirsoft tools like soundvolumeview.exe to set volume for bass shakers.
  3. @speed-of-heat do you mind sharing the complete script? I have a similar solution where I start DCS updater, Voice attack when I power my g2 through event log monitoring. But I am keen into starting VA only with DCS launch and kill afterwards.
  4. On a similar thread
  5. You should only use the mod folder and install in DCS folder (not saved games). Using a mod manager you will backup and overwrite files to make it easy to reinstall after updating.
  6. Both mods offer the same result, reduced texture size which affects the VRAM usage. The PowerShell script is a manual/adhoc method that anybody can apply without waiting for others to reduce textures and upload.
  7. yes it's get cleared at the end of the conversion Remove-Item (Join-Path $tempPath -ChildPath "*") -Recurse Remove-Item (Join-Path $tempPath -ChildPath "*") -Recurse
  8. Default policy is RemoteSigned which could explain your error
  9. do you mind sharing the customization?
  10. Comparing size of textures zip indicates the problem. After running the script we have: Mods\aircraft\AH-64D\Cockpit\Textures\AH-64D-CPT-TEXTURES.zip 490Mbytes Mods\aircraft\CH-47F\Cockpit\Textures\Cockpit_CH-47F_Textures.zip 1.6Gbytes Chinook is 3x times larger!
  11. I am using 3080ti (12GB VRAM) and I have similar experience with Chinook textures even using this script. Changed configuration to medium textures and Chinook is playable but Huey looks blurry.
  12. The powershell script reduces textures size for those already provided by Taz and includes other modules too. I think you only need the Powershell script.
  13. VR user (g2) and I can see no NVRAM benefit too, with 3080Ti I still have to use medium textures for heavy/new modules (ch47, ah64, etc.). OpenXR toolkit provides very useful statistics in CPU/GPU/NVRAM usage and you can see NVRAM 100%+ causes shuttering. The F10 issue seemingly is affecting more people now.
  14. ED in the next update said they will bring enhancements related to VRAM usage which in most cases it's responsible for shuttering. Let's see how much it will help.
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