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About JohnW71

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    Czech Republic

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  1. AFAIK the view is centred, its the TADS that is slightly offset. If you look down at your seat you should see your view is lined up on the centre (unless your camera has been moved of course). Basically, it's normal, though does look a bit weird. You can move the camera left if you prefer, there are shortcuts to move it around however you like.
  2. Yesterday I tested both my own training missions, Syria & Caucasus, on both of them George could see nothing. I turned fog off, resaved, reopened, flew it and still not working. Repeated this a few times to be sure. Today they are working fine (fog still off), so either the Christmas fairies have done something or DCS needed a reboot? Who knows now. Anyway, great news a fix is coming and really nice to see the recent patch and so many improvements
  3. Mission 5 part 1 seems to have broken as well, this message was the last I got, flew back to start FARP, nothing more happened. null
  4. Weird, I just tested this in my training mission, George can't see anything and disabling fog did not fix it.
  5. I don't know why this was moved to Wish List; I'm mentioning it as a bug, not a request
  6. Using Chinook, two of the Instant Action missions fail to load due to missing module "WWII Armour and Technics". I don't own it, this much is true So far I've had this in "Cold Start" & "VFR Landing". Will update if any more appear like this.
  7. I did see this in today's patch: DCS: UH-1H The Huey Last Show Campaign by SorelRo Subtitles added to all radio communications and crew chat Thanks a lot for adding this; I'll be restarting this to make the most of it
  8. I'd like this too, for my unsprung pedals. Each time I trim it increases pedal trim until I am forced to reset which can be messy. Hopefully this option is coming soon...
  9. You are holding the fire button long enough? It takes a second or so to fire.
  10. Other people (including me) had same issue with this mission not completing, some discussion here... Whether a core or mission issue I can't be sure. But once I'd done the mission I then skipped it and fixed it in the logbook. As far as I remember the rest of the campaign had no real issues, and is well worth playing.
  11. Also worked for me, and also looking forward to your future work, this has been great so far o7
  12. can confirm, the years are not kind
  13. I have to agree with this, not having subtitles is a terrible choice I've finished second mission just now, have not understood 80% of what has been said in both missions, have no idea what's going on, don't know who is talking, and if there is some story telling going on its lost on me. I'm probably not going to carry on with this one, which is a shame.
  14. On mine the bound axis is Joy-X but when going into the Tune panel it shows Joy-Z, have to change to Joy-X in dropdown at top of panel
  15. No, its part of this Bellerophon campaign IIRC
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