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  1. I finish the mission (using the option to jump to the RTB portion of the mission.) Tank and fly back seems to work fine. Call carrier and land per normal, but I never get the MISSION COMPLETE message/graphic. After taxing around the deck for a few minutes just to see if it was delayed, I quit the mission. Score is only 50, so a DRAW.
  2. Having the same issue. Started from beginning, skipping "first part" and "RTB"; everything seems to work EXCEPT the ending. I land on the carrier and all, but never get the mission complete and only get 50 points so its a draw.
  3. Still getting the issue when I use opt for the "RTB" option at the beginning of the mission.
  4. The updates says that the player is now invulnerable during the IGLA attack. I just flew the mission, and sad to say I was NOT invulnerable! Took a heater to the Hornet and knocked out all of my electronics.
  5. Just ran across this as well.
  6. This worked. Thanks. Was able to make the edits this time successfully; and the missions worked as intended! On to mission 3!
  7. Anyway to redownload the Reforger II campaign? I was trying to edit Mission 2 as suggested, and must have messed something up. When I continue the campaign (on mission 2), I enter the mission in free camera mode, and NO units are present. Thanks!
  8. Any word/plans to fix the Reforger II campaign? (Specifically, mission 2!)
  9. Getting the same issues on mission 2 (playing MT.) Arrive on CAP station. Fulcrum V/O triggers, turn to directed heading, never see them. Return to CAP station. MiG21's show, Jester doesn't engage. Can't control radar to self-engage (Jester slews it all the way to the left and leaves it there.) Eventually fly southern CAP legs about a dozen times. Directed to hit tanker, but tanker TACAN disappears (reading through this, I'm guessing he landed.) Run out of gas about 30 miles from Base.
  10. Trying to play this, and I splash the first Flankers. Get a call to go after a MiG, but another flight gets there and destroys them first. Then…nothing. Flew between WP 2 and 3 until I hit bingo fuel. Landed. No Mission Complete and only a score of 50. Reading about the issues from a few years ago, it looks like this missionp may just be borked (to be honest, this whole campaign has sort of had issues for me.)
  11. @NineLine I think the non-functioning FLIR is pretty self evident at this point. Is DCS honestly trying to tell me a METAL vehicle sitting in an open field in the summer is not hotter than the surrounding grass!?!? I love DCS, and want it to be the best it can, it’s just the A/G role in so many airframes is just borked right now due to thermally camouflaged targets!
  12. Flying this mission last night, and Blade would not engage bandits. He flew a route over the peninsula headed back to the carrier.
  13. Was able to complete the mission, albeit with some slight work arounds (and knowing how the mission is supposed to act.). Steps I took to complete below <SPOILERS> Meet up with flights at WP1. After all 4 Ravens were up, lead called push. Flew formation with lead until call regarding bogies to intercept. This too awhile. I flew with lead to his target, and then returning to the boat. Intercepted and splashed bogies (be careful here, as it’s easy to stray into SAM coverage). Received call regarding radar targets from Harriers. Entered target coordinates as WP 8 in HSI. Designated WP 8 as target - its was NOT on a radar site, but I could see SAMS in the ATFLAIR pod just off of it. Used F10 comms menu to notify wingman I would attack target. JSOWS to TOO mode, designated what I thought was a radar, turned out to be a launcher, and pickled weapon. Shack. Radio call of missed target, and new coordinates. Entered these as WP9 and designated as target. Same as before, coordinates were not in a target, but close to one. I could easily make out a radar rotating this time. Designated and dropped JSOWS in TOO mode as before. Received radio message of good hit on target and new coordinates. Received and entered these as WP10. As I was out of JSOWS, I used F10 to have my wingman attack. He DID NOT and would not ever attack, and stayed in formation with me. Low on gas, so I returned to the boat using normal radio procedures. Case III landing with 1000 lbs fuel left. Received MISSION COMPLETE message and a score of 70. Enough to advance to the next mission. <END SPOILERS> not pretty, and certainly not as BD intended, but enough to get me to progress (looking forward to playing this one again once ED fixes the bug issues.).
  14. Just updated and tried it out, same result. First flight stays orbiting WP1. <spoilers> If I push to WP2, 3 and so on; eventually the other flights catch up. I get the message that 3-1 drops thier PIGS, so I proceed to drop mine. On the way back to the carrier I get the message about the contact.
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