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    O-2A Pilot

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  1. Same here, Tried multiple liveries for the Super Carrier and the new ships RAZBAM added, can see it in Single Player and not in Multiplayer.
  2. Hi @SUNTSAG The download link appears to be down for the Chain Home mod
  3. I think it can work. Realistically you have have the AI Gunners function like in the Huey and the Bombardier and Radio Operator like the Jester AI. Im in the firm belief that it can work for any of the WW2 tactical bombers such as the B-26 and any other bombers of relative size.
  4. With DCS getting better AI crew, I can see a tactical bomber, such as the B-25 or B-26 being able to be operated by a single pilot. I also believe a WW2 multicrew experience can bring a lot of people into the WW2 scene. But of course as we all pointed out there really needs to be a expansion of the WW2 AI Assets, and furthermore I think they should be a little bit more assessable to the rest of the DCS Player base... Honestly if they would make WW2 Assets free, I could care less, it would bring more people into WW2.
  5. With the maps getting bigger, why hasn't there been a realistic discussion on bringing on tactical bombers such as the B-26? This would be a dream for me in DCS! We have all these fighters in the game right now, but not a single player controlled tactical bomber. The B-26 saw extensive combat in Normandy. I feel like its a very realistic module to add considering the theatre we have...
  6. 100+ Why isn't this brought up more with the P-51? Its in a horrible state in terms of 3D Modeling.... Would be nice if we can get a update!
  7. Then why did you guys have to mention Late? in F-14A-GR-135 "Late"? Like any human being I'd imagine late being the later F-14As from the late 90s. Which basically all did get PTID.
  8. Well why wouldn't you guys just make it a purchasable upgrade for us that want the screen? If its regarding information about PTID on the F-14A, I could get in contact with Virus (the RIO from the Youtube channel Tomcat POV) and get him in touch with you guys. Also regarding to Information in particular to the PTID of the F-14A, there is a handful of documents out there that outlies everything the PTID did with the F-14A. I dont think thats unreasonable as a consumer to be asking for. I understand you guys have a business model but I kind of feel bamboozled when you guys say F-14A-GR-135 Late. Late implying Late 1990s.
  9. If Heatblur NEEDs a SME for PTID on the F-14A I can reach out to Virus from Tomcat POV. He's told me he was interested in DCS and wanting Heatblur to add the PTID screens onto the F-14As.
  10. That is in refence of the F-14BUs. I am talking about PTID here sir. I think you need to read what I've been telling you. Let me be clear here folks. This is a discussion about a adding the Programable Tactical Information Display onto the existing F-14A and F-14B. I am not here to discuss about adding the BU or F-14D. Lets please keep this thread solely on PTID onto the existing F-14A and Bs. Thank you.
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