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About Stig

  • Birthday 09/03/1970

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    DCS, star wars squadrons
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    United Kingdom
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  1. Your initial response to my post was If it's taking you 20 minutes to do 5 seconds of slewing, hitting TMS up and then hitting BGST you're doing something very wrong. It barely takes me 20 seconds per maverick - if that. And you're supposed to do it from the air - on as far away a target as possible - to minimise parallax errors. Now read your post above about offering help to those who are struggling with whatever process and not having a snobby elitist attitude. That's not an offer of help that you now claim is what you're all about.? So many assumptions made when reading posts by people just like me, but me in this instance, who are trying, watching all the videos, reading the manuals and still not getting the results. Only to have someone say it takes me 5 seconds, well great, thanks for that, really doesn't help though mate does it! Im no shy retiring wall flower with a constitution made of tissue paper but FFS, its not acceptable to be so carefree about put downs. I've been on threads asking for help and received some tips directly and where else to look, I've tried the processes but they don't work for me. maybe I'm missing one tiny aspect but its ok to comment this from your first response..... If it's taking you 20 minutes to do 5 seconds of slewing, hitting TMS up and then hitting BGST you're doing something very wrong. It barely takes me 20 seconds per maverick - if that. And you're supposed to do it from the air - on as far away a target as possible - to minimise parallax errors. When I try and use the TGP to help boresight, regardless of choosing a steerpoint for the TGP to use as its point of interest to track, its miles away instead and cycling through waypoints to try and get the TGP looking at the steerpoint I'm flying towards to start the process is what's taking ages. When I manage to slew the TGP to a base etc with targets to use to align, slewing the mav manually as you caringly suggested is all that is necessary, works fine but commanding the boresight on the mav page results in no lock, open tracking gates. frustrating eh. Again. maybe I am asking silly questions as desertfox suggested but really his and your attitudes make it increasingly difficult to ask questions when short tempered answers like this are what result. So instead I ask if a workaround is reasonable, oh no, that's for gamers and clearly I'm one of them and should go play MAC or ace combat 7 or something. What you don't seem to realise is that sometimes without thinking, you are being snobby and elitist and the time for people who are struggling leads to a "you're doing something very wrong" hardly a comment likely to promote further questions from the poster...... I appreciate you saying you wish to help, ok, now you've made the offer rather than be condescending, what could I be doing wrong that means I fire up my TGP to start locking a target on point track only to find my TGP is pointing anywhere but the steerpoint I've selected and am flying towards, and why when try and TMS forward to get the Nav to lock to the TGP target, does it fail to lock? I'm within max range, seeker pointing at target tgp locked to in point track..... I've been trying for well over a week and haven't been able to successfully get what I've been told repeatedly should work, so yeah 20 minutes is along time and asking for a workaround to allow me to actually use IR mavs is what I came up with to help as i would like to enjoy this sim at some point and didn't need you and desert fox judging.........
  2. So you're rough but mean no offence? right! Lets get one thing straight here, it's not up to you to decide if you like people struggling and therefore moaning, requesting, this isn't your sim and neither is it your forum to determine what you think others should feel/moan about when something is frustratingly complex and/or isn't working how it should. Where exactly do you get off suggesting how I learn, in which order I learn huh. I'm pretty familiar with the F 16 and the F18 thanks very condescendingly much, but the process of point track, handover etc for mavs on the F 16 AND remembering every which way for the TMS and SMS to go IS complicated, its unlike the F 18 i started on in that respect and takes a lot of practise. I've tried many other weapon systems on the viper and am now trying the mavs and am not at the point you so arrogantly try and suggest. These functions requires massive muscle memory that not all have the luxury of obtaining, especially when the videos put out suggest aligning isn't necessary unless cold starting, not true, as I've discovered to my annoyance. yes if find aligning in air difficult, trying to get the TGP to point at the specified waypoint to allow for easy target lock to begin the process doesn't work for me, hence I come on here and watch how to videos. Sometimes following those still doesn't work though, that snot a case of not learning the jet TVM, its a case of trying a process that you haven't used before and following a guide that still will not produce the results. for whatever reason. The last thing any new starter, (or new module user) needs is high and mighty experts lording it up about how proficient they are and how much more simmy they would prefer things and anyone else should shut up and not moan as all you experts don't like it, so you're rough on them, that isn't right , what determines you have the right to decide what is deemed as annoying or simple and therefore ok to tolerate. its called a forum for a reason, not experts only, or this opinion only. Forums of every denomination always have and forever will have people who belittle others who don't know as much, don't have the experience, the knowledge, the hours in, and therefore that gives them a right to say what others can say in forums and leaves others just as righteously asking (dumb) questions in fear of being publicly mocked for asking. I watch the how to videos and read the forums and go try it out, sometimes frustratingly it doesn't work and am allowed and will continue to voice that opinion. If auto start is a thing and came to exist for whatever necessity then auto align could also be, so you don't like that, ok, fine bit don't go around mocking those who think it is a good idea, at least for those wishing to learn some other functions that give a little bang for buck before the really irritatingly small study level sim detail. This sim is supposed to be FUN ASWELL YOU KNOW, not just about every single minute level detail, each to their own, you can have realism without your so called "game mode" Sometimes these thing scan be a valuable aid to learning, not everyone may learn the way you do. or appreciate every last single dial and witch combo for that ultra realism combo. What, you think DCS is that realistic, I'm pretty sure there are many aspects of the aircraft we are having simplified versions of to make it useable without us needing fighter pilot training.... So, thanks for your input, I don't need to learn any aircraft the way you think I should, and your version of what you think others should do is not the "be all and end all" to give you and others like you the ability to say what gives or be rough on anyone, OK.
  3. Because not everyone is as "expert" as you guys obviously....... all well and good belittling people with far less experience than yourselves, I personally have struggled to make the alignment process work, unfamiliarity with the systems, processes, TMS ups downs arounds etc. Take a step back guys, think about those of us that aren't experts that can take the piss out of newcomers who aren't as proficient and may need that little workaround until everything else gets up to speed too. geez guys, you don't wanna use it, you don't have to, some of us struggle like hell and rather than come away frustrated as fook and decide to give up on that module, or that weapon etc, a workaround whilst being able to manually practise isn't such a drama is it??????
  4. Because not everyone wants that level of faff on the ground, I align them in the air where possible but doesn't work all the time. Look, this shouldn't descend into simism snobbery, you are not "correct" for wanting ultra level clicks to align as hornet and warthog haven't had this, you fly those too? you moan about that lack of realism until now? Do you exasperate over auto start functionality in the jets also? The regular fly and fight systems are more than realistic for a large number of users, this workaround is to allow retention of newcomers who leave because its very very overwhelming, how about some functions like this an auto align, like an AutoStart to east them in, you can then choose to do it manually as you progress? to paraphrase your earlier comment huh?
  5. I would suggest rather than berate the poster for this opinion, we look at a workaround. How about like with auto start procedure for those who just don't want that nutcase level simism of 20 odd minutes trying to align mavs that often wont align on the ground. we have an auto align for those that want realism but not the extra faff. Id say that's a reasonable compromise.
  6. Tried that, tried via, tried pre, tried bore. Only one I can get to work even half the time is via without tgp. Trying to use pre and handing off to mav never ever works, ever, full stop. Followed wags video to the letter, mac just will not lock to tgp hand off, within range, within gimbal, says handoff in progress then hangs without closing the cross hairs, does this every single time. Sorry to be angry but simply putting post saying follow wags video condescending as that doesn't work either. 23/02/21 2.5.6 open beta
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