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Everything posted by LanceCrown

  1. Thank you! Yes, but i have very much no idea about these planes so usually i dont know if its not implemented or i did something wrong xD. I just assumend because nothing was mentioned about it in the manual i did something wrong xD
  2. Hello, i noticed that whenever i flick the switch for the speed in the HUD to ground speed, no ground speed is displayed. CAS and TAS work fine but GS is always 0. Is there something else to do so that ground speed works? I didnt find anything in the Early Access guide or in Chucks guide that this is not modelled yet or that something else needs to be switched on. Aircraft is started in air, and not by myself. Thank you
  3. Die 500 Fuss pro Minute sind schon mal ein guter Anhaltspunkt. (Sowas weiß ich nicht. Und ich würde bei solchen Werten auch nicht Wissen ob es einen Unterschied zwischen ziviler und militärischer Luftfahrt gibt.) "calculate Top of Descent" war schonmal ein sehr guter Begriff. Erster Treffer auf google gab mir schonmal ne einfache Faustformel. Höhe (abzüglich der Höhe des Flughafens) mal 3 und man hat die Distanz in NM zum Flughafen, wenn man das Komma an die 1000er Trennstelle setzt. Und da man in DCS vom Flughafen ja immer freundlicherweiße QFE bekommt, kann man sein Höhenmesser einfach auf QFE stellen und spart sich das abziehen der Höhe des Flughafens. Alternative ist 2 Minuten Sinkflug für je 1000 Fuß Höhe einzuplanen. Damit hat man eine Zeit wieviel Minuten man vorher zum sinken beginnen soll. Das ist jetzt eher für die Viper relevant, da die im Hud die benötigte Zeit zum nächsten Wegpunkt anzeigen kann. Wenn man dann den Wegpunkt auf den Flughafen setzt, weiß man ca wann man zu sinken beginnen muss.
  4. Hallo, ich bin gerade dabei in DCS mir einfache Missionen zu erstellen, da ich diese einzelnen Tutorialsabschnitte mehr oder weniger gut hin krieg und ich ein bisschen so Routine über den gesamten Flug rein bringen möchte. Mit einfache Missionen mein ich hier erstmal sowas wie vollständige Startprozedur an Flugplatz A, Wegpunkte folgen zu Flugplatz B und Landen an Flugplatz B. Und dann das variieren mit Nachtflug, schlechteres Wetter etc. Nun stellt sich hier aber schon das erste Problem bzw die erste Frage. Durch die Tutorials weiß ich dass ich 1500 Fuß über dem Landeplatz sein soll und ca 300 Knoten schnell (bzw mit der F16 soll ich das sein, ich hab kein anderes Flugzeug und flieg nur die, daher weiß ich jetzt nicht ob das so für jedes Flugzeug gilt). Aber wie komm ich denn am besten auf die 1500 Fuß mit 300 Knoten wenn meine Reisehöhe irgendwo bei 30.000 Fuß ist? Wieviel Meilen vor dem Flugplatz beginne ich denn den Sinkflug? Gibt es irgendwie so eine Art Faußtregel die heißt X nm vor dem Flughafen in Y Grad Sinkflug gehen? Irgendwas was mir hilft, dass ich nicht auf einmal noch 50nm zu fliegen habe wenn ich auf 1500 Fuß bin. Oder am besten einfach einen zusätzlichen Wegpunkt vor der Landebahn setzten und dann mittels Hud Marker sinken? Falls es da solche Faustregeln gibt, würde mir das sehr helfen. Gerne auch von englischen Seiten. Viele Grüße
  5. Thanks, i think i get it now. I think thats enough off-topic and dont want interfere with the actual discussion any further ;).
  6. Ah, ok. So you try to stay at mach 0,82, no matter if i am cruising or climbing. Where i obviously add throttle when climbing and decrease throttle when going back to level flight. Honestly i wasnt sure if its best to match the throttle to my speed, or if i keep my throttle the same and accept the loss of speed when climbing. Or like go full throttle to reach my desired altitude as fast as possible and then decrease speed to my desired cruising speed.
  7. Whats the 400/0.82 cruise/climb thumb rule ?
  8. How is firing a missile a declaration of war, but shooting with guns is not? Also side note: Did anybody else notice how the Fuel message in the hud dissapears once the lock circle drifts towards where the fuel message is? Can be seen at 1:13. Wonder if that is implemented in DCS. Disclaimer: i'm a "low-information-fighter jock" with no idea
  9. Thanks, i never paid attention to these. I will try and see if they help me staying in position tomorrow
  10. Hello everyone, currently i am trying Air refueling. Currently i cant really hold my position once i am below the tanker. As long as i fly behind the boom, i can fly straight behind it, but once i go below the tanker i start to sway left and right. I only connected like 4 or 5 times and i can only manage to stay one or two seconds connected, today was a new all time high with approx 4 seconds. My focus is on the lights on the front of the tanker once i am below. My question now is, is there anything else i can reference when i am under the tanker? What do you guys focus and use as a reference point under the tanker? I know my main problem is my lack of experience, i just want to know if there is something else i can do to make it easier. Thanks!
  11. Ok, good. Now i know that this is required to stay at speed/altitude. When I am doing it without adding throttle, i was always losing too much speed and falling below the rings. Was not sure if i did something wrong or if i should add speed.
  12. I checked the tutorial again, and i have to correct my initial post a bit. The instructor says "to check the back up ADI and adjust it with the cage/uncage knob by pulling the knob and twisting" (or at last thats what he says more or less in my german version). So far everything i read is teh same you guys said. Cage it to prevent it from damaging etc. I think got behind the reasoning why i should check my back up ADI before landing. I think its just to check if its damaged or missaligned when i did some heavy manoveurs in the air (I dont know if that is simulated in DCS, dont think so, but i guess its good practice to check that instrument). I guess it just threw me off that they mentioned the caging and uncagin process during landing and not only checking the back up intrument. Also there is always a lot of information to precess and one can missunderstand things, especially if the game is already unpaused at that moment. I really though the instructor said i need to cage and uncage the instrument before landing until i listened very closly this time and realized he said to only check it and described the processof changing the instrument just in case it needs to be changed. Thank you for all your help. I understand that button/knob now. Side note: Speaking of lot of information to process and understanding things wrong. In the F16 landing tutorial with the overhead break, the instructor says to bring the engine to 80% and then do a left turn. I understood that wrong and thought i need to push my throttle 80% forward XD. Took me at least 10 tries to realise my error and i was always wondering why i am so fast after the 180° turn ;).
  13. First to clear things up, i mean the cage/uncage button for the back up (HSI? ADI?) instrument in the cockpit, not the uncage button for the missiles. I think i understand the basics for it. When i am standing at the runway, i adjust it so everything is level so it show the correct position of the plane in air. In the F16 Landing tutorial (the fist one, where you start to land immediately and not the second one where you need to fly a overhead break), the "instructor" wants me to uncage the HSI/ADI. I dont understand why? It is already uncaged, and is uncaged every time because caging requires to pull and hold the knob. Why would i need to cage and uncage (and potentially adjust) that instrument in the air before landing? I know its something minor and most people will propably ignore this, but i cant keep my head out of it. I would be very grateful if somebody could shed some light on why i need to do this for landing. Thank you very much!
  14. I noticed this behaviour initially with the Dogfight switch, which i dont think is normal. I am using the steam version, current stable (2.5.something). No mods. only module i own is the viper. I think everyone can reproduce it by performing the following steps: Start plane in air. Check your Radar, it should be in FCR Mode and with 40nm range displayed. It stays in 40nm range even if you switch into A-A mode, or into missile override mode. Set switch to Dogfight position: Radar changes to ACM mode and range is lowered to 10 miles in the radar. That is all working as it should. Go out of dogfight mode (doesnt matter if back in nav mode, or A-A mode or into missile override): Radar changes back into FCR mode, as it should. But range stays in 10nm. Shouldnt the range switch back to 40nm, or whatever was used previously set up? What i read about the master modes of the viper, every master mode should have its own settings. Like i could set different radar ranges for the different master modes and quickly switch between them. I tested this further and it seems that no master mode saves the displayed radar range. If i set the radar from the defaul 40 to 80nm in Nav mode, it carries over to every other master mode. Except for Dogfight, which then overrides it with 10nm. Switching to any other master mode just uses the radar range from the previous mode, which is the only 10nm. I am no expert, but from what i read my understanding is that a pilot can set up every master mode individually. Forcing the radar range down to 10nm after using dogfight mode seems counterintuitive to the "set up each master mode individualy"-approach. Thank you
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