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Everything posted by USSR_Gys71

  1. Very old and very ugly model. I've wiped it out long time ago . :) May be a little later..
  2. Sorry, my English is too bad to explain. Something you're doing wrong. Ok. There are two ways. The first is to edit a file f-15.skins and replace the code value = 0.6; material = ("F15C_1", "standart", "F15C-1-07.bmp"); material = ("F15C_1_met", "standart", "F15C-1-07.bmp"); material = ("F15C_2", "standart", "F15C-2-02.bmp"); material = ("F15C_2_met", "standart", "F15C-2-02.bmp"); material = ("F15C_Numbers", "standart", "F15C-numbers-01.tga"); material = ("F15C_lattice", "standart", "F15C-lattice-01.tga"); material = ("F15C_Logo", "standart", "F15C-Logo-02.tga"); material = ("F15C_Logo2", "standart", "F15C-Logo2-00.tga"); with code value = 0.6; material = ("F15C_1", "standart", "F15C-1-07.bmp"); material = ("F15C_1_met", "standart", "F15C-1-07.bmp"); material = ("F15C_2", "standart", "F15C-2-02.bmp"); material = ("F15C_2_met", "standart", "F15C-2-02.bmp"); material = ("F15C_Numbers", "standart", "F15C-numbers-01.tga"); material = ("F15C_lattice", "standart", "F15C-lattice-01.tga"); material = ("F15C_Logo", "standart", "F15C-Logo-00.tga"); material = ("F15C_Logo2", "standart", "F15C-Logo2-00.tga"); disappear all the inscriptions and emblems (including the tails) The second way - this is to edit the alpha channel in the file F15C-Logo-02.tga all that in the alpha channel is filled with black-becomes invisible
  3. You are editing an existing skin? Or create a new skin-slot?
  4. You must use Modman to install mod.
  5. USSR_Gys71


    Thank you guys !
  6. USSR_Gys71


    Thanks :)
  7. Air intakes operates properly only on the player's plane - just as the default model works. AI can't operate them - this is a hardcode limitation.
  8. to Hunter1 post in your native language please
  9. F-15C FC2 Mod LINK F-15C FC1 Mod LINK Unfortunately I cannot check up the version for FC1. But should work. :)
  10. Ok, thanks. Now I shall reupload.
  11. What you mean?
  12. FC1 ?
  13. Probably I should be more accurate while packing, excuse. The new version for FC2 is upload under the link above.
  14. Sorry, my fault. Forgot to check before upload. Now uploaded correct files . This is not new version. Just bug fix. But ok, now 1.01a :)
  15. Fixed. Look links below.
  16. Yeah, really bug , thanks. Will be fixed.
  17. Simple way. Save your files as F15C-1-01.bmp and F15C-2-01.bmp . Put them to Bazar/Temptextures . Your skin will be default .
  18. Because all layers disabled. Sorry, my english too bad for Photoshop lessons. :) Shadows from the lights plate is a nvidia known issue. If we'll find the solution with navlights shadows we'll fix that.
  19. Файл неправильно называется. Надо Setup-1.bin ,а не Setup-1_2.bin
  20. Valery has finished work with template . Enjoy.
  21. Я бы не сказал что не смогла. Скорее даже не пыталась. А вот почему не пыталась это другой вопрос.
  22. Yes . All ours shots from game. File reuploaded . I think last version was incorrect . New LINK for FC2 . Sorry. We recommend install ours mod before all others mods
  23. It`s game problem. Turbines spin only for AI planes for old models. Our model is "old" becouse replace default
  24. not need use modman.ini with new modman just use mod This file for FC2 only We recommend install ours mod before all others mods .
  25. zip for lockonfiles not we did. Also we do not guarantee that it correctly works
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