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Everything posted by Senpai

  1. had multiple reports from my squad too. Any TGT designate you do in TPOD or in the HUD moves WP. not only is it inconvenient, the WP number blocks what u are trying to see.
  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AJYYOLWoASdWo6gWjUtBOpEncN0baQW5/view?usp=sharing dont know how to make track smaller and was an issue we found together so not sure how else to recreate. Track file linked from my google account.
  3. My group was trying out the new ACL on carrier. We all had the right frequency for Data Link, We all passed the TEST and connected then half of Us on push time got TILT comands come up on out ACL We never got updated info. On second go by my self, i got the hand over right up to 6 miles but it never went into landing mode and CPL just flew me until it broke lock. not even tryign to intercept glide path. Anyone else had this? One point, when we all called in, 4 of us had the same call in DMI range and alt given, we were all miles from each other and all call outs were 10 min apart. it was odd. Track is 62mb so cant attach
  4. I seem to of done something in Controls somehow and I can no longer Click any of the Comms Menu options in 1 plane. I changed 2 radio controls on my hotas and since then no matter how I try, I can not click any of the options when I bring the Comms menu up. It works fine in all other planes but it eont work any more in the F14. I thought it may of been a keybind I somehow over wrote but there does not seem to be any. Canone have any ideas?
  5. Thanks, I will give it a go. Got worried there. Looking forward to finishing it.
  6. Hi Badger. Loving the Campaign at the moment but I have hit a bit of a wall at the moment on I think Mission 5. I need to launch JSOW's at the target but they are now getting shot down form all the A/A. I believe this is due to recent patches. Do you intend to change the mission to allow this to get through or are there no plans. I hope there is because I do not see how the mission can be done now if this stays the same. thank you again for the work.
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