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    DCS, IL-2, MSFS 2020
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  1. He is not. Meta implemented this feature, and provided it in beta for a long time and probably ED has dev access so they know it way before. ED says that they know it, they know exactly what's changed but they planned to implement it next patch. You can compare it to this. Just imagine MS introduces a new feature to Dx11 and all game vendors needs to implement a patch to their engine to be able to use Dx11 in the future. Ms pushes the update without no way of rolling back after announcement and public beta testing. All game studios implement it except ED. So noone is able to play DCS for 6 weeks. For a VR user it is exactly like this.
  2. Vibration is caused by upscaling of video stream on the headset from 2152pix to 3664pix. I have no idea why you set it like that. Put the encoder resolution width to 3664 which is the native res. Since you are there set the distortion curve Low to get sharper more defined visuals.
  3. This. This will be big if ED does not push a hotfix soon. I was lucky to take action before the update.
  4. This affect oculus pc app being OpenXR runtime to use the headset. It does not matter how it is connected to any headset afterwards. So riftS is also effected.
  5. Ouch My dreams
  6. Yes, but with DLAA or MSAA 2x too there were no shimmering. I have never seen it since F-1 is released.
  7. Quest2 and everything is fine here. Never had the problem described above.
  8. I always imagined Nick Gray as the voice of Mosquito AI.
  9. With the AI navigator and drift recorder also added this will be the first time in the history that a real mosquito combat flight will be simulated.
  10. Thanks @-Rudel- for the clarification.
  11. @Moezilla I don't know how their bugtracker works but I believe since you have posted the bug you had some options like asking further questions. LOD issue is recently closed. Did you get any feedback about implementation of lods?
  12. Nope, I use 0 software. I would even not buy any hotas which needs a software to run. Nothing Just DCS and Oculus running. Since I don't play MP not even SRS is installed. Ehm. Are there 2 different control settings for CW and normal. I actually never flown the CW I have this problem also with BF-109 only those 2 modules but problem manifests itself more with spitfire. I'm clueless actually. That's the weirdest bug I have seen so far.
  13. Когда мы можем ожидать превью Vulkan?
  14. When it happens you visually see that. You are halfway pressing the rudder but rudder goes full deflection and pedal does not move any more in the cockpit while you can still keep moving your rudder. Controls setting still shows your input half deflection and output is also same. I have no curves in rudder. When this happens I immediately set the saturation 50% to fix it. Then it fixes itself in another flight so I set the saturation back 100%.
  15. Yeah. I could not figure it out still. sometimes I have it sometimes I don't. Funny thing is that the axis input shows normal. It is just the reaction of the plane is weird. I can immediately see it by applying the rudder one side on the ground. In cockpit the pedal animation shows it.
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