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Everything posted by MadKreator

  1. I switched mine to 3.5.1 a few days ago. Seemed to improve the ghosting a bit, didn’t notice much in the performance range. Surprised it didn’t get changed, took about 3 minutes total to swap out… I still stick with MSAA though, just wanted to test the DLSS ver.
  2. Is it just me, or is the cockpit / camera shake (in 2D) way excessive? I get that planes shake under high G/ AOA etc, but the f-15c seems to get massive shake ( I dare say “unplayable”-ish) with even the slightest bit more than the smallest sick movements. Much more than any other aircraft in DCS. * I haven’t flown an fc3 in years, just hopped in the to see the graphical updates and was kind of gassed at how bad the shake is in the f-15c.
  3. I figured it wasn’t the be all end all fix like the video claimed lol It seemed to work for me from free flight to medium/ heavy missions. Now I will say, I haven’t loaded up a dense MP server or heavy liberation mission( most of my flying is testing and developing Helios stuff, not too much fun flying). I will have to try your fix on top for fun ( if I can figure it out) just to see the results. A few months ago @BIGNEWY posted a lua file (mt.lua) to add to dcs saved games in the config folder that was some help for MT. Idk if its still valid, or if that change made it in permanently.. On my side that file seemed to help distribute the load better across cores. I was getting most activity on only a few cores( 8-11 or something). After adding that lua I have activity on most all 24 cores with the densely packed original 4 distributed more evenly across the top 8 or 12 or so. * I should add, by my own volition, I do keep DCS capped at 60 fps. 1- just to give it overhead as I feel 60 fps is ample for a flightsim, 2- trackir seems to be smoother at that fps cap, 3- Helios runs smoothest in that area too…. Obviously I’m running 2d. Haven’t fired up VR in a long long time.
  4. @Lixma 06 Adding dcs exe( both ST and MT), saved games folder, track ir, srs, helios( everything dcs related basically) as exceptions in windows defender, really smoothed out all of my stutters. I tried affinity and messing with cores with no noticeable improvement ( actually all that did was increase load times for me). But after excluding anything DCS related, it now runs smooth as glass too, not a burble or micro stutter to be found. Just another idea.
  5. Did the save game state/ save mid mission (not sure what to call it), make it in todays patch? Haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. Downloaded then had to go work. * read the patch notes , just didn’t know if it slid in under the radar
  6. I have a pretty high end system and still had the stutters, albeit not terrible. After doing all of the windows defender exclusions, dcs is smooth as glass as well as track IR. Memory upgrade will help. I’d go at minimum to 32 gigs. 64 if your mobo supports it and of course if the price is right. I would also look into doing the 32 gig pagefile thing too. I have 64 gigs and dcs will eat well into the 50’s on a big mission. DCS will use what it needs based on what you have.
  7. I will 100% agree with this. Playing Reflected’s p-47 campaign it is hard enough to keep up with the rest if the flight, but as soon as the AI starts climbing they just pull away with seemingly no loss in power and it takes every bit of distance across the Channel and beyond to catch up. Even with perfect manifold pressure, boost, max prop speed, perfect rudder trim and well tuned mixture…here I am with no chance of keeping up with them lol
  8. DLSS is prob great for lower end systems that struggle a bit. I replaced the DLSS DLL 3.5 with 3.5.1 earlier today ( that I saw in some video) and it seemed to improve ghosting a bit but nothing truly spectacular. Performance improvement fps-wise, sure, but the graphical degradation is very noticeable to me on a 48” 4K oled screen using DLSS. Msaa x4 and capped at 60 fps( personal preference) is just right for me. My opinion still is DLSS was a good addition. Not everyone needs it or benefits from it so no harm using it or not.
  9. Yup, love the p-47. I’m not very good with it, but it’s still my favorite.
  10. MadKreator

    Trim Gain

    Please consider lower ( cutting in half ) the trim gains in the clickabledata.lua. Dropped to .0125 the trim control on all surfaces is much, much better. You can actually trim the plane straight for reasonably long periods. 30 second fix
  11. If you like the indicators on all the time you can go into the editor and find the layer called indicators, unlock it, click on it and in the properties above, uncheck “hidden”, then they will show up when the profile starts. Thats how I set mine up. If you want the switch to match, unlock the “indicator SW” and change the initial/start position from two to one in the properties. Then save the profile.. If you don’t want the splash screen, you can delete the layer ( first one) in the editor, or move it to the very bottom layer.
  12. Dropping the gains to 1/2 feels great! That’s the way it should be!
  13. Thanks! It took much longer than expected but Helios needed some pretty drastic changes for the variant switching to work ( also applies to any aircraft with multiple variants using json interfaces). One guy is working on a d-9 profile( hopefully still after it) I’m about halfway done with the f-5 now, after that I think I will either do a Spitfire, unless the f-4u releases before, then I will be all over that one
  14. Your monitor 5 should be x = 2688, no? [5] = { x = 1920, y = 1600, width = 768, height = 1024 },
  15. P-47D Profile Version 1.0.0 You MUST be running Helios Version 1.6.606 or higher for this profile to function correctly. This profile will automatically switch between the three variants, depending on which one you are flying. This profile is laid out as a "builders profile" (I call it). All of the components are there, but not necessarily grouped into panels based on location in the aircraft like most profiles. Also there are no panel backgrounds mimicking the cockpit. I wanted to make it functional for single screen, but easy to pick apart for users with multiple screens. Download Here--> https://github.com/HeliosProfiles/DCS-P-47D-Thunderbolt-Profile-by-MadKreator37/releases/latest or from User Files here--> https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3335547/ For support go here--> https://discord.gg/T8vg5MSa ( CaptnZeen Discord) or Here--> https://discord.gg/yegshUzT (My Discord) Youtube: Start and controls overview ( kind of long and boring)--> https://youtu.be/09ZnmlZnd_Q?si=qqnFVx_6CGP_gFPK Current issues: 1. ADI Zero knob doesn't really work as it should (WIP) 2. the virtual throttle quad controls can be finicky. They are more for indication but can be used for boost mixture and prop rpm. 3. the rotation on the fuel primer can act up. and there is no input on that control. If you don't want the splash screen every time you start it, just delete it from the editor ( first item on the layer list), or move it down to the bottom-most layer so its behind the background.
  16. P-47D Profile Version 1.0.0 You MUST be running Helios Version 1.6.606 or higher for this profile to function correctly. This profile will automatically switch between the three variants, depending on which one you are flying. This profile is laid out as a "builders profile" (I call it). All of the components are there, but not necessarily grouped into panels based on location in the aircraft like most profiles. Also there are no panel backgrounds mimicking the cockpit. I wanted to make it functional for single screen, but easy to pick apart for users with multiple screens. Download Here--> https://github.com/HeliosProfiles/DCS-P-47D-Thunderbolt-Profile-by-MadKreator37/releases/latest or from User Files here--> https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3335547/ For support go here--> https://discord.gg/T8vg5MSa ( CaptnZeen Discord) or Here--> https://discord.gg/yegshUzT (My Discord) Youtube: Start and controls overview ( kind of long and boring)--> https://youtu.be/09ZnmlZnd_Q?si=qqnFVx_6CGP_gFPK Current issues: 1. ADI Zero knob doesn't really work as it should (WIP) 2. the virtual throttle quad controls can be finicky. They are more for indication but can be used for boost mixture and prop rpm. 3. the rotation on the fuel primer can act up. and there is no input on that control. If you don't want the splash screen every time you start it, just delete it from the editor ( first item on the layer list), or move it down to the bottom-most layer so its behind the background.
  17. Now that the new Helios release is out, over on GitHub is version 1.0.3 of the profile. This should fix all of the UFC woes. Update Helios, Update the F-15e plugin, then download and install ver 1.0.3 and it should be good. If you have a modified profile and don’t want to install a new profile version, message me and I will show you how to fix your existing one.
  18. Now that the new Helios release is out, over on GitHub is version 1.0.3 of the profile. This should fix all of the UFC woes. Update Helios, Update the F-15e plugin, then download and install ver 1.0.3 and it should be good. If you have a modified profile and don’t want to install a new profile version, message me and I will show you how to fix your existing one.
  19. You can hook the ipad up to the pc using an app like SpaceDesk. It will turn it into an extra monitor, then you could run Helios Virtual Cockpit as Trigati suggested. Then you would get displays and controls on the ipad.
  20. Is that the Apache? I’ve never actually flown it. In the a-10 commenting out a line in viewporthandling.lua ( to turn off in-game mfd’s) AND doing the same in one of the a-10 BAKE files( so the mfd’s don't show on the main monitor in alt-f1. not sure if the same applies to the Apache or where that file would be. I came across it by sheer luck. Here was our conversation on the a-10. Maybe something similar for the Apache. Not sure if this is the same thing happening to the OP
  21. Yes you are correct, Helios Virtual Cockpits. I’ve been working with / helping the Helios dev with things for some time now and I found a real l liking in creating the virtual touchscreen cockpits. You said just as he did..the Helios API has its own set of rules to play with and the standard functions for ME triggers and things, don’t necessarily work. Valid points on the sunrise/sunset. I think maybe the best thing is for me to just keep this as a “vanity project” and not bother incorporating it into my profiles. I can always just put in a simple rotary switch to change the skyline ( not that its of any real interest to users). Thank you for your time chatting with me about this. Scripting/ coding is not my cup of tea (at least not yet), so I appreciate your patience and advise!
  22. Dis you also uncheck fullscreen in dcs? Have you tried putting the mfd screens below your triples in windows? ( just don’t put anything sticking out past the farthest left of the maindisplays, Helios doesn’t like that. ) Ive seen cases where the total resolution gets wider than some video cards can render. There’s quite a few Helios users that use surround with multiple other screens something will wok
  23. Chatting with the Helios dev, he’s not convinced the commands for mission editor will be viable.. DCS has its own set of scripts available to use for exports for “telemetry” usage. There was a couple he found related to model and mission time. Not sure still whether those are Zulu or Lima times. Not that the timer.getAbsTime() wouldn’t pull time correctly, just may not work as an “exported” trigger. Out of my realm of knowledge. I tend to trust the Helios dev’s word when it comes to Helios integration Still willing to give anything a shot.
  24. Oh yes I completely made up the conditions and syntax lol I will sort that when I start actually playing with it.. But you are correct, AND would be the correct condition not OR, now that I think about it to have it anywhere in that range. I have experience with conditions and logic controls but only on things like radio control airplanes and some time controller devices. I’m still at square one of writing any sort of lua script.
  25. I just need to find the right control to use as a trigger in Helios.. I think I can trick the version/ information control ( which is a timer of sorts) so when it does a version check every 60 seconds, that it will run that script to get the time from the game. Then I have my trigger I can set to each new image, and I can tell the action to hide or unhide each screen base on a time range the trigger pulled: if >= 0 or < 21,600 then hidden=false else hidden= true ( obviously completely incorrect syntax and totally made up) But the idea is there, just need to learn a bit more about lua to write it correctly.. I have a couple months before the project is done, plenty of time. Again, I appreciate the help and advice!
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