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About idenwen

  • Birthday May 30

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS; with way too much modules
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  • Interests
    Games, Programming
  • Occupation
    IT Stuff

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  1. For how much, or less, vertical velocity are you aiming on touchdown? -400 is quite doable even with a really sloppy approach. null
  2. Still crazy GUI and Game lags if polling is above 500 here at gamestart. No change when reducing it after start, has to be done before DCS launches.
  3. Would love to have a saved or settable kneeboard position because, yes with multiscreen its always on the wrong spot and size initially.
  4. 5 years since that post Can a new estimate be posted please?
  5. Doing software I curious of the "Why"? We explicitly sell not time limited but would be curious why the release branch of DCS will deactivate when it is too old.
  6. eh.. I don't even own the Phantom, and it definitely was a SP session. Will see if I can find her again - any information you need?
  7. There seems to be a problem with one of the Phantom spots for the AI This one here sat there all the time vibrating with running engines but never managed to leave the parking spot
  8. Well done, is it stuttering a bit or is that youtube?
  9. Would love to have that for the Apache too - makes it soo much smoother to fly it with short sticks.
  10. I accidentially stumbled over you mission and it's an instant favorite! On the "Rotorheads" server there is a script for the Gazelle so it can call in artillery strikes. Would be nice to have this functionality (maybe for $ per call in to limit it's spam-abilitie) for Gazelle/Kiowa or even all Planes that can (laser) designate a target.
  11. Like you spot a target, lase it, radio an AI plane to come by and drop an LGB (heck even a dumb bomb would be a start) onto the lased position. Does that exist or is it even possible?
  12. In that track you shot one into the truck and the others into the woods behind - at least when I replay it
  13. Bomb release and changes made in the UFC in dropped quantity and interval are not visible in replay. "Live": Change QTY to 8, interval to 50, go low, drop ordnance "Track": UFC activates, UFC deactivates, goes low, no drop , track ends. Testes with: double snakeyes on all wing stations, center tank.
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