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About lothar29

  • Birthday 07/03/1979

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS WORLD 2.5.5 and OpenBeta: DCS: A-10C DVD, DCS: Ka50 DVD and 2 Uprade, DCS: F-16, DCS: P-51D, DCS: Fw 190 A-8, DCS: Bf109K4, DCS: Fw190D9, DCS: I-16, DCS: Christen Eagle II, DCS: F-14 Tomcat, DCS: Yak-52, DCS: F/A-18C Hornet, DCS: AV-8B, DCS: WWII Assets Pack, DCS: AJS-37 Viggen, DCS: Spitfire
  • Location
  • Interests
    Messerschmitt Bf109, All Aircraft, Modelling, FlightSimulators, Boxing
  • Occupation
    Cartoonist "At the moment" Welder for petrochemical industry.
  • Website

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  1. Since the last official update, "No Beta" the Propeller of the Bf109 K4 looks duplicated, in fact if you pause a video you see that it moves from front to back. Here I leave some screenshots, when I upload the video I will put it in this same post.
  2. view min 9:25
  3. the same problem in all Modern aircraft, Flaming Cliffs 3 the same problem. my first impresion, for this bug was only owners Graphic cards Nvidia with technology RTX. But I see I'm wrong Salute
  4. Grandioso aporte, podre así aprender mas del M-2000. la lastima es el AV8B que no lo tengas aun terminado del todo. estaré esperando a ver si te animas hacer mas traducciones como F18 / F14 / y demás módulos. Muchísimas Gracias por el APORTE
  5. Win7/64Bit
  6. all night for me, and part for the morning. now, my first flight, and very bad perfomance.. go to the new test
  7. please, Update Now!! Please Devs!! my Net line is very Big Sh---t thx
  8. Sainte-Mère-Église
  9. lothar29


    Pls no updates for this model?
  10. Wonderfull!!!
  11. In my Pocket
  12. Same problem here friends
  13. Con que busques un Escuadrón Hispanohablante que vuelen el DCS World con asiduidad , ya tienes mas que de sobra para que entre todos tus nuevos compañeros, acabes por encontrar alguno que tenga tus mismas preferencias.. a partir de aquí, ya es la dedicación que tu puedas tener. te deseo mucha suerte ya volar y disfrutar de este apasionante Mundo :)
  14. lothar29


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