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Everything posted by halufpv

  1. I only play multiplayer, so it's not up to me
  2. Any news on when an update will happen? Haven't been able to play Hind or Apache (basically, my two helos) for over two weeks
  3. Seems like there's a lot of demand for this... Did you mention it to the team @BIGNEWY?
  4. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what's the point of this vs using Quest Link via cable?
  5. I was genuinely very excited for this, VRAM maxing out has been the bottleneck on my system with DCS for a long type, and despite upgrading from 8GB to 12GB GPU, I'm still forced to run both low general/terrain textures to get a stutter free experience in VR with the Apache in Syria. The process of installing this ran just fine, but I didn't seem to get the results I expected. First, the VRAM usage isn't significantly different than it was. I always get 11-12GB, and this continued to be the case after applying the mod without changing settings (low/low). I can't say I noticed a difference in visual quality. Second, I assumed perhaps with this mod I'd now be able to at least increase the setting from low to medium/high, and while medium/low worked, high/low or high/high produced stutters. Am I right to think I was perhaps expecting too much, and that this tool is best used to artificially produce a "very low" setting for people who can't play even in low?
  6. Honestly, even if we can't switch between VR and 2D, just the ability to "reconnect" to the VR session if the headset disconnects would massively help. This actually "sometimes" works if you do it really quick, at least on Oculus, albeit the eye tracking never works again until DCS restarts, you get insane lag for the first 10-20 seconds, and sometimes DCS crashes anyways before the lag is resolved. To reproduce: Use any Oculus quest headset, enter Oculus link then open DCS in VR mode. Enter any mission, then unplug the headset usb connection and plug again immediately. Now, as fast as you can manage, enter Oculus link mode again. DCS will open, but whether it crashes immediately, after a bit, or enters this lagging state is a lottery. If you have the Oculus Quest Pro and are using quad views, eye tracking is always frozen and the quad views high res area is wherever you were looking before you unplugged, though even then in this laggy blurry state you might be able to at least declare mayday and land
  7. This has been brought up many times before here and on reddit. It's the number 1 reason I end up giving up on DCS every time I get back into it. War thunder has it. MSFS has it. I've had this issue with various Oculus headsets where something about them crashes (eye tracking stops working, artifacts start appearing, VR session bugs out...). On every other VR sim, it switches back to 2D, I can restart the headset and get back into VR. On DCS, the mission is now unrecoverable. The amount of times this has happened to me on the apache after spending an hour sneaking into position on a multiplayer server right before I start the engagement is just too much. Please please please @BIGNEWY
  8. Everything has been working great for me except for a small annoyance. I always have a thin black line to the right and bottom of my vision where the focus view blends with the background view, and only on the right/bottom sides. I have bloom and lens effects disabled. The line is visible on both eyes. I'm the Quest Pro. The only thing I've changed from default is the focus area, made it a bit smaller as it doesn't bother me... except the black line is now closer to the center Any ideas? Edit: I noticed I don't get this effect on the KA-50, but I do on the F-16
  9. I finally had a long day to tinker with the quest pro. DLSS + QVF is absolute magic. The trick is that even in quality mode, DLSS is quite aggressive but you can actually get your own "in between the presets" setting by just changing the resolution in openXR toolkit. I went with a slight 10% upscale (though 5% a was already noticeably better) and results are indistinguishable from rendering at native resolution but with a significant performance boost, 10-25% more frames across the board. The other tweak I made was to change the QVF focus window size, which for some reason is overriden from the 0.35 default to 0.5 only for oculus users. I have to say 0.35 is "almost ok" but you do see the eye tracking more than default. 0.4 is almost as good as default, but you get another 5-10% boost. With these two combined I'm running the Quest pro at 1.5x 90hz with ASW and it stays at 45fps locked with a 3080Ti, hell I even saw 90fps when cruising on the F-16, it was surreal and magical. 45fps while playing close to the ground on Syria on the KA-50 was unimaginable just a month ago. All hail DLSS and eye tracking (and ofc @mbucchia), I'm over the moon!
  10. With Quad Views and DLSS, is the upscaling happening to all 4 views?
  11. That is just the nature of local dimming. The only way to get rid of that is an OLED panel which can turn on individual pixels instead of whole areas of the screen, or just disable local dimming if the effect is too disturbing, it'll basically have the same glare everywhere instead of just around bright elements as with the quest 2 or 3
  12. You know sometimes reviewers talk crap without actually trying it, in this case the source of "the pro is great at night" is 1 youtube video so for all I know they were just "assuming" based on specs. For me it's not as bad as "london foggy night" though I definitely get you, it's like that only on the edges. I find adjusting the position of the headset changes it and being as close as possible to the lens almost gets rid of it, but it's not viable to wear the headset like that, because of the way it only grabs onto you on your forehead getting the lens really close involves tilting it downwards so the back part of it is not really where it's comfortable if you know what I mean, but you could wear it like that for a while if it's just a night mission here and then
  13. As I said, refreshing, clear cache and refresh, log out and back in to no avail.
  14. Same problem here. Trying to trial MI-24 before purchasing with the Halloween sale, it says I must enable 2FA even though I already have enabled it. Have tried logging in and out and even using a different browser. For the rest of you complaining about 2FA, I'm an IT professional and I'm cringing so hard. You really have no idea what you're talking about, it's insane to think DCS accounts can be worth hundreds of dollars and be password protected only with not even great password requirements. 2FA is exactly what you'd expect and it has 0 privacy implications. To the one guy suggesting SMS as a less invasive alternative, my god this is why IT people get depressed, I threw up inside. Edit: Temporary fix for those of you with the same bug, go to the product page, press F12 in chrome, go to console and paste this, press enter, then you can press the trial button. t.OTP_ACTIVATED = true This will not "hack" the 2FA system, as the next step is to actually provide a 2FA code which I image will fail if you haven't set it up, but it fixes the bug if you run into it
  15. Quad View does come with a CAS sharpener as default for the center portion, which I'm very much onboard with as it saves us from sharpening the non-center area. DLAA is not a sharpener, but when using it DCS provides a slider right under the option to adjust sharpness, which I can only assume is yet another CAS layer?
  16. @mbucchia Are there any consequences of using nvidia low latency mode and/or VR pre-rendered frames in the control panel with quad view? And should I disable DLAA in DCS? I'm already using link sharpening, it feels weird to use 3 separate sharpening filters stacked like this
  17. Received quest pro today. First impressions weren't too good compared to quest 2 just tinkering with settings in standalone mode, the FOV is better but I didn't see much more difference at first. Then I loaded into the F16 and oh boy are things easier to read, the lens and increased pixel density are actually there. At this point I was feeling better about the purchase but not totally sold. Then I installed QVF and oh my god it's night and day. For context I'm on a 3080Ti and 12400F. I was able to play in multiplayer busy server for a couple hours at 90hz ASW locked at 45 with the render resolution maxed out at 1.5x and it was smooth as butter. I used to run 72hz and even then I'd get drops when low flying. I can't overstate the performance leap. I noticed that the area that is not high res is actually noticeable, though you have to kinda look for it and it's possibly because I run link sharpening + DLAA and it causes shimmer due to the pixelated area, but still the eye tracking is not as instant as I expected. I imagine future headsets will increase the polling rate and make it actually impossible to see it. The one thing I'm not too happy about is the local dimming. The halo around bright objects against a dark background is very noticeable. This is specially bad with the HMD (tried both F16 and F18), as it makes it look as though there's a moon behind a cloud anywhere you look at. With a starry night (I tried persion gulf case 3 recovery in instant action), the whole of the sky has a bloom to it, as any star causes the entire area around it to light up. What's even more disappointing is that turning local dimming off just makes everything light up completely, as if I had turned up the brightness on the display to "overdrive" and light is leaking all over the place. It almost feels as if local dimming is a technology designed to try to mask the shortcomings of the panel, e.g turn off some of the lights when there's nothing there because it leaks so much it's otherwise terrible. This is a non-issue during day though. I'm also not impressed with the comfort, but I'll buy the globular cluster comfort kit and hopefully it'll fix the issue. All in all I'm happy enough with the upgrade, the eye tracking by itself is worth the upgrade, and everything else (better lens, better pixel density is a bonus). If you're thinking of upgrading from literally anything without eye tracking, it's a no-brainer. Keep in mind because the Quest Pro flopped as a product and the Quest 3 has now been released and is better for literally everyone except DCS players (PCVR with QVF) the prices on eBay are crashing, I got mine for 500$!!
  18. Also, I would change nothing else on the oculus debug tool than the bitrate and ASW if you don't like it, but that's it. The minecraft graphics when loading are normal. I'd try resetting all your DCS, nvidia panel, uninstall openxr everything and see if it's still that bad. With your graphics, it shouldn't be that bad on default everything, so I suspect you've messed something up at some point. Establish a baseline and change one thing at a time
  19. Use 500mb link encoding. Anything above is prone to problems in my experience, especially the audio stutters. I can't tell a difference and I doubt you can.
  20. I've read through this, thanks for the writeup I learnt a lot. So as for question 1, quad view is better in that it reduces not just shading cost but also rasterization cost, though it increases CPU load because the center part is effectively rendered twice. Why is this, can't we just not render the center in the low resolution views? And, this increase on CPU load, in the context of DCS, is it the load happening on the main thread? Does it have to be? If there were answers to the ASW/turbo question, I couldn't find them. Feel free to point me to more docs I saw a comment of yours in a repo issue saying you have multiple reports of ASW working with turbo, yet both the openxr toolkit overlay and the openxr toolkit docs explicitly say it will break ASW, hence my confusion
  21. Hey Matthieu, thanks for all your work. I have a couple questions I understand the quad view technique is fundamentally different than what openxr toolkit implements, but can you elaborate on this more? What are the tradeoffs (e.g cpu usage), or is quad view simply better for the games that support it? I notice that quad view enables turbo mode by default? Does this mess up ASW like the OpenXR toolkit version? Why is it enabled by default? If you could elaborate on the tradeoffs here as well that would be great
  22. It's because with Oculus, your computer isn't connected to the screen directly like it would with hdmi or dp, it's instead sending a video feed to the goggles (like youtube or netflix), and the googles then render it on the screens.
  23. I have a Quest 2 and decided it's time to upgrade. I always buy used. The pro is 10% more expensive than the 3, not enough to make a difference. I think the consensus is if my use case is mostly flight sim PCVR, the pro is the way to go. I do acknowledge the argument some are making that the Pro is a risky purchase because it's been a flop, which means Oculus might not support it. I'd say this argument is misguided. Meta is a big company, and the Quest line of products are tightly integrated in software. It's not like there's a different set of tools used for the Pro than the rest, and what we need from it is to just act as a glorified monitor via link. I don't see this breaking any time soon. The fact that it's been a flop means the second hand prices are and will be juicy for a while, as most people purchasing them for metaverse crap will move on. The direction of VR is eye tracking foveted rendering. PS5 has shown the way here, the difference is so huge this isn't going away any time soon. It's very likely DCS will eventually support this natively (I hear their military contract with Varjo actually requires them to do this...) and once most people are running headsets with eye tracking, noone will care for what performance people without it are getting. For all these reasons, I think the first mass market affordable headset with eye tracking isn't actually going away any time soon and it's what I'll be buying
  24. Want to report back on my experience as I don't see anyone else testing with Oculus. Background My hardware: Quest 2 3080ti 10GB i5 12400F 32GB DDR4 3600Mhz T16000M FCS pack I've spent an enormous amount of time tweaking settings in the past, you can see screenshots and my vrperfkit config attached. With these settings and hardware I get stable 45fps (which translates to 90hz with ASW, no ASW isn't so bad at higher framerates and makes me less dizzy) whether I'm flying, on the ground, single player or busy multiplayer server. I mostly fly the F16 on Syria/Caucasus. All the displays and text on the F16 cockpit is perfectly readable without needing to zoom or get close. As a side note, I believe this setup to be the best bang for buck VR, total cost is ~1700$ including pc, hotas and VR headset. People will try and tell you VR DCS is a pipe dream without an i9, a Pimax and a 3090Ti, this is simply not true. (pls ED, I still want DLSS asap) OpenXR Now, I've spent all day testing OpenXR. I don't know if I'm missing something but it performs much worse. Vrperfkit doesn't work when using OpenXR so I installed OpenXR toolkit and tried to replicate the same settings. I can't 100% replicate my previous settings because OpenXR toolkit only supports CAS sharpening without scaling, but I tried 90% scaling both with FSR and NIS and it was unplayable. Just taxing the F16 out of the hangar in Krasnador was dipping my FPS to low 20s, even with much more aggressive foveated rendering than I'm used to. At this point I was wondering if the CAS scaler as the real culprit, so I instead disabled both vrperfkit and openXR toolkit, and instead used the Oculus rendering scale slider to decrease to similar number of pixels as a 90% scaler. OpenXR was still way worse. After all these tests I was even wondering if my original setup was as good as I thought it was, reverted everything and voila, smooth as butter again. In conclusion, the native Oculus runtime on Oculus headsets is the way to go. vrperfkit.yml
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