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About Beirut

  • Birthday 01/01/1870

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS IL2-BOX FS2020
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  1. Ya figure they're holding back in ways on the maps since everything is interactive and prone to be part of complicated scenarios, so they don't want to kill the FPS. But if it was understood to be an "observation only" area, say an airfield and a 10km radius, I wonder how good they could make it?
  2. Be nice if they did one airfield and some surrounding terrain in the best possible textures, just to see what DCS can handle.
  3. We drink responsibly while flying irresponsibly.
  4. I've been playing tourist over Kola for a few days and it's a very nice map. I think ORBX will do some quality updates. For some reason this map has me back in the Harrier. Don't know why.
  5. What? First thing Monday morning and you break my heart. And I thought we were friends.
  6. Is anything in DCS actually finished? A lot of people don't mind being part of the growing process, so to speak. I have no problem getting a module early. The big thing is whether the limitations of the product were known at release. I'd say a good chunk were. Also, and this might be really pushing it, but in all truth it takes 24 hours after release - if anyone can wait that long to purchase - to know the full scope of the product. Within just a few hours there were at least a half dozen reviews out. Early access and the limitations involved in the product are very very very well known in DCS. If the buyer has any doubt whatsoever, all it takes is to wait a few hours after release for some good reviews to be posted. But if you're like me and 10,000 others, you bought it the moment it was available and you accept and enjoy what you get.
  7. Yes, because no one has ever registered a negative opinion about the South Atlantic Map. chuckle... For my part, I like the South Atlantic map. And I like this map as well. I'm confident it will see quality updates. But I did get a decent FPS spanking down low in the Harrier at night with the HUD night vision. It looks good though.
  8. That cannot happen. As a dedicated map slut, I must have everything. No Afghan on Steam yet. I can't go there.
  9. That's past my mental snack bracket. I won't mess with that. I'll just get a bigger drive. The only map I'd consider deleting would be the Channel map. Normandy kind of makes it obsolete. But if I want to keep 10% to 20% free on the NVME, I've got at least 100GB left, so no rush I guess. I'll watch for a sale on storage.
  10. Exactly my thoughts. I'm at 691GB on a dedicated 1TB NVME. One more map and that's it for this drive, I'm just pondering the transfer time to clone what's on my drive to a new 2TB Samsung NVME. They've got great cloning software, but it's going to take hours. Not to mention having to buy the new NVME. But you can never have too many maps.
  11. Syria is probably the best and most refined map. You get your money's worth and more (especially on sale). It's seen lots of updates and improvements. it's an excellent map in every way. Try the free version for two-weeks. Kola is brand new and early access. Many improvements yet to come. And you can buy it right this very second if you want.
  12. Just finished installing. My DCS install is now at 700GB. My 1TB DCS dedicated NVME is starting to get a bit full.
  13. Bought one for me and gifted one. Gotta keep my sig up to date.
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