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  1. It is not just a server ban issue though. Often anything related to multiplayer is ignored or low priority for ED it seems.. but in this case it also affects single player. Currently I have to judge myself when to restart a mission. For example I didn’t see a certain enemy convoy and got hit by 3 TOW missiles.. do I just continue like nothing happened? Where is the immersion and fun in that. But quite often you don’t know what hit you, so it is hard to judge if you should be dead and restart or if it was just a few 7.62 rounds. Damage model is not mentioned on the roadmap but it should be a top 3 priority, well above MFD subpages etc You should really mention it on the roadmap to avoid this question repeatedly. And some kind of priority indication would be welcome too.
  2. This is not just an online issue. Even when playing single player I have to judge when I restart a mission because I should have been dead. No fun to continue a mission like nothing happened, after being hit by 3 TOW missiles.
  3. Hmm, patch notes mention George + fog issue is fixed, no mention of petro + fog fix… let’s hope they forgot to mention it. Can someone check? I won’t be able to update for a bit
  4. I have the same issue since about 6-9 months ago. Before I would hit about 14 out of 15 ATGMs. But since then, Petro missed 3 out of 8 and even more sometimes. Back when he was still hitting I was often about 70% 'stable'.. often having some pedals input and even making some side / up/ side movements to avoid fire. Now.. I fly 100% trimmed and steady, and still he misses large tanks quite often. Once you start targeting Bofors/flak, the miss ratio skyrockets. (These are all static multiplayer targets on various servers) It has come to a point that 1 Mi24 sortie will annoy me so much that I give up and switch module. This really killed the Mi24 for me. Approaching a Vulcan, firing ATGM at max range.. full steady 'Miss', quickly fire another 'miss' and then the vulcan or other ground units get me cause I get to close being too annoyed too turn around but fire the 2nd shot on the same run.
  5. I'm hoping it will be featured in a nearly finished state in the 2025 and beyond video. If not, I fear it may still be far far away. In the very recent Aerges update, she still seemed to be in a rough state, even in the texture department.
  6. Hoped to see the M still in 2024. Glad to at least have some news to break the silence. Is a Q1 2025 a realistic M release or is it much further away? Will also insta buy the F104 but that seems a distant release.
  7. I'm trying to reproduce it in a custom offline mission but can't seem to get it to happen. I know 2 exact moments I had the issue, but I can't open the trackfiles cause they give me an error right after opening. (I know which date and time these moment occurred, but not sure which of the 7 trackfiles of that day I need to take). I know it happened on a certain date between 09:22 and 09:28pm Would it work if I send you the trackfile time stamped at 09:42? It is 83MB though so I can't attach it here.
  8. I will add to this that I experience the same. The solution I have found is to point the missile seeker at the sun for a moment, then it will get tone and fire when you aim at a normal target later. Sometimes neither missile will fire before looking at the sun, sometimes the 1st one will fire but others wont until... you look at the sun first -.- I had this 3x today. Seems like taking 530s has something to do with it because I did not have any issues in the days before when I didn't take any 530s. I tried to select and deselect pylons and missile CM+S button ON/OFF etc, I could not get it fixed until I looked at the sun
  9. Any update on this? I have the issue now and it actually came up after I did a cleanup and repair to fix another issue. I've deleted the config folder, checked MSSA, cockpit res, screen res and AA. The TGP display is fine, but the MAV WPN page is very low res and has no cross
  10. Ooh, how is the damage model ?
  11. Also, was the Humvee in the trailer just a cheating photoshop/3D model plugin to help sell the thing... or is there some actual system in development that will allowed it in a non-cheating way? And will you make certain equipement removable to make her fit more into older scenarios (like CMWS)?
  12. Same questions here. We now know the CH47 will basically be released featureless when I comes to anything outside of the ‘physical’ module itself. So then how about the core core concepts of the module? - is the flight model 100% done? (with tweaks required in the future after testing and feedback ofc) - does she have a full damage model? Or is it at invincible apache levels or even less? - what about system limitations? Engine overspeed effects, airframe overspeed etc ^^ these simple things are essential for basic implementation in any multiplayer server. Even though cargo etc is also 100% essential to the module, at least server hosts can give it the same CTLD options as other modules. But things like the Apache being near invincible long after the initial release, is really sad and unacceptable. Basically, is everything in place to prevent her from being called ‘broken’ aside from ‘very much incomplete and lacking’?
  13. Question: Aside from certain features, I think many of us assume that the following will be part of the EA. Can you confirm that these are 'finalized' (of course with tweaks possible in the future): - Flight Model (VRS, Ground effect, general flight model etc etc) - Damage Model (How does it compare to the invincible Apache DM?) - All cockpit switches - Pilot/crew models? - AI gunners ROA/Burst options as with Huey/HIP/Hind - Flight envelope limitations (speed, G, blade stall etc) - System limitations (engines mostly) Are any of those not included in the EA? And/or are any of those in a early access state?
  14. Well, thank you for this, cause this is exactly what me and others are saying. Even now, while we are literally in the CH47 topic and I bring up subjects directly related to the CH47, you tell me to take these subjects somewhere else. This is the CH47 FAQ, the most asked questions are about those things.. and you say 'hey, this is about Ch47 only, don't talk about that other stuff' I'm not here to start a discussion and will leave it at this.
  15. Alright, I hope this list will grow at least a bit. Don't get me wrong, in case of something like the Chinook, I am all for releasing it with just a full flight and damage model with other stuff coming later. But in that case there needs to be a roadmap so we can manage expectations. I understand you will add to the list of things we can expect in EA, but I think most of us are looking for the things that will come AFTER early access, and when we can expect them with a semi reliable time line. When you buy a Huey or Gazelle, you kind of know what it is and what features/weapons it will have in the end. But in the case of the Chinook 50% of the needed features for this thing to be complete, are outside the module itself. Infantry updates, combined arms update, FARP updates, logistics etc etc.
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