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  1. I highly doubt there will be any refunds. If they do it for one, they have to do it for everyone. The money made from modules is likely already spent on overhead, to include developer compensation etc.. Some of their modules have been around for quite a while now. These are small companies with small teams on limited budgets. Hopefully they can come to a resolution and everything will be fine. I expect it will take a while though since either way, there will be lessons learned and it will likely include legal matters(contractual agreements, wording etc. etc.). For this situation and all others going forward, between all 3rd Party developers and ED. Best not to get ahead of ourselves though and let ED and Rb figure this out. It's too bad it was made public the way it was.
  2. I think we will see another nice bump and further improvements once Vulkan API is available. Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  3. This seems much better now. Still a short hose, but this might be accurate to RL.
  4. I don't feel like reading through this entire thread again, but it seems like this is tied mainly to the hybrid CPUs. I have a i7 11700K and don't have these issues. I see a LOT of members in this thread have 12th and 13th gen Intel CPUs. I'm not up to date on the AMD side, so can't speak to that.
  5. Nice update. Well done ED! Glad this was mostly a bug fix update in addition to the releases being merged. Lots of nice improvements.
  6. I think you misunderstood. Yes, OpenXR is natively supported. But it is only enabled with MT. I don't need documentation to click "Yes" (not how it works with Steam), I just meant that documentation/release notes will provide clarity for those that have both OB and Stable installed.
  7. Something else worth adding is that Multithreading has OpenXR enabled by default. Which is a good thing. But the last time I did a file verification with Steam, it broke OpenXR with OpenComposite. So now DCS doesn't launch in VR with ST anymore. I could go fix it, but I never play in ST.
  8. I think this is where most of the confusion lies. Most people, if not everyone, knows that the Stable version is just an older OB. Part of the confusion (at least for me) is also that I didn't realize MT was also available in the Stable release. I thought it was exclusive to OB as a "preview" ("preview" itself implying Beta). I'm, sure ED will provide the necessary documentation and clarify everything when the time comes though.
  9. To With the Steam version, you have to launch DCS from the Steam client for MT. The desktop icon, the exe from the bin-mt folder and even creating a new desktop shortcut from the Steam client (with MT Preview is set) will all start DCS in ST. It will say "MULTI THREAD PREVIEW" at the very bottom right corner of the Main Menu.
  10. Just a heads up, if you are running the Steam version, make sure you are launching DCS from the Steam client. The desktop icon launches in ST. Even the icon from the bin-mt folder launches ST. It will say "MULTI THREAD PREVIEW" at the very bottom right of the Main Menu. I only say this because myself and other members did not realize this until months after MT released.
  11. Nope. Desktop icon (default) and the launcher from the bin-mt folder still launches ST. Also created a new shortcut from the Steam client and this too still launches ST.
  12. I haven't checked since the last couple of patches, but the icon does not launch MT for me. I am running the Steam version. I have had to launch DCS from the Steam (with MT preview set) client in order for it to start in MT. I even tried creating a desktop shortcut of the exe from the bin-mt folder and it would still launch the ST version. Again, this may be fixed now but it was a know bug with the Steam version. I will try it in a little bit to see if this is resolved.
  13. My guess is there will be two separate download/install options. ST and MT. If you have both installed, you'll likely have two separate executables with distinct icons. At least that would seem like the most practical approach. Especially since ST is on life support at this stage.
  14. Well considering that the next patch will be merging the Open Beta and Stable releases, it could very well be a major bug fix release. I wouldn't expect too much in terms of new features. That said, I am very much hoping that the MT version will include the Vulkan API.
  15. For those that haven't seen the News article that was published on the DCS website last month, Wishful thinking, but I hope it will make an appearance in the upcoming update which will merge the OB and Stable releases.
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