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  1. Unless I have misunderstood your question, the stick is NOT supposed to centre like what you get from a sprung Warthog for example. This replicates real life stick behaviour where the stick is physically joined to the flight control surfaces. i.e. the stick position aligns with where the ailerons and elevator are physically positioned. YOU centre the stick. Also, whatever position you hold the stick for a particular attitude of flight, you can "trim out" the forces on the control surfaces and stick will stay still, you can take your hand off the stick to prove you are trimmed out correctly. Welcome to real flying! Hope that's helpful.
  2. @ED - what is the status and timeline to correct this issue? It is slaughtering frame rates and use-ability of this module. Thanks for the news.
  3. @ED - Enjoying flying the remastered and smoother F-5E - good job so far. I have 2 issues for your attention: 1) Mirrors: With the legacy F-5 it was possible to see a wingman in Echelon or Arrow (in RAF parameters). In the remastered F-5 the view is mostly of the side of the pilots helmet, i.e. pretty pointless. Can you change the mirror view to be as before and therefore useful, i.e. negating the need for a head turn to check on position of a wIngman flying formation. 2) Instrument lights: At night the adjustable switches make the panel lights either bright or very bright. The ability to dim the lights has gone. This is not good as generally we want to fly with a dark cockpit, with lights just on to maintain night vision. With current light brightness the floodlight adds little as its already very bright everywhere. Can this be made more realistic with dim instrument light settings. Again, light level adjustment in the legacy F-5 was OK. Many thanks.
  4. @ED - Enjoying flying the remastered and smoother F-5E - good job so far. I have 2 issues for your attention: 1) Mirrors: With the legacy F-5 it was possible to see a wingman in Echelon or Arrow (in RAF parameters). In the remastered F-5 the view is mostly of the side of the pilots helmet, i.e. pretty pointless. Can we have the mirror view to be as before and therefore useful, i.e. negating the need for a head turn to check on position of a wIngman. 2) Instrument lights: At night the adjustable switches make the panel lights either bright or very bright. The ability to dim the lights has gone. This is not good as generally we want to fly with a dark cockpit, with lights just on to maintain night vision. With current light brightness the floodlight adds little as its already very bright everywhere. Can this be made more realistic with dim instrument light settings. Many thanks.
  5. SMUDGE 12 O'CLOCK HIGH!! The "improved" spotting dot in the last patch is a disaster for realistic VR - e.g. any beyond visual range work is ruined and most other a/c on a/c. ED please implement an option to REMOVE all spotting effect as before this last update. Thanks.
  6. SMUDGE 12 O'CLOCK HIGH!! The "improved" spotting dot is a disaster for realistic VR - e.g. any beyond visual range work is ruined and most other a/c on a/c. ED please implement an option to REMOVE all spotting effect as before this last update. Thanks.
  7. Thank you Home Fries for your hard work and contribution to the community. One question - how do you uninstall CTS? Thanks.
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