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  1. Threat Rings in Mission Editor seems to be way off (too big). I remember days clear as sky where you flew into the Threat Ring depicted on your MFDs in the F-16 and F-18 and it [the SAM site] would start tracking you immediately and you had to kinetically evade. Now it seems the Threat Rings on the HSD (F-16) and the SA Page (F-18) are completely wrong about the Maximum Required Interception Range (it starts way later! SA-10 has smaller range at which it fires, contrary to what the ME says). Bullseye and Seawise Tanker are placed in the mission exactly over the spot in which the ME thinks the MRIR is located at and the SA-10 is set to RED STATE, INTX Range 100% and Weapons Free. Trackfiles, Mission and Tacview are in attachment. Both the F-18 and F-16 are flyable to rule out airplane specific bug regarding inaccurate threat ring display. Thanks in advance. HORNET.acmi HORNET.trk VIPER.acmi VIPER.trk SA-10 Threat Rings Test.miz
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