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Everything posted by HB_Painter

  1. Hey thanks for the report! Could you maybe create a track for us to check it quick? Will take a look at it!
  2. Hey should be fixed by now with the latest patch Greetings
  3. Hey thanks for reporting will take a look in the next days!
  4. Fixed it today will be in the next patch Greetings
  5. Perfect! Looking for a solution to that
  6. The cropped off audio is smth that comes from jester basically asking too quick after the power is there. Will be looking into it but no promise on when. The rest sounds a bit weird to me. So he basically doesn't say anything after the alignments complete? Oh and does the audio play when he asks you if you are ready for alignment(Generators done)? Could you maybe provide a track? Greetings
  7. Thanks for providing that! I will investigate!
  8. Hey thanks for reporting Did you use autostart? And especially could you provide a short track where this is happening? Greetings
  9. Hey so first of all thanks for the track. The Drag Coefficient is not used in conjunction with Laydown. Thus can be ignored here. What I noticed was that in the track the bombs opened directly and did not fall any distance. Could you maybe provide some other track for double checking? Thanks in advance
  10. Hey thanks for the videos and tracks those are a great help! Out of curiosity, which procedures are you referring to? Because normally the steps you are doing are a bit out of order as you would chuck both engine master switches to on, start the right engine and only after its online and in idle you would put the right generator switch to on. After that repeat the startup for the left engine and only if its online and in idle you would put the left generator to on. The normal startup procedure can be found in the manual here: https://f4.manuals.heatblur.se/procedures/startup.html but theres also a page in the kneeboard that comes with the plane with those steps Edit: To use cartridges you can basically change out the 1. External Air source CONNECT RIGHT Step to using the cartridge for the right or left engine depending on which you are starting Best Regards
  11. Hey thanks for the report! A track and video would be highly appreciated! Sounds like a bug!
  12. Hey thansk for your report! A quick track would be much appreciated to narrow down the Problem
  13. Hey thanks for the feedback! I moved it back to the normal F4E Forum We keep it in mind but can't tell you when
  14. Hey thanks for the report! Do you have any non-standard characters in your saved games path like chinese, kyrillic or even just something like é?
  15. Hey great to hear! Would you be so kind to link the thread that solved it for you for other users that might experience the same? Thanks
  16. Hey thanks for the report! Looks like a bug we will investigate!
  17. Hey thanks for reporting! Do you have a log file by any chance?
  18. Hey thanks for reporting! Sounds like a bug but we will investigate
  19. Hey that sounds weird! Could you supplay a short track or video? As a first aid I would suggest that you maybe run a repair for your DCS installation maybe that already helps
  20. Fixed will be there with the next patch Greetings
  21. Please don't use the parameters from the bar but rather the ones that the plane shows you in the cockpit just to make sure there is no conversion problems there, as for example the AOA is not translated to the planes AOA. In my tests it worked as accurate as it can get with direct bombing but I can test that again. I only need a screenshot of your I/O from the bombing calc and than I can see in a track where the problem might be
  22. Hey did you make sure to click outside of an input field to let the calculation do its thing? The AOA is not doing anything in the Bombing table Also please provide a track.
  23. Yes this will come in the next days to the Manual
  24. Hey thanks for the report! That is indeed a bug that we will investigate!
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