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About Rudel_chw

  • Birthday 05/08/1958

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World only
  • Location
    Antofagasta, Chile
  • Interests
    Scale modelling, motorcycling, photography
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  1. will record a couple of videos, one from a pneumatic start and another from a cartridge start, so I can show how it looks on my Dcs.
  2. Hello, When I do a normal pneumatic start, with a Ground Air Source, Jester will wait until I have both engines started, before asking permission to begin the INS alignment. However, when doing a Cartridge Start, Jester begins to ask as soon as the Right engine is started and before I have started the Left engine. Is this behavior a bug, or is it intended? Thanks for any help with this. Eduardo
  3. While its true that your motherboard is a 2016 design, and your DCS is running very CPU bound, before upgrading hardware, I'd try at least the following: 1) Enable Vertical Sync and set your monitor to 60Hz, there is no point in using higher screen refresh if you can barely pull more than 30 fps. 2) Add on your antivirus an exclusion to both DCS folders: the one containing the DCS program itself, and another for the folder for DCS within /Saved Games/ ... I suggest this because there is a chance that your AV background activity is impacting on your DCS performance. If that doesnt help, I'm afraid you will need a Mainboard+Ram+cpu upgrade.
  4. Hi, Ok, I tested your Mod under the latest DCS and found that the cockpit only works if I rename it "default". The same thing happens on older versions of DCS if I try to customize the individual Mig-29, but if I use the FC3 custom cockpit then it takes the new cockpit with your name. This seems to be an old issue of FC3, that now is more obvious because there is no FC3 anymore, we have to use the individual FC aircrafts.
  5. Hola, No es molestia, te cuento que el ultimo update de DCS corrigio los problemas que habia con el FC3, ahora ya no debiera aparecerte en la lista de modulos a instalar, sino que aparecen los modulos individuales cada uno con el sufijo "Flamming Cliffs", en esta forma: Por alguna razon ED decidio descontinuar el conjunto FC, honestamente creo que no fue una movida acertada de parte de ellos, se pierde de alguna manera el branding "Flamming Cliffs". Sobre Afghanistan, yo no lo he comprado por lo que no tengo info de primera mano, pero en el Foro he visto muchos hilos con este problema de autorizacion, por ejemplo: Seguro lo arreglaran con un nuevo parche, por mientras puedes abrir un boleto de soporte oficial para que te lo resuelva un tecnico de ED, aqui: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/es/support/ Salu2, Eduardo PD: Acabo de ver que ED esta al tanto del problema con Afghanistan, como indica el Moderador de ED: "By NineLine 07/25/24 We are currently experiencing some issues with Authorization on some modules including but not limited to Normandy, Afghanistan and FC3. The team is aware and working on a fix. We apologize for the inconvenience."
  6. Actually it is not as easy as you seem to believe .. in addition to the flag, images for the officer ranks, medals and some squadrons are also needed, not to mention the lines needed for the AI Units that the country can use (and the bit of research needed to select which units are realistic for that country). But I agree that it is not something complex, in fact there is a User Mod that accomplishes this, but of course it is not Multiplayer compliant: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321135/
  7. ok ... I get there is no urge ... but taking 4+ years to add a new country onto a lua file seems a bit extreme.
  8. my paranoia went only so far as to unplug all my other drives, leaving just the old NVMe and the new one, at that point it was pretty hard to mess things up, I would have had to find a way to clone the old disk onto itself Now that I have space, I'm installing a 2nd instance of DCS, one will have DCS 2.9.5, to run FC3-based aircraft mods and to employ the Lua Console of DCS-BIOS, while the other will have the latest version of DCS:
  9. Several latin american countries were added to DCS long before there was any map of this region, so it has happened before ... and we have both Koreas, China, japan, etc, on DCS since for ever and no region Map either.
  10. Hello, My PC had six storage drives, the fastest being a 1 TB NVMe unit which held Windows, a few software like Office and Adobe, and DCS. The remaining drives included one SSD of 1 TB where I held my documents and my Lightroom photo collection, plus 4 older hard drives for Backups and lesser games. As the 1TB nvme drive was getting cramped, as DCS alone used over 600 GB, I have now finally bit the bullet and purchased a 2 TB unit to use as an upgrade. I know that many people swear by Gen.5 units, but those are still hideusly expensive on my country and would force me to upgrade the motherboard as well (this is my current MB: https://pg.asrock.com/mb/AMD/B550 Phantom Gaming 4/index.asp), so I ended up purchasing a Gen.4 unit at a price of US$ 175, this one: I wanted to share a few highlights about the install process, in case it might help other users: 1) First, I wanted to avoid a Windows reinstall, as I've spent a lot of time tuning my Windows and drivers and wanted to avoid doing it all over again, so I needed to clone the drive. 2) Since my MB has two M2 slots, I opted to mount both drives simultaneously and then perform the cloning. The software I chose to use was a 30-day trial version of Macrium Reflect: https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree This software has the advantage of running within Windows, so no need for boot pendrives nor running DOS-like front-ends. 3) To avoid any chance of error, as I have so many drives, I disconnected the Sata cables of all my existing drives, leaving just the two NVMe units connected. This is my motherboard with the GPU removed and just my original 1 TB unit: And here is the new drive already installed on the secondary M2 slot: I start Windows and then start the Cloning software: Disk 1 is my existing Windows drive and the new unit was detected automatically as Disk 2, we can see it is empty. The One Drive message can be ignored, it is caused by having all my other drives disconnected during the cloning. I click on "Clone this Disk" and the software automatically offers to clone the disk while at the same time enlarge the partition 3 to take advantage of the larger destination drive, like this: The cloning took about 30 minutes and then I powered off the PC, removed my original 1 TB drive and moved the new 2 TB unit onto its slot. I would have loved to leave both NVMe on the PC, but unfortunately my motherboard disables 3 of its 6 Sata ports when using the secondary M2 slot, so I chose to just replace my original 1TB with the 2 TB one, to keep all of my other drivers operational. The free NVMe will be sold at the 2nd hand market or used to upgrade my spare PC. So, that's all, I can highly recommend this cloning software, worked perfectly. Best regards to all, Eduardo
  11. That's only if you play historic-bound missions ... I can totally devise an Iran-Afghanistan coalition, with Afghan units fighting alongside Iran on the PG Map, in the same way as we placed US units in caucasus for so many years.
  12. Yes please, please ... it's been on wish list for a long time now:
  13. Thank god Chuck has provided an almost 500 pages Guide, without it I wouldn't have been able to learn this bird fully.
  14. problem is they also can’t stand anyone else reading it
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