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Everything posted by Cydrych

  1. Added user files link.
  2. Cydrych

    18th FIS?

    Half the time I wonder why I'm spending time on patches when most people won't be zoomed in enough to see the details and outside of taking screenshots for the mod page I'm never looking at them too. They don't look like they were drawn with crayons so you did a nice job either way, just voicing my opinion. You can scale the texture up. I noticed on one of Lee1hy's recent skins he had them at 1024x1024. The patch texture looked way better but again it is a small detail most people won't notice so why waste the VRAM on it?
  3. Cydrych

    18th FIS?

    Nice skins. The texture is something I need to experiment with more. I haven't got it to look right yet. I also like the handprints on the tank. That's unique. I noticed a couple of small texture errors if you ever update them. They aren't noticeable unless you're really zoomed in. 0264 & 409 main 2 - roughness channel is missing the texture noise and the decals look like they are more rough (white) than the rest of the jet. Round decals near 264/409 on nose, left side has incorrect texture in metallic layer and right side is missing in metallic layer. Sealant line is also missing on the right side in metallic channel. 0264 main 1 serial on top is missing in roughness and metallic channels. And just my personal thoughts I think the normals on the pilot patches are too strong and degrade the patch texture by causing too much shadow. The right side patch needs moved up a little bit too. Other than that nice job! Release more please!
  4. The F-16C #91-401 from the 389th Fighter Squadron carried special nose-art and mission markings while deployed to Al Udeid Airbase in Qatar from November 2001 to January 2002, flying missions over Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The courage and sacrifice of New York City firefighters is honored on this fighting falcon that flew many combat missions during the way. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343862/
  5. Added download links
  6. V3 uploaded. Color - https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343723/ Gray - https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343722/ Change log: New have glass paint color Roughmet/color fixes Pilot patches - added roughmets and normal maps. Pylons - Higher resolution text Fuel tanks - Higher resolution text and decals, new 300 gallon fuel tank art Custom HMD pilot helmet
  7. Hmm, I just tried on my install and the parachute texture shows up fine for both liveries on all maps. I haven't been able to reproduce this. I didn't change the parachute texture and there isn't any reference to it in the configuration file so it should call ED's default texture located in :\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\F-16C\Textures\F16C_Pilot.zip It will be called pilot_f-16_parachute.dds and should look just like my screenshots assuming you installed it correctly and haven't made changes to ED's default textures. Questions: Did you modify the description.lua in the zip folder? Did you extract the zip file with all the textures and put the folder in saved games or copy the zip to the core mods F-16C livery folder like the readme said? It shouldn't matter but just trying to figure out how you installed it so I can test. Are you trying to add the desert suit to another livery that already has custom pilot textures?
  8. Line version of the 79th tigers. I have versions for both green and desert tan flight suits. Desert tan requires downloading green. Desert Tan Flight Suit: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343146/ Green Flight Suit: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343145/
  9. Added mod links
  10. These guys make some cool videos!
  11. Nice job. If you load the cockpit model in model viewer there is a blue button near the top that will allow you to generate a description.lua. That will give you the code to call those textures. People will be able to copy paste the textures to the livery folder of their choice and then copy paste whatever code is needed to the description.lua. It is a little more work but won't get overwritten with updates and won't change cockpit textures for all liveries. I had to do this for the pilot suit textures I'm working on.
  12. FYI this mod will be replaced soon.
  13. Mod Links Added: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343148/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343147/ ncludes 1st person pilot body textures for all of them. All liveries in the screenshots are mine so check them out on user files. Colors: Red Blue Black Black with green G suit Desert with tan gloves Desert with green gloves Gray -Foxtrot1
  14. You load a static object F-16 nearby in the livery you want and eject on the ramp from another F-16. Then you walk over to the static object F-16 and make sure the F-16 that is smoking behind you isn't in the frame.
  15. In case anyone missed it the mod has been uploaded to user files. I am working on a update to also change the 1st person pilot textures and I'll probably add a couple extra suit colors in addition to tan. I'm thinking black, gray, blue, and red. If you want a specific color let me know and I'll consider it. Not doing camo.
  16. With all the sand maps I'm surprised a desert flight suit isn't an option in mission editor. I'll upload this as a standalone mod and you'll have to add the texture to your F-16's livery folder and update a couple lines in the description.lua with notepad.
  17. You'll want to use the UV converter tool and blender to extract the model's UV map as a layer. You can do it for any model. That will create the wire frame mesh "texture" you can overlay on the texture template. It will show where the borders of the parts are. The UV map layer is just a texture layer so you can also export it on the model's.dds texture to view the UV map in model viewer if you want. To locate a specific/difficult to identify part you can use the method ggrewe mentioned by using a UV checker texture. They are all over google in various colors and resolutions. You add it as a layer in the texture template and export. Then in model viewer you get what you see in the screenshot ggrewe posted. It is helpful sometimes but this method will not work well for really small parts. For that I suggest creating a new layer, select a bright unnatural color like pink or neon green/blue, activate the UV map layer, and just start painting things that look like it might be your part. Do that 1 at a time and export. When the part changes color in model viewer you found it.
  18. Skins are on user files and links are in the first post. Fly safe!
  19. That is their 2024 livery.
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