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Everything posted by Bix

  1. Bix

    Huey wish list

    Oops, wrong forum....
  2. Bix

    Huey wish list

    For me, being able to glance at the copilot and ask him if he's got a boyfriend....
  3. Argggg, what a distraction--who wants to drop some JDAM's!!?? --Bix
  4. I noticed this too, very cumbersome to say the least. The quickest remedy (and obviously the most goofy) is to use your free hand to block your Track IR probes and mouse control seems to work OK.
  5. There are many helpful/insightful Youtube vid's out there also, I refer back to them numerous times as a refresher.
  6. That was a busy chunk of sky Sat. night! Thanks for setting and organizing that session Slade, I enjoyed it! --Bix
  7. For use in defending your airbase against arty, mortar & missile attack(s).
  8. When I assign an A-10 to attack Hind helo, game suddenly drops out to a Windows error screen saying "DCS World has stopped working".... any idea's....cause I really want to bust those pesky Hind's! This same command worked fine in 1.2.3 (except that the A-10's would unload all Sidewinders on the same Hind) Please help...
  9. Airburst shells made an option for artillery salvos.
  10. A bit disappointed, I have a friend who is ready to get C.A., we both have this weekend off from work and we were planning on crushing some tanks but now are delayed "until tomorrow". I'd like to see the overall sale be now extended until next weekend (3/31/13), ED please consider this.
  11. Am I doing something wrong, I give stike orders to orbritting A-10's in C.A. and they end up launching 4 Mav's each into a single ground target. How can I order a 1 shot-1 kill parameter for the aircover without them spending all ordinance in 1 pass???
  12. I was really excited to see that MLRS can be piloted, it's a riot! Found a pretty neat way to score direct hits too: 1.) Use ruler in F10 view to measure from your rocket system to the target (you'll get a nautical mile figure), 2.) go into your I-Phone app for "conversions", enter in (for example 8.6 nautical miles) and convert to meters 3.) raise up your gunnery sightline to that meter conversion (or thereabouts) and let'em fly!! whammo! you just dusted your target w/ a flurry of cluster bomblets!! Works like a charm!
  13. OK, I'll try. I moved the units up a bit, well within the "circle of death" but still nothing. Bug perhaps. Thanks for the reply.
  14. I'm lost, how do you get the MLRS to start firing on a set target. I adjust the target radius, set, then fire. Nothing happens..... how do you boys get that thing to rip?? Any good Youtube vid's on how to's like this? Can't seem to find any.
  15. Is it necessary to uninstall the steam version?
  16. So I was watching it recently and they were doing a segment on: "Small Diameter Bomb" GBU 39--that thing is wicked!! Looks like it comes in a 4 pack configuration, and when deployed it glides in from sometimes 20+ miles away!! How about this little honey getting added to the Nevada map release...??!!?? Please and thank you!
  17. having the same problem, I'm at a friendly/neutral airfield and get no response. Am I understanding the above correctly?: There needs to be a friendly ground vehicle placed on the map?? I see various trucks/tankers around--is that not good enough? I pull up right next to them at Tbilisi and get nothing.....please advise thx!!
  18. I don't see a profile setting option to change the HOF, am I missing something since the newest update??
  19. Is it still available? I'm interested in getting one (finally)
  20. Thanks, I never cursured over to see if an addition was added to the path, I assumed it would go into the folder I chose.
  21. How?? I have steam version & downloaded the .9 patch and got a message at install: "Must have EN installed" how did you get yours to work??
  22. Where can I download the LOMAN utility?
  23. what file do skins get downloaded to?
  24. My computer got sick. I can't remember what file to download skins to..... can someone tell me?? Thanks.
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