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Everything posted by FlankerD

  1. Hello I would test this myself if I had the room on my "DCS" SSD but I can't yet. So I'm asking here, you say this is your last map technology then are the trees still indestructible and any units below or behind still fully protected ? If they are, forest and trees are just "eye candy" and can't be used like they would in real life to try to hide ground units, can't you create either an animation of trees touched by weapons or simply have some part of the weapon's effect affecting units below or behind those trees in a predefined circle around the impact ? Thanks for your answer. I know this is a tricky one. I just want to know first.
  2. Open Letter to ED Greetings, You are about to remove one version of DCS and I really hope it’s for the best. But as you will see in the following example which is one of many. I really think you will need much more passionate Beta-Testers flying in Solo AND Multiplayer. I read recently in this forum that while in Air-Ground Mode (looking for Target with the TGP for instance) the F/a-18C can still watch the sky in RWS or VS but can’t lock any A/A target in STT or create a Track File in TWS You can read this here. In ED’s simulated F/a-18C Lot 20 (which is as you say almost ready to exit Early Access you « locked » the function of the OSB to go from RWS to TWS or to STT a target in RWS with the TDC. Ok and what ? Won’t you say ! Here is the point : Details are important in Simulation ! Those Air/Air Radar modes can also be changed without OSB as for the VS Mode. And if an A/A target appears in the scanned area while in this « inexistent » TWS, a Track File is created and you can get all TWS Information about this A/A target or any other by changing the L&S. I hope this is not the source of other bugs to have a L&S while in A/G Master Mode. To end with this letter, my last true bug report more than 10 years ago was about a reproductible CTD on the A-10C. At the time, ED did answer : « Why the hell would you want to do that. » I replied that in a simulator, I should be able do anything even if my plane would then crash but not to the desktop. Today, the answers are more politically correct but the fact remain that there are still lots of bugs. I'm not trolling or trying to be negative, I really hope for the best. I should maybe try to be hired as Beta Tester with my obsession for perfection. Thanks for reading my pour English and since "WE are making your dream come true" as advertised, I don't think I went too far. Long Time User since "Flanker 1.0" Best Regards, Jean-Baptiste "Flanker-D"
  3. Hello and thanks for your reply, I learned something new about the F-15E but those little touch and details give the radar "life" and a reason for the WSO to exist. The problem about not scanning "scenery layer" is that (for example) the FCR can detect flying helicopter but can't static ones on the ground 1 mile away on open terrain. It doesn't really make sense. I just hope that the next radar modes will fix those kind of issue and give an alternative to directly target or slave the TADS on any object logically seen by the Radar. I think the FCR with a max. area to scan of only 20 square Nm(5Nm and 90°) with millimeters wavelengths should get a really good picture of the ground and units on it. I think that you get the idea, again the Apache Module is a long awaited one but I almost already have all the others modules and did support you for years. And about being patient, I am since 15(+) Years at least for the Damage Model on every DCS modules, a Dynamic Campaign and maybe a little less longer for a working DTC Module Thanks again for reading and, I hope transmitting. Best Regards,
  4. Hello Everyone, Just a quick note about DTC, It might seem obvious for certain but better safe than sorry. The DTC should be able to load the mission into the Aircraft (Frequency, Waypoint, Target, Know Threat, Chaff and Flare Programs, etc...) but also to save it at the end of the mission. This must be a Briefing AND Debriefing Tool. Happy New Year and Thanks for reading.
  5. Hello ED, This message is dedicated to the AH-64D because this is a long awaited module (I used to play Longbow 1 & 2 on 3DFx Glide Video Card) but the wishes are true for all DCS Modules. The FCR even with its legitimate limitation should not be able to tell the difference between a military or civilian vehicle and should detect both. I know it's in an early development state but compared to the F-15E which is also early access, there's a real gap in the development detail on the radar front. My second wish is about the almost non existent damage model : It's unfortunately always either 0 or 1. No matter if the aircraft have redundancy or what size of explosive it was hit with. History show us that many pilots brought back their aircraft after taking serious damages. Please, try to improve this aspect of the simulation. My last wish, because I have to stop somewhere, is about the already annunciated Data Transfer Module and I really hope this will be done as a two way system as it is IRL. Imagine a 2 hour missions in the AH-64D, Kiowa or AH-1Z Viper flying NOE just to recon the Terrain/Hazards/Good Battle Positions and Targets in order to plan a future coordinated strike. It would be a real shame to loose all that data at the end of the mission because this possibility wasn't modeled. I know the IDM give a possibility to transfer those data but only to other already flying Apache. I could add jamming burn through range or maybe too easy STT lock break particularly when below the target but I know those are classified and not easy to tune. Please, just think about it and forgive my English which is far from perfect. Thanks for your work and Happy New Year 2024.
  6. +1 even with a complete reinstallation...
  7. Hello, I have the same issue (with Open-Beta, didn't test with stable yet) and think it comes from a change on the Caucasus map and the parking slot of Vaziani. I did create a copy of the mission and change the parked E3 with a C-130 but don't know how to replace it in the Campaign. A fix would be really fast to do with the static E-3 removed. If anyone knows how to replace the mission in the campaign properly without having to restart the campaign entirely, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Not Multithread version : The screenshot speak by itself if you look carefully. I'm looking at my HUD and just recenter my TrackIR but the NVG seems to look 30° left of my "classic" vision. This is not a module related problem as I did experience the same issue with the F/A-18C. Multithread Version : If I use the Multi-Threaded version, this NVG issue seems Ok but then I can't use my MFD exports as it look like the frames are not refreshed and the content became rapidly unreadable as I'm sure you're already aware and again this is not a module related issue. Thanks to correct this ASAP and keep up the good work. It's true and logic that the multithread version gives better loading time and more core usage particularly with "heavy" mission but there are also new graphical glitches.
  9. No more update, can't reach DCS Update Servers Hello, Since a week now I'm unable to update my DCS Installations, both Release and OpenBeta. Here is the log of the OpenBeta but it's the same for the Release. Sometimes, with a VPN, it start to work and then after a few Megabytes, I still get "Timeout was reached" My ISP is "Free". It looks a bit like when the 2.x was release. No more Torrent and time out on HTTP. 00000.079 --- Log file: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\autoupdate_log.txt 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-28 16:57:47 00000.021 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.021 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply update C:\Users\FLANKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\update_info.json 00000.077 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.078 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.078 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.080 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.080 INFO : branch: openbeta 00011.146 ERROR: Conection to server 'www.digitalcombatsimulator.com' failed: Timeout was reached 00011.146 ERROR: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com replied HTTP -1 00011.147 STATUS: Timeout was reached 00014.589 === Log closed. 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-28 17:16:18 00000.019 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.019 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply repair 00000.100 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.101 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.102 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.104 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.104 INFO : branch: openbeta 00000.105 STATUS: Connecting to update servers... 00000.307 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00000.435 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00000.447 STATUS: Version is not available. 00009.181 === Log closed. 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-28 17:49:00 00000.015 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.015 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply repair 00000.083 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.084 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.092 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.100 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.100 INFO : branch: openbeta 00000.101 STATUS: Connecting to update servers... 00011.163 ERROR: Conection to server 'www.digitalcombatsimulator.com' failed: Timeout was reached 00011.163 ERROR: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com replied HTTP -1 00011.163 STATUS: Timeout was reached 00013.292 === Log closed. 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-30 21:55:16 00000.024 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.024 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply repair 00000.093 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.095 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.095 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.096 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.096 INFO : branch: openbeta 00000.097 STATUS: Connecting to update servers... 00010.100 ERROR: Conection to server 'www.digitalcombatsimulator.com' failed: Timeout was reached 00010.100 ERROR: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com replied HTTP -1 00010.101 STATUS: Timeout was reached 00014.475 === Log closed. 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-30 21:58:37 00000.022 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.022 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply repair 00000.091 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.093 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.093 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.095 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.095 INFO : branch: openbeta 00000.096 STATUS: Connecting to update servers... 00000.398 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00000.579 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00000.592 STATUS: Version is not available. 00008.091 === Log closed. 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2020-07-31 17:29:29 00000.029 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.19041; Win64; fr-FR) 00000.029 INFO : cmdline: "D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply update C:\Users\FLANKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\update_info.json 00000.124 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.126 INFO : basedir: D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta 00000.127 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta 00000.128 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,FA-18C,WWII-ARMOUR,SPITFIRE-MKIX,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,MIG-15BIS,F-86F,FW-190D9,MI-8MTV2,A-10C,FC3,CA,P-51D,KA-50,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,FW-190A8,F-16C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,RAZBAM_M-2000C,BF-109K4) 00000.128 INFO : branch: openbeta 00012.152 ERROR: Conection to server 'www.digitalcombatsimulator.com' failed: Timeout was reached 00012.152 ERROR: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com replied HTTP -1 00012.152 STATUS: Timeout was reached 00017.270 === Log closed. Please Help ! :-d
  10. Same Here Hello, Same problem here, except it happen's after 5-10 minutes flying the Hog in a complex mission.(any of the Campaign will do). From time to time, DCS.exe does manage to generate a CrashDump and I upload it with my ticket. You may try to set up scene detail with LOW and test. It does help a bit but doesn't solve completly the problem as it still does crash from time to time and my setup was playing DCS:A-10C full details max out so it should be able to run DCS World the same way..
  11. I also noticed more than once this new issue with TRKs but i supposed this was already reported. I have another issue with Campaign or Complex mission crashing to desktop with anything else than low in the Scenes settings, I used to fly A-10C and BS2 with full settings to HIGH. I have two NVidia 580 GTX graphics card. But since DCS World, I get either the CTD(MEDIUM-HIGH) or about one or two seconds with very low FPS(LOW) in complex mission after about 5-10Minutes of flight. This is maybe related. Not sure though...:cry:
  12. +1 Support NVidia 3D and such... Thanks
  13. Crash to Desktop while flying 1st campaign mission with DCS 1.2.1 and Last Update. Hello, I'm posting this here to know if I'm the only one to get CTD errors which turns in "Crash To Launcher" after clicking on the standard windows message. The launcher then display the "lost campaign" screen. (After the first mission...) and then the debrief and TRK from a previous mission finished correctly.(IE: Training Mission) This happens mainly or faster with the "Offensive CAS" mission but not only. It seems to happen when my firsts weapons reach targets. I had no such issue with the previous release. I already used two sets of activation for my whole A-10C, BS2, P-51D and CA package. I did reinstall folowing the process, deleting all relative files, checking the MD5, no reinstalling CA (Beta Status) etc... So maybe the mission of Georgian Hammer are not anymore compatible. If so, I'd like to know. My setup is in the signature and my OS is "Seven Ultimate x64". Thanks for your answers and forgive my bad english from late in the night.
  14. Thanks !!! Merci à tous pour ces clarifications, :thumbup: J'espère qu'elle servirons à d'autres et je m'en vais de suite installer tout ça et paramètrer mon HOTAS pour le Su-25T dont le modèle de vol me manquait avec le A-10 un chouille trop stable pour moi :joystick: Bien sur, ce sera alors l'avionique qui me manquera mais bon, c'est classique, ils ne sont jamais contents, tout ces simeurs à la noix ! :music_whistling: @+
  15. Je cherche ici à clarifier un peu les versions et ce qui sera fourni avec ! Je cherche un Version de DCS World avec comme je l'ai vue sur certain screenshots de l'interface principale : DCS : P-51D DCS : A-10C DCS : BlackShark Combined Arms Su-25T Tous apparemment en version (pour l'instant) J'ai moi-même déjà (toujours en version anglaise) : Lock-On en CD Flaming Cliffs en CD Flaming Cliffs 2 en Download. DCS: BlackShark en Download DCS: Blackshark 2 en Download (Version Upgrade) DCS: A-10C en Download (Version Beta) En faisant au plus simple, laissons de coté l'aspect financier, que me faudrai-til outre P-51D qui m'amménerai DCS World pour arriver à la config décrite plus hauts. Quel produits est censé nous ®ammener le Su-25T dans DCS World ? La detection de Flaming Cliffs 2 ? Le tout proche "Combined Arms" ? Flaming Cliffs 3 ? Navré si ces questions vous semble évidente ou ont déjà leurs réponses ailleurs mais je n'ai encore pas pu trouver.:helpsmilie: Merci d'avance et @+ Encore un autre "Seul et Unique Flanker-D":pilotfly:
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