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Everything posted by muniman69

  1. I switched it off about a third of the way back to base. I agree, the spinning bearing needle wasn't very helpful :), but at least seeing the distance and time was. Also, setting the correct QNH (I know where, but it doesn't work, I think).
  2. Very nice and well-made mission! From fiddling with the radio, the 'rushed' takeoff, staying in formation with Reaper (nice little challenge, btw), the route through the mountain valley, voiced lines … really well done. Thanks a lot!
  3. I am unable to complete this mission either. If you open this mission in the mission editor and 'unhide' all units and trigger zones, there are no ground units, structures, or helipads further south of Batumi. There is one trigger zone around Batumi, but I can't find what it is tied to. But maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.
  4. Just tried loading/unloading cargo in free flight and training mission, and so far, no problems. Thank you!
  5. When I try to unload internal cargo, some of it disappears. For example, when I unload five crates, three of them disappear. They are not stuck on top of each other. When I try to load them back, I can only load two of the remaining crates. If you check the unloaded cargo via the comms menu (All Cargos), it only shows the two remaining crates. This happens both on and outside the airfield. I tried again the training mission and the instant action mission (Syria) – the same effect occurs. Both can't be finished, which was not an issue before. No mods installed. User error possible. CH47F cargo disappear.trk
  6. Left Win+H opens gunners AI menu, left Ctrl+4,5 or 6 controlls gunners ROE, left Shift+4,5 or 6 set gunners burst mode. Check Controlls -> Gunners AI Panel
  7. 1. Place Chinook and Infantry group 2. Select Infantry group and set "Advanced waypoint action" -> "Perform task" -> "Embark to transport" and select Vehicle type to "CH-47F" 3. Select Chinook and set "Advanced waypoint action" -> "Perform task" -> "Embarking". Select Infantry group from rolldown menu and click "Add". Check "From start" 4. Done Example mission file added CH47F_Cau_Infantry in Chinook.miz
  8. muniman69

    Trap Door

    If I understand your question about lowering the ramp correctly, you can open/close it partially. In keyband search for "Command Engeneer to Lower ramp to Next Stage" and "Command Engeneer to Rise ramp to Next Stage". Its in "Communication" in keybinds.
  9. Fligt Control -> Trimmer reset
  10. muniman69


    You change the frq via CDU, use CNI -> U2 -> Presets -> change frq (and ident. of the new radio, if you wish). Confrim your new select radio by pressing LSK 1-5 on the Presets page. New radio and frq shuld be displayed on the button of the MFD. Then rotate the "Transmit select knob" (Pilot audio panel) to position "2". Open comms menu and talk to tower. This works for me. I cant talk to ATC on the ground. Theres is a topic "Missing radio" on the forum with pictures Hope it helps.
  11. They are still there. null
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