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Mike Cinch Perry

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Everything posted by Mike Cinch Perry

  1. First of all, I love the A-10 and the the mud moving, but how does fixing the AI armor from pressing towards the enemy to just die, look at it this way, you have more weapons to take out other units!!!
  2. Ok your right in real life they 2 remaining units would do 2 things, 1. Wait for reenforcements to show ip (IE. Air support, or more armor) 2. RTB for further tasking or battle planning. But all in all why worry about the AI ground units to be fixed, they do nothing for your score or to help you in a victory condition, no campaign built in the game! I can under stand it if this happen in like Falcon 4.0 or AF, they have a campaign system and it does help you with your mini war, but as for lockon I really dont see it helping if they fix the AI armor, no AI planes would be a different story! There is more to be fixed that the AI armor for being so stupid! Just my thoughts!! Cinch
  3. WOW, well as I can see that the the RU side of the house should be very happy!! as for me, not really impressed, but thats my thought! Hope everyone enjoys!!
  4. I want some broiled shark with a side of veggies and a salad with ranch dressing!
  5. Ok if you want a flyable demo do this, go to frys electronics and get you one of the little RC helos and fly it around and buzz your cats, dogs, wife, who ever, act like they are enemy ground units, when one swats it down or slaps the crap out of you then you know when the mission is over! Dude, for the lack of your posts I would suggest you look around the forums and use the search function! I would have saved you some time!! Cinch
  6. Yea the info was posted last night, for about an hour then taken down! Dont know why but the info looked good!! Cinch P.S. If you believe what I said you need your head checked!! Hmm didnt know ED was to release any info (keeping customers in the dark!)
  7. Let me be the first to say Welcome to the forums from the Virtual Thunderbirds, hope you enjoy your time here! Whining about SF wont help you in here might get you banned! when you get FC installed, you will not need the disk in the system anymore! I have the Org cd of LO and the Download of FC and it never asked for my cd Enjoy your stay Cinch http://www.vitrualthunderbirds.com
  8. Was looking around the web at work to day, as I have nothing to do!! LOL but here are some models of an f-15 pit.. too bad they are sold out!
  9. Hmm, I think its getting better, people are telling how they really feel, it's like the forums has its own TV channel, more in the lines of a soap opera! I like it cause I can get a giggle out of it before I go to work, go to bed ir when I'm just sitting at home drinking beer. All in All I think it is a good thing that this thread was started and hope it keeps going because "In a perfect world nothing is still really perfect" and why should it look like way her in the forums!! Just my thoughts!! Cinch
  10. So your saying that people are stupid for posting here in the forums about problems with the product they purchased? WOW if this is what you think then I would love to sell you a car that says on the sticker it get 35 miles a gallon, but in reality it get 10 miles a gallon! or how about some ocean front property in Oklahoma! Just because someone has negative thoughts or an issue with a product that he has purchased gives him every right to let #1 the Developer #2 other customers aware of the problems he is having. It's not that a person is stupid for wanting his "Money Worth" of the product! So with that said No one person is stupid, its the people that call them stupid that needs to check themselves! Cinch
  12. Valid points, but if there is more crying over in the other forums they whay has the issues been fixed or even tried to be fixed, I bet they have and still recieve better support over there, I dont read the RU forums much, is there something that would translate the forum for me so I can read for myself?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, with the Starforce stuff you still have to activate both of them right, if thats true then the DL vs CD is not the deal its starforce! I just heard that guys with the CD were having problems as well! I could be wrong?!?! Cinch
  14. Well I'm not holding my breath! I held it too long for the website to get fixed!
  15. Rugg, I'm with you on this one, I know that they had an ISP problem but there should always be a backup for something like this!I just feel that ED has lost their touch with the customers in the US and a few other countries, but they have kept the customers in USSR very happy. I just wish they would see that if they made a little more time for western aircraft and make it an even split in the sim it would work out alot better for the many people that fly FC. As for me Black Shark might never make it on my system just for the fact that if this ever happens again with the ISP problem. I want to use the product that I purchased not wait for 2 weeks to just activate it! Sorry ED this is the way I feel, and along with the Starforce deal, I fell that your worried about keeping the sim leaning more towards your country, and not others, or being even across the board. You know I was looking at the amount of people that are viewing the forums from time to time, and I work in a night club so when I get home its about the time that everyone in or around USSR would be up looking or posting on the forums, well the several time i have looked there has always been more people in the English forums that the russian forums. Is that a clue? I know alot of people in other countries speak english but come on!! I would like to see a break down of copies if FC sold to US and copies sold to USSR. and if more copies were sold in USSR the I'm proven wrong, and I would not blame ED for making lockon a USSR sim, but if the case flips the other way then I rest my case! I don't want my post to be taken wrong I love the sim for the most part, but the little things are what tear me away from the sim, these are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. Mike "Cinch" Perry
  16. Lockheed as with any company produce or hire out to a production house to do their music! But I will contact a friend who works for Lockheed here in Atlanta and find out where the music came from and get you the name of the Production House who made it!! Let you know in a couple of days!! Cinch
  17. Got a new card... 8900GTX??????? WTF!!!! - Yesterday, 00:06 Hey Guru's. Got some good news today. My uncle just popped by and told me that he had something I wouldn't even be able to comprehend. I said "ok, what?". He took out of his trunk a box (felt kinda heavy too) and gave it to me. Then he said open it. As started to get past the last wrapping I noticed it was a video card. But then I looked at the size and noticed it wasn't your average card but something bigger. So, I looked on the side panel and it said in bold letters 'Nvidia 8900GTX'. I was like "wait"... "what???" He said he got it from a friend back out east and that he would know what to do with it. Obviously, I knew right away what to do with it.. if you catch my drift. Anyways, I took a picuture of it to PROVE to you guys that this is the real deal. Enjoy. BTW, where do I get the latest Nvidia drivers to support this card? http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8...2664449dt4.jpg Mike.
  18. Thanks guys, I was hoping more people would post their comments about the video, I guess everyone want the Militarty birds in the videos rather a bunch of props, just a little disapointed in the turn out of people watching it, But thanks to everyone that has posted their comments. This is my first with a Video camera and plan on going to more airshows and starting my own web site for HD video clips of aircraft!! So its all in the planing stage right now! Cinch out
  19. Well I thought I would post a video I made, It was filmed using a sony DVR-fx7 HD Video Camera and compiled and rendered in sony vegas. The video is 1440x1084, I pushed the 24p to get the film look instead of the 60p. This is one of many more to come due to airshow season is upon us. Hope you all like it. The video is only 3 major acts of the hole show, I have a 1 hour version with out music, but it has all the sound and vocals from the show. The Bad thing is that the hour version is 1.23 gigs and need a host for it, if anyone would like to host it for me that would be great. But here is the link to the 232mb video for you all to enjoy!! http://files.filefront.com//;7042293;;/ Cinch
  20. All this talk makes me want to ask, WHEN IS BLACK SHARK GOING TO BE RELEASED!!! LOL I just had to do that!!!!! Out Cinch
  21. Hmmm, ok now we can fly around in a passenger aircraft and get shot down by noobs! Well at least ED is going to make a bunch of FSX owners that cant fly it on their system happy. I still dont understand why one civilian aircraft is making it in to the sim when i'm sure that if a request was put out for more US aircraft, to be modeled as a flyable to even out the unbalanced sides here in aircraft, hell I would be happy with the f-16, f-4, or at least a helo of some us side. Just my .02. Hope you all enjoy flying it in the game, Hey why dont someone start a formation flying team with the aircraft. Out, Cinch
  22. Hmm, I could go on and on but choose to leave the old dog alone.
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