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Everything posted by gmohr

  1. :P
  2. I'd buy it. But I'd buy "DCS: Bigwheel" at this point :thumbup:
  3. There is no earthly authority above Wags, imo. ;)
  4. CCRP is best used with a SPI. I don't personally see the point of CCRP-CR mode.
  5. Rofl
  6. Where's my VVI! I can't possibly land this thing without.... :joystick:
  7. Yes. Yes it does.
  8. The important thing... If your SPI is set to the TGP, the SPI will move as you slew the TGP.
  9. Riding the elevator after work. At about floor 1.5, turn to the guy next to you and in your best female voice say, 'Pull up. Pull up.' :P
  10. I often have wondered if the trim resolution is accurately modeled. It seems too aggressive, leading to the three taps down one tap up dance. Couple that with the really primatve AP, and you have your hands full.
  11. I think the stock labels are indeed cheating. They are way too obvious, give too much info, and are impossible to miss. *Modded* minimalistic labels however, I disagree are cheating. They can be just a few pixels wide, all the same color (black for example) and only at specific ranges. In my view, the lack of visual accuity on a PC setup is roughly compensated by this addition. I've spent a lot of time in the air, and I assure you that the human eye is 1000x better in real life than the portrayal on a PC screen. Consider that the A-10's primary mission was visual ID of targets. in the A-10A days, it was expected that the pilot would aquire most if not all of their targets visually (with binoculars). If you take away your TGP, do you feel you could still fight the aircraft succesfully in this sim, in a dynamic non JTAC scenario? I doubt I could. So try nerfing the labels down and see for yourself. I use them when needed, and don't feel very bad about it.
  12. There are missions and targets withou jtac, and for those, the limitations of PC hardware/software become more obvious.
  13. Ill give you the advise that was given me... Fly 'Smerch hunt' and 'hideout'. Both good intros to more elaborate missions.
  14. I've recently experimented with, and become a fan of, modified labels. I'm using them from 5000 meters to about 1000 meters, for visually picking up close targets. I've turn them down to only single black dots, no text. This I feel is a reasonable range from which a RL A-10 pilot could be expected to pick up a ground target's visual signature, knowing roughtly where to look. I think it benefits realism, not the other way around. Regards, G
  15. In a mission last night, my wingman laid down four perfect mavericks in one pass... then proceeded to miss with two LGB's and two JDAM's.. wtf sums that up.
  16. I just finished my first "real" mission, by the book, from cold and dark to shutdown, and with all objectives complete. "Hideout" is a fantastic mission, and really immerses you in the simulation. Thanks to the countless people who've helped me on these forums to get this far, could never have made it without you guys! :thumbup:
  17. Thanks!
  18. Hi all! A couple questions regarding lazing in DCS. 1) Is the laser located in the TGP? 2) If so, why is it masked (flashing M) when I can still use the optics to see my target? Does the laser have a smaller range of gimble motion or something? 3) If dropping an LGB, if I come off the target hard after release, I can get a masking situation. I assume that's detrimental to my bomb's accuracy, is that right? Thanks! George
  19. Apparently thats the only thing that is "perfectly good" haahah! nice.
  20. Talisker is good malt! Just sayin...
  21. I'd bet money it's random. Doing smerch hunt multiple times, jtac provides different headings, or none at all. Sometimes the headings provided conflict with terrain.
  22. Couldn't agree more. I spent most of the last decade watching (from afar) the decline of flight simming in general. Things are lookning much brighter these days, and ED is a huge reason for that. Thanks guys!
  23. You will refer to him as "Mr" Ed, from now on ;)
  24. I find it hard to mark the location of the target, even if I see the tracers. In other words, how do you go about capturing the location of something that you have visually located?
  25. I tried this, but then what? I now have a rough idea where the ZSU is, but no way to get the TGP on that point quickly and accurately, while dodging bullets. What's your procedure? Thanks, George
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