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Everything posted by scatter

  1. I'm no ace but there's a few simple things that make it simpler. Know where you are and where the enemy is supposed to be and is going from the briefing. Fly from cover to cover, stop, pop up, and scan your next hop and its surroundings using your eyes and the Shkval. The helmet mode and HUD-only view are very nice for doing doing a scan as it's easier to jump the Shkval around. Take your time. If flying with others, engage the target zone from slightly different angles, this will give greater coverage. Don't overfly the target zone, skirt around it, scanning your surroundings (which you should already have scanned), route, and the target area. Also, labels don't have to be an all or nothing affair. If you want something that's still challenging but assists visibility you can edit the labels.lua file in the "\Config\View" folder to give less information (or none at all) at various distances.
  2. Has anyone else noticed the "bump" that occurs when trimming using non force feedback gear? I've made a (very) short video to demonstrate it. In the video I'm holding the trim button while moving the cyclic back to get the trim centered. When I release the trim button the joystick output is set back to the centre by a script (to prevent human factors). You can clearly see the onscreen control overshooting before settling back to the trimmed point. Eliminating this bump might be a good idea for improving trimming on non ffb controls. After all it can't be anything to do with realism as in the real aircraft there's no need to re-center controls.
  3. I suspect that it maybe more than this sometimes as I use an analog stick (no keypresses) to move the shkval and still see this happening every now and then. This has made me very wary about switching on "turn to target".
  4. Okay, I've now written a wiki page on how to use this script for an alternative way of trimming in Black Shark using CH gear. The wiki shows the steps required to get the script running with a blank map. http://vaaf.net/wiki2/index.php5?title=CH_HOTAS_hardware_trim PS: I've just added a new profile with a more sophisticated set of trimming equations to the wiki. These get around the loss of range that occurs with the simple offset type trimming that I've posted here.
  5. Uhoh7 here's a script that should plug directly into the profile that you pointed me to (it works on my gear here). It had no pro-rudder assigned to it so I've commented the rudder stuff out. Also, I didn't touch the hat trim as that was shared with something else. As per the comments you'll have to assign the trim on the throttle to DX Device "none". You'll also have to unassign the joystick X and Y axes (set them to DX Device none). Finally you'll have to assign CMS.A1 to CM Device1 X axis, and CMS.A2 to CM Device1 Y axis. BTW, do you know what software is is to create the bmp with all the assignments? It'd be fantastic if it printed the info directly from a profile. // CMS Script File // // Game Title: Black Shark // Script (only) Written By: ScatterGun http://www.vaaf.net // Date: 24/12/08 // Warning as with any script this will not just plug into any profile directly // It has to be customised to fit in with a particular profile // It works with a trim button that when shifted resets trim // The trim button cannot have any other "shifted" usage as it will conflict with it script //Change the next 3 entries to your devices // JS1 is the 1st TAB after "program settings" in the CH manager // The axis is the greyed out text above the "dx mode" check box //Write down the DX device that each control is assigned to and change it to "DX Device" none %DEFINE XIn JS2.A1 %DEFINE YIn JS2.A2 //%DEFINE RIn JS4.A3 //Don't change the next few lines //Instead, go to the CMS tab and assign CMS.A1, CMS.A2, and CMS.A3 to the DX devices that your physical controls were previously mapped to %DEFINE XOut CMS.A1 %DEFINE YOut CMS.A2 //%DEFINE ROut CMS.A3 //Trim and shift buttons - Change to your physical devices %DEFINE TrimBut JS1.B2 %DEFINE ShiftBut JS1.B3 //Internal variables, no need to change these unless you use them in your own scripting %DEFINE Trimming B1 %DEFINE XTrim A1 %DEFINE YTrim A2 //%DEFINE RTrim A3 //Purely hardware trimming for comparison IF( NOT Trimming ) THEN // If not trimming then XOut = XIn + XTrim; // add the X offset to the stick X value YOut = YIn + YTrim; // and add the Y offset to the stick Y value // ROut = RIn + RTrim; ENDIF IF (TrimBut AND ShiftBut) THEN //RESET HARDWARE TRIM XTrim=0; YTrim=0; // RTrim=0; ENDIF SEQUENCE Trimming = FALSE; WAIT( TrimBut AND NOT ShiftBut); // Wait until Button 13 pressed Trimming = TRUE; XTrim = Xout - 128; // Calculate the X offset and save it in A1 YTrim = Yout - 128; // Calculate the Y offset and save it in A2 // RTrim = Rout - 128; WAIT( NOT TrimBut ); WHILE( [Xin < 138] AND [Xin > 118]); //Check that all controls are zero'd before applying trim WHILE( [Yin < 138] AND [Yin > 118]); // WHILE( [Rin < 138] AND [Rin > 118]); Trimming = FALSE; // Apply trim ENDSEQUENCE endScript
  6. Thanks for the link. I'll try porting the script to at least a couple of other profiles and write a HOWTO document on how to do it. I'll start with yours. One thing that I can't do is change other author's profiles and repost them though. That would be unfair to the original profile authors. As per the limitation of "bundling" if you bundle everything together into one virtual joystick the number of axes and DX buttons available are often limited (the CH software warns you about this). This may not be a problem but I prefer not to limit my options if the sim supports it.
  7. I use ghost's map even though I also only have fighterstick, throttle and pedals. The unused device is just ... unused. I prefer having separate devices as there are less limitations that way. Now for IvanK (I'm just north of you on the central coast so we're in the same timezone BTW - if you have a problem drop by the vaaf (in my sig) and I'll talk you through the process step by step - I can help you over teamspeak if neccessary). The trim button in Ghost's profile is B13 which is the forward position on the thumb hat switch lower on the joystick (not shown in your picture). Now to your profile: Assuming that your fighterstick is JS1 then the up position on your hat is JS1.B25 You should replace all references to JS1.B13 with JS1.B25 and make sure that for that position and the reset position) "use as POV" is off, "DX mode" is on, and DirectX device is "none". Replace this line IF (JS1.B13 AND JS2.B2) THEN //RESET HARDWARE TRIM with IF (JS1.B29) THEN //RESET HARDWARE TRIM And finally get rid of any references to JS2.B2 in the script As I said I'm happy to help people sort out the prob in their individual file if I've got the same physical gear (fighterstick, pro throttle, pro pedals). I'll look up the other profiles tomorrow as tonight I've had a couple of beers and don't trust myself to not make mistakes.
  8. If you mean sharing displays on networked machines then there isn't a native way for the sim to do that in Black Shark. You can shrink the outside view a bit and put the ABRIS and Shkval on your TH2G though. I have them on a 2nd monitor attached to my gaming machine (dual head card). If you mean does it have network multiplayer then yes.
  9. no, that's the collective - the cyclic is your joystick
  10. Here's another solution for CH owners. This script is designed to go with Ghosts map from the CH forums. You just need to unmap the trim button (JS1.B13) When you have your controls where you want them just press the trim button (JS1.B13). The output from the controls stays in exactly the same position while you release pressure on the physical devices and then release the button. Now the center of the controls outputs the "trimmed values". If you want to cancel trim just use the shift and trim buttons at the same time. This just adds an offset to the controls - nothing fancy. //****************** script //Purely hardware trimming for comparison IF( NOT B1 ) THEN // If not trimming then CMS.A1 = JS1.A1 + A1; // add the X offset to the stick X value CMS.A2 = JS1.A2 + A2; // and add the Y offset to the stick Y value CMS.A3 = JS4.A3 + A3; ENDIF IF (JS1.B13 AND JS2.B2) THEN //RESET HARDWARE TRIM A1=0; A2=0; A3=0; ENDIF SEQUENCE B1 = FALSE; WAIT( JS1.B13 AND NOT JS2.B2); // Wait until Button 13 pressed B1 = TRUE; A1 = CMS.A1 - 128; // Calculate the X offset and save it in A1 A2 = CMS.A2 - 128; // Calculate the Y offset and save it in A2 A3 = CMS.A3 - 128; WAIT( NOT JS1.B13 ); WHILE( [JS1.A1 < 138] AND [JS1.A1 > 118]); //Check that all controls are zero'd before applying trim WHILE( [JS1.A2 < 138] AND [JS1.A2 > 118]); WHILE( [JS4.A3 < 138] AND [JS4.A3 > 118]); B1 = FALSE; // Apply trim ENDSEQUENCE endScript PS: oops I forgot. I also had to map CMS.A1 to CM Device1 X axis, CMS.A2 to CM Device1 Y axis, and CMS.A3 to CM Device 4 Z axis
  11. The consensus seems to be that you need to hold the trim key while adjusting your motion and then release the key, then the controls. (while in autopilot) I just use a script on my CH gear as it seems more predictable.
  12. Autohover gets you close but you've got to trim everything as well to get a real hover.
  13. Hopefully if you buy multiple modules they'll integrate into a single system with a single EXE - whatever modules you purchase should determine what you can fly single/multiplayer. Also any module can fly standalone if desired. TK does something like this with the "wings over" series. Engine updates get migrated to all titles but you can merge your older title content into the latest and greatest to have all flyable aircraft, campaigns etc. This means that the latest sim can be standalone but at the same time it can also be integrated fully with older titles in the series - the best of both worlds. As for cost, I'd happily pay more for DCS titles if the DVD version came without the DRM/limited activations. Each new title will be a full study sim (hopefully with different scenery to keep our interest - middle east would be a nice change) and the ability to fly them together makes them more valuable to me/ not less. When we get the A10c and the AH64 (please make it a longbow instead of the deprecated A model) we'll be able to fly really interesting co-ops with appropriate airframes performing their respective tasks.
  14. To get the trimming to work with non-ffb joysticks as well as with ffb ones I'd prefer it to work like this. warning this is not how the trim works - it's how I'd like it to for non-ffb controls Have autopilot on Move controls to achieve desired attitude Hold trim button and release controls, release trim Aircraft keeps attitude as if controls are still in position If you are in a stable hover with aircraft trimmed, controls centered, and hit trim nothing should happen as the sticks should be locked in the position that was already stable. I've resorted to programming my CH controllers to work this way and only using this hardware trim - it's much better than the native trimming in Black Shark. I've seen that some Cougar owners have programmed their sticks to work in a similar manner. The CH script and an explanation of how to use it with another profile is here.
  15. Try switching on the flight director (the button to the right of the other autopilot buttons). It should help a lot with the fighting against the autopilot which will then basically just help to keep the helo more stable. You'll still have to trim a lot but it should be much easier.
  16. Thank you Viper! You've just made my day.
  17. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the "military symbol icon" type labels from the easy avionics mode to replace the text lables used in the realistic mode. I know that labels are a bit of a cop-out but when learning systems etc they are a useful aid and the icon type are a lot better than text (to my eyes anyway).
  18. For machinima film makers a few more camera controls would be great. * Real zoom, as in camera FOV rather than just moving the camera forward/back * Ability to move (translate) the camera smoothly left/right/up/down during filming rather than just rotating. * Ability to alter the camera movement speed. ArmA achieves camera movement by allowing the user to set camera waypoints (with FOV, position, and direction) and time to take travelling between them. * And here's the ultimate wish that is a bit "pie in the sky" - a track editor/viewer like that in rFactor that can go fowards/backwards in time.
  19. Is it possible to record tracks of multiplayer sessions in Black Shark like with LOMAC/FC? After a single player session ends you always get the option to save a track of the session but I don't see this after a multiplayer session. Hopefully there's some way to do it as it was a great feature of LOMAC/FC, allowing us to do an analysis of how everything went and how to improve ourselves. It's also great for getting machinima footage and great screenshots for promotional purposes.
  20. Between these two there is CH gear (although it's at the high end of the spectrum). My CH HOTAS has given me good service over the years and is only now needing a bit of cleaning/maintenance. The controls are quite light (low spring force) if that's the sort of feel that you like and they are very programmable.
  21. When you go into "axis tune" to invert the axis does it go up and down on the graph when you move the collective? In my system I found a lot of imaginary axes on multiple controllers (JS, Throttle, Rudders) assigned when I set up my controllers in Black Shark. You may have to search about for the correct device. If this is working then the only other thing I can think of is that there are separate settings for realistic and game modes and whichever you're flying needs to be set. (the invert axis works fine on my CH stick)
  22. I still suspect that there may a gremlin or two in the autopilot systems (after all they're complex systems). I've been in a stable autohover/all trimmed for several minutes and the aircraft has suddenly gone wild while I've just been looking at the shkval - not even touching the controls. Another thing (which may be a real and dangerous feature) is that when the autohover cuts out when close to the ground there's no bumpless transfer - the helo goes wild at 3m AGL. I've since learned that descent mode should be used to land instead but I would've expected that the aircraft would at least be trimmed when the autopilot disengages. I really wish the manual had a substantial section on how to fly and use the autopilot correctly as I always suspect that I may not have it set up quite properly.
  23. The Virtual Australian Airforce is forming a Black Shark squadron and welcome any new members regardless of skill level. We are an informal group who fly various sims so it should be fairly easy for anyone to become involved at some level.
  24. Hmm, I enjoy the tactics of combat more than learning systems. For me, the more advanced platforms with their simplified avionics (and more effective combat systems) are more enjoyable. Simulated combat will still be intense. I'm really looking forward to the A10c and wish that someone would do a modern Longbow sim (or maybe a Euro Tiger). But that's just me.
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