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Posts posted by BIGNEWY

  1. Just now, Kraken.sh said:

    A question regarding refunds - I am keen to hold out until an outcome is reached as I really like the module, if an outcome is reached whereby the Razbam does not continue, will a refund still be on the table?

    Sent from my 22101316UG using Tapatalk


    I have not been told the refund status will change. At the moment the team does not have to refund but have as a good will gesture as we understand peoples concerns. 

    thank you 


    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Stephen40 said:

    I am willing to wait for a resolution but only if there can be giving clarity on this matter.
    Wil a refund also be given when there is no resolution and the product will be discontinued? Or is this the only time to get refund.

    Is there any progress in this case?

    Hi Stephen40

    The current refund on our Eshop for the F-15E is a good will refund and I have not been told that will change. We do hope for a resolution for this dispute but we do not know how long that resolution will take, as you mention we would prefer people to hold out for that resolution but understand those who wish to refund now. 

    The radar issue has been reported and we are waiting for a fix. 

    thank you 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Str][ker said:

    Hi BigNewy,

    Will we be provided with an explanation of the root cause of this once resolved? Given the heightened tensions around this module, any kind of unusual breakages like this is highly suspect and so I feel that a more detailed explanation is warranted. This is not a typical bug experience as this is date specific so more than a typical approach to announcing the resolution should be offered. As a customer who paid for the Strike Eagle and still loves to fly it, this kind of thing has a notable impact upon my enjoyment. I will set my computer date back after loading DCS and then set it to automatic updates after I am done but it's all pretty impactful to my enjoyment of DCS.


    When we can say more we will. 

    thank you

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Miro said:

    I seen similar post couple months ago, "it's soon"... How soon, half year? Another year?

    It may not be this next update probably the one after, we are testing internally. 

    I get the angst but it takes time, you need to be patient. 

    thank you 

    • Like 6
  5. 1 hour ago, AndrewDCS2005 said:

    So what are the priorities of ED project managers please? @Wags is this something you would be willing to share with the community here (or in upcoming interviews if any)?

    And I am not even remotely suggesting using few personal opinions to drive the business. Look at the poll results, heck run the ongoing poll yourself every month/quarter, to know what makes your paying customers happy.

    We share our work in our newsletters and change logs. You are not going to get a minute by minute run down of every task our team works on sorry.

    thank you 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Irisz said:

    I think it would be better if I leave the forum and not take part in what goes on here on the forum! I have to talk to an unemployed person who thinks he is an ED employee, but he is not, he has no authority to answer any questions. Copying nonsensical tables to the forum. You have no idea what kind of radar and sensors the J-11A in DCS World has. It does not use MAWS, there is no N001VE or even N001V, only an N001 that is on the Su-27. because he doesn't understand, he doesn't play DCS World because he has been unemployed for 18 years and I have to argue with such people who spend their days on the ED forum and vegetate.

    Can you understand that Deka promised something and nothing came of it? Can you understand that this 15-year-old outdated FC3, if they change the cockpit texture of the planes, nothing is solved? That we have to fly 20-year-old outdated fantasy planes because there is nothing else? Nobody wants to change the situation even if I make a suggestion and the problem could be solved with a little work!

    Look back around 2020, the people who reported this problem are no longer writing on the forum! The answer is simple, these people left DCS World and got rid of this problem because they don't play DCS World. They are also tired of being looked at as air and not dealing with their problems, just as no one is dealing with mine. I bought the FC3 product twice in vain. Because I deleted my ED account several times with all the products I bought to get rid of this misery of looking at nothing!

    Something big has to happen for ED to finally realize that its product range does not only consist of NATO aircraft, and that people should not be bombarded with marketing texts that only consist of buying our latest products. Their old products are simply abandoned. We get nowhere with pretend actions.

    Only by uninstalling DCS World and leaving it all here will we get rid of the problem once and for all, because they haven't done anything in 6 years, and now it seems that they won't do anything after that, because they just scatter the planes that they couldn't sell in MAC, and no they will not solve the problem with it.

    There is no point in writing to this forum, unless you suffer from FOMO and buy everything ED comes up with to invent a new product.

    It's that simple, if you don't enjoy it, don't play it!

    Goodbye! I'm still hoping that something will happen!

    ED has lost a user! Congratulations!

    All the best to those who still enjoy this NATO simulator called DCS world!

    Hi, as mentioned before FC3 is feature complete regarding weapon systems and sensor / data links. You are welcome to make request or wishes but they may not necessarily be accepted. I understand your passion for the jets you like but we have to work with public data and the evidence we have. With that said I am sorry you are not happy and to see you go, I hope you will return in the future.

    best regards 


  7. Just now, toubey said:

    Just bought this as my first helicopter module. I have no idea what I am up against but it looks a lot of fun. Meanwhile back to the Uh-60 and killeregg mod. Can't be any harder to fly than the Oh-6 right?

    Thank you for the purchase we appreciate the support. 

    We will be sharing more news soon as we approach early access launch. 

    • Like 4
  8. 2 minutes ago, Migparts said:

    I have been notified by the DCS application that the F15se is not usable anymore and it also generated an anti virus message. So for now I have disabled it as a module. 

    I am not going to request a refund at this stage, as I still believe that some solution will be attained in the future. 

    The F-15e can be used, the antivirus issue is a false positive. Making an exclusion and a repair of DCS will help.

    You can however refund the F-15E if it was purchased on our eshop, contact support directly a credit refund will take 7 to 10 working days

    • Like 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, schmiefel said:

    Just guessing, but that really looks very intentional made by Razbam putting a time-out into their files to stop using the module if there will be no further updates provided. And maybe that's why several AV tools showed a red flag for some files of the F-15E installation recently?

    It is not related to AV, some AV just do not like the protection being used. 


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Ornithopter said:

    Been waiting almost week now for a refund, but it hasn't even been looked at as far as I can tell.  I'm assuming this must be because the system is swamped with requests?

    Refunds are being processed, it can take 7 to 10 working days but you will get it so do not worry. 

    thank you

    • Thanks 3
  11. Please check this script


    unexpected symbol
    C:\Users\A\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Hooks\lottafGameGUI.lua

    However I do not think that is the problem,

    The log stops abruptly 

    2024-06-13 12:52:47.324 WARNING LOG (4616): 1 duplicate message(s) skipped.
    2024-06-13 12:52:47.324 INFO    EDCORE (2420): 0.000 s  landscape5::navGraph5File
    2024-06-13 12:52:47.324 INFO    EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41 (2420): ITerrainGraphicsImpl4::openTerrain() END 1.897891 s
    2024-06-13 12:52:47.951 WARNING GRAPHICSCORE (Main): already registered Renderer callback
    2024-06-13 12:52:47.990 WARNING SCENE (Main): Scene was removed with 2 alive objects

    Is there any overclocking of the cpu. gpu or ram? if so please try default values. 

    Run a verify of DCS in steam also just to be sure. 

    In saved games dcs please delete metashader2 and fxo folders, next time you load DCS it will take slightly longer to load as it creates shaders. 

    thank you

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