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Everything posted by Japo32

  1. A shame not comming in payware campaigns. In my case that is the reason I usually not fly them so much. Hate to refly again same what I did previous my death or failure. Hope ED finds a way to also include save into payware campaigns in future (only saves work for people that owns the campaigns or linked to computer ID?)
  2. well.. that is what satellite images has as a problem. Lots of GB. That is the reason I preffer great hand made textures. I think still Syria is the best map. It has a mixture between satellite images and handcrafted ones, so it is 50-60gb with lot of details everywhere. Iraq is pretty good in mountain areas with such vegetation of bushes, something I would like to see in Afghanistan. The map is better now becuase the new method to have better normal maps, but still has lot of area to improvement. I don't think there is much area to do it with polygonal mountains. It has a limitation of polygons per map, and Afghanistan has lot of mountains. But the big issue is still for me the ammount of GB used. I wish they could offer an option to install custom land handcrafted textures, but that would mean more work and time consuming (of course there are handcraft textures distributed in those "patches" areas like urban, agriculture, etc...)
  3. well.. if I can safe some GB in my SSD the area that is lower than low resolucion, then is correct for me. Even I would just leave it without satellite texture at all (could be a way to give them better resolution with repeat biome textures. But it think already we have a "problem" with the size of maps (my M2 is almost 1TB without Kola and SA maps installed already), to even produce more GB in this extra area. Of course it could be optional to install, that extra portion with higher satellite details or not, to make everybody happy.
  4. Japo32


    One of the problems I usually have is that even I know english, most of the times I have to be reading captions, becuase I don't understand with radio fx and not good vocalization, I don't understand mostly what is said. And that is a shame. The audio shown here is better appart of the reverb effect. Hope you guys can collaborate in future.
  5. agree is rare to finish them with guns if they tell you the hard deck is 18k.
  6. Still I see some "patches" areas. This one from free flight of the Apache in Afganistan. But clearly is a much better product I think
  7. I don't see the discounts at all in the page. Shift + F5 don't fix it
  8. Actualizado con el Kiowa
  9. I have expluded and it last long time to load everything, and I have a 9900KS 32gb ram and 4090
  10. There was a "fix" for the HUD compass numbers in the F1 that made them more readable via Lua script. Maybe there is another way to do this in the Chinook, but would be more desirable to include a parameter in the special options menus. Something to not break the lines. this is needed for VR.
  11. agree 100% and beeing so dark blueish it makes more contrast with the terrain making it unrealistic. Maybe there are big lakes with that color, but I suppose most of the rivers in Afganistan have to be small ones comming from mountains... that it would be nice to add maybe (if performance allows it) particle effects to make water sprays. Problem with water and rivers is that they are vector data. It would be nice to add some kind of reflective texture (with no grass) to make able little rivers, and not cut the terrain in those areas.
  12. While I love to see this aswell.. I am fear of the ammount of GB needed to download those textures (clipmaps). I think a clever approach in the future would be to edit somehow in real time those base textures to make them more (de)saturated in color to identify (autum)Spring, and add some kind of layer above certain areas to make snow, maybe as the Microsoft simulator does. But I think still ED don't have that technology (hope I am wrong) I hope an approach like that can be achieved as a full Satellite map with a decent resolution texel density is something that worries me because storage and VRam, but it is more desired to use satellite photos only over "personality" areas, and others more "common" use repetitive (non noticeable) textures as I think they do for the urban areas with 3D objects over the texture set. But that would take much more time working on the maps.
  13. What we did in MAD (that is garantee to work with a human CP/G) is that The human one is the one that hits space when asked for, and mostly all worked. Maybe if the triggers are not set for the pilots or copilot but to the helicopter itself, it may work even someone of both is killed.
  14. Same question. I only play the Apache with human friend CP/G
  15. I didn't purchase FC2024.
  16. This doesn't work.. it says that I need to reinstall.. I do it... and then again same msg of deactivation of fc3 planes. And again show the install of the planes to be done (fc3). This is only shown inside DCS menu. Not the new launcher
  17. same.. it says autorization not valid for my FC3 planes. They will be disabled in 3 days @BIGNEWY
  18. testings (can) break barriers.
  19. I am not going to be the one that put barriers in imagination: If you checkout this video, this guy raised the sea level 200 meters up. So.. because everymap has sea below the terrain, maybe you could do the same:
  20. still not. In The DCS: CH-47F Key Features at early access: Full set of features will be announced prior to early access releases The most I am curious and it depends my buy, is how far is developed the avionics and FMC
  21. Would be nice to be released this 26th.
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