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Everything posted by statrekmike

  1. Well, hopefully ED lets Leatherneck get those updates out the moment they are ready as waiting around too much could have some effect on potential sales, some folks are going to hold off on buying it until the patch comes out so it is in ED's best interests to make sure that 3rd parties can update when needed and not just wait for when ED decides to do a big patch.
  2. Kinda in the same boat myself, I love the MiG but I am waiting for the patch in hopes that the oxygen bug is fixed as well as the FPS issues. It is not out of spite that I say this, I love the product, it is just that I am waiting to enjoy it in a more complete form.
  3. That is a great list but I really hope that a fix for the oxygen system will also be in that update as it is a very, very critical bug that severely restricts the use of the aircraft.
  4. To be fair, either way you stand on this issue, the people on this specific forum topic are a VERY small sample size.
  5. It is not that it is too complex, it is simply that not everyone has the axis control to spare for the brakes and without the gradual braking you can get from having your brakes assigned to a axis, the MiG becomes more than a little bit difficult and annoying to handle on the ground. I have a axis to spare for it, you clearly have a axis to spare for it but not everyone does, do they have to play in game-mode for tolerable ground handling? Putting the current system into game-mode only is outright silly, adding a option in the same way the Mustang has a take-off assistance slider is the best way to do it, unless you think that the Mustang's take-off assistance should be in game-mode only as well.
  6. I voted yes but only because I think that it would be good to have that option down the road, when they have finished ironing out the bugs we have now and are able to devote some time to it without it being at the expense of (to be blunt) far more pressing issues. Also, to be really honest here, it's current implementation is not the end of the world, I think having a more realistic implementation should be a option but the current setup should not be arbitrarily moved to "game mode" because while some of use have a axis to spare, others don't, should they be stuck with either game mode or poor ground handling? Not everyone has the same controls setups, it is probably a good idea to keep that in mind.
  7. I can get behind the OP's sentiments but in a different way, I have been waiting for a long, long time for the MiG-21 and while it is indeed finally out, I find that I am waiting on it's first patch since there are some pretty critical bugs that will be squashed in it, until that patch comes out, I am just kinda stuck in a holding pattern where I don't really touch DCS at all.
  8. Are we looking at waiting for another official ED update before we see the major fixes or is this something that can be handled internally at Leatherneck with your own updates?
  9. I seriously doubt it, a lot of the work they are doing sounds like it is stuff we don't really see (or can see) anyway.
  10. Hope this ends up being the case, the MiG is a fantastic module, probably the best one (in my opinion) so it will be good to be able to fly it to it's fullest. Out of curiosity, are you a tester for the MiG team? I get the impression that you are from your posts.
  11. I was just wondering how the team plans to release these fixes? Will this be in conjunction with a official ED patch release (as I understand that there are problems that they are also working on fixing for DCS world as a whole) or will it be a patch released by Leatherneck directly? To be honest, I am hoping on the latter, the FPS issue and the pilot oxygen bug have a pretty significant effect on the overall product and while I totally understand that stuff like this happens in software development, I will admit that I would rather Leatherneck be able to release fixes at their own pace as opposed to on ED's update schedule. Is it even possible to release fixes outside of ED's update system?
  12. How do you not turn on the oxygen? I cannot find a switch to control the main oxygen flow at all, only the 100% switch and the emergency switch.
  13. statrekmike


    I have flown a couple of missions with the cockpit closed and sealed properly and still had the oxygen issues. I thought I might have been missing something but it seems that I am not the only one.
  14. Is this a issue that is specific to the MiG or is a DCS World issue?
  15. Just took the MiG up for a nice long flight, got the plane to about 43,000 feet and noticed my oxygen gauge (for the pilot) was going down extremely fast, almost like it was on full blast when it did not really need to be. I looked around the cockpit in a attempt to find a control that would reduce the oxygen flow but could not find anything like it, did I miss something? Has anyone else observed this at all?
  16. The training missions built into DCS are okay, some are better than others but I have always found that making your own training plans ends up helping a lot more in the long run. Look up the mission editor for DCS on youtube, just learn how to place down some units so that you can practice bombing them at your own pace and with whatever weapons you feel that you need to work on. The mission editor is probably the best training tool and just about anyone can quickly learn enough about it to make some basic training areas with assorted ground and air targets.
  17. I would seriously suggest getting used to setting up your own controls in DCS for two major reasons. 1.) It is pretty simple, once you do it a couple of times, you will not see it as a daunting task at all and as a bonus, it makes learning planes easier since you don't need to also learn how someone else set up the controls. 2.) It is faster, you won't need to go on forums looking for profiles that may or may not end up suiting your needs, you can just hop in the controls section of the options menu and go nuts without any fuss at all. I say all this because I used to be the exact same way when I got my first HOTAS, I would scour the internet looking for profiles only to find that they were not built the way I would like and were often illogically set up, after a bit of that, I opted to make my own and while it was hard at first, it quickly became very, very easy to do. Finally, You don't need to mess with your joystick's software much with DCS, most every binding you will need to do can be done in the sim's controls binding section of the option menu.
  18. So are we looking at a hotfix in the near(ish) future or is will there be a need to wait for a future DCS full update?
  19. How do I add my key to my DCS account on the website?
  20. I believe you are seeing a Russian copy of the Sidewinder, I can't remember exactly what it is called in Russia but it was such a good copy that you could even interchange parts with the Sidewinder.
  21. Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for and I am happy to see that it is not terribly difficult to understand what you did here and apply it in my own missions. Thanks for taking the time to help me.
  22. Okay, so I gotta admit that I don't really know how to set that up at all, is there a place where I can find a good, step by step on how to set up what you are talking about?
  23. So I can just place the desired aircraft in the "start from ramp" position on a airfield and make sure the "uncontrolled" box is checked for each? They will then go where I tell them to go via combined arms "F10" command map feature?
  24. So, I hope this has a simple(ish) thing to answer because I am not really clear on how scripting works so before I delve headlong into learning how scripting might make this work, I am hoping that there is a more straightforward solution that I did not think of. Okay, so I just bought Combined arms and noticed that I could use it as a really valuable tool for training missions, I could set up a bunch of planes on the ground and when I need them to head to a area to be a "target drone" that happens to fight back, I could just give them a order from the "F10" screen. The problem I am having is that I can't think of how I would have the aircraft sit at the parking area cold and dark until I need them, is there a way I can have a aircraft sit cold and dark until I issue them a move order via the "F10" screen?
  25. My girlfriend got a iPad issued to her as part of her teaching job but since she does not really need it, I get to use it instead and to be honest, it is fantastic for DCS manual and chart reference.
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