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Posts posted by SharpeXB

  1. On 6/1/2024 at 7:39 AM, PluckyUnderdog said:

    I've never been able to sucessfully AAR. Never. And I'm not stupid, not new to DCS, not a beginner, I am pretty proficient at it. Except this. And it's a bit irrational but whenever I practice it I get annoyed, frustrated, and a little despondent, like it makes me feel thick when people say stuff like 'oh it's easy' and 'well I can do it no problem'. 

    This goes for all modules capable of AAR, basket and boom, it doesn't matter. I just can't do it. And I have tried to practice A LOT.


    Look at how you drive a car or ride a bicycle IRL and apply that to AAR. You’re using small subconscious movements on the controls. The only difference here is that it’s a plastic joystick which is a bit foreign. And you have only your vision for feedback. But it’s the same principle. You can “fly formation” in traffic all the time without thinking about it. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Lukas2438 said:

    @SharpeXB When pausing Eye Tracker, you still can't use mouse or POV-button assignments to look around. Only deactivating head tracker in Controls menu activates conventional look control.

    I guess the assumption is that with head tracking you shouldn’t need the POV buttons. I think if you adjust the response curves you’ll discover you don’t need buttons after all.

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  3. On 6/21/2023 at 10:11 AM, Lukas2438 said:

    we finally need a keybinding to pause or (de)activate any connected headtracker

    I know TrackIR at least has a pause command. Once you become acclimated to head tracking I can’t imagine you’ll want to pause it though, that’s quite jarring. 

    On 11/5/2022 at 2:02 PM, ESzczesniak said:

    Even once I get Tobii Eye Tracker setup, I'd like to be able to pause the eye tracking and pan the view.  While I've found head trackers to not be ideal for large angles, such as switches in the back corner of cockpits. 

    Experiment with the response curves. If it’s anything like TrackIR you should have no trouble seeing any part of the cockpit or even looking at your 6:00. I think the default setting for these devices might not imagine you looking that far around. I know TrackIR’s default preset “Default” isn’t what we need in flight sims. Changing that setting to “Smooth” works better. 

  4. 15 hours ago, Warlock99 said:

    Should these be loaded into the same place/folder Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input on the new computer and loaded from there? I placed them on the desktop and was unable to get to them there.



    Yes I noticed when I tried this that you have to place them somewhere you can navigate to from the DCS menu. What’s actually faster to do is just rename your old diff.lua file names with the new device ID#. You can get the new ID by just assigning a button to each controller once in a particular module. 

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  5. My assumption is that this also has to wait for multicore to be finalized and perhaps Vulkan as well due to performance implications. Right now the game can fill the sky with B-17s. I can imagine giving all those planes better flight models will create a significant performance hit.  

  6. 15 hours ago, mytai01 said:

    I'm fine with the whole system going away if the LOD doesn't create giant airplanes at distance.

    That’s the question. Do the 3D LOD models always appear as a single pixel regardless of the size or distance? I think not because it had been possible for someone to create a “dot mod” using just shader files. The dots that were visible in v2.8 (or now with the current Spotting Dots: Off) aren’t the LODs, they’re just added screen graphics. Also I can’t recall seeing giant aircraft at crazy distances back when I used 1080p and before the Model Enlargement feature started the game down this “spotting dot” method path. If I had to guess I think they tested different sprite sizes with Model Enlargement, then settled on making the sprite 1 pixel in size vs 3-12 and baked it into the game. 
    A sensible solution would be to just replace the current dot labels with the spotting dots since they’re essentially the same thing. The only difference between the two is one gets hidden by your aircraft, clouds etc. So just fix that aspect and make dot labels obscured by other objects. It makes no sense in the game to duplicate these features especially when the spotting dots aren’t mission/server controlled for the same reasons that labels are.

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  7. 4 hours ago, draconus said:

    I called it label because that's what it is. It's no longer a dot when it spills over several pixels.

    And that’s the problem. For very distant targets even one pixel is too large at low resolutions and the solution was to just give higher resolutions multiple pixels. The dots just appear even larger in VR because the screen is closer to your eyes, like putting your nose right up to a monitor.

  8. 1 hour ago, draconus said:

    Didn't test all cases but some buildings can disappear before becoming 1 pixel size.

    Yeah some terrain objects like buildings or such can pop in and out. I thought I saw an attempt to explain the spotting dilemma that the aircraft models can never appear less than a pixel. That must be wrong. So if there were no artificial dots the 3D models would indeed be free to vanish from view like they should. Can’t see what’s wrong about that. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, draconus said:

    Distant aircraft will have to reach the point where it's only 1 pixel.

    Does the DCS engine always render a 3D model at 1 pixel no matter now far away or small it is?

  10. I stick with a just a few modules and learn them thoroughly. When everything is all muscle memory it’s easier to come back to them after a while. Over 12 years playing DCS the only modern aircraft I use regularly are the A-10C, M-2000, F/A-18C and AH-64. That’s enough to get everything out of this sim IMO  I don’t feel the need to fly every module nor do I have the time. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Jack54 said:

    In fact, the update is not to blame, the change of computer is more consistent with this problem... Thanks  🫡

    I'm sorry, but this ID business is foreign to me... 😅

    Yes. That is what will happen with a new PC or Windows install. If you save a copy of your files just paste the new ID into them and they should work. You can get the new ID by just assigning each device once in the game. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, ricktoberfest said:

    If you look at his previous posts up thread he believes having a 4k monitor should be an advantage (in spotting) over someone flying in 1080p.

    Higher resolutions are better than lower ones. That’s a simple truth. Why do you think they don’t make 1080p TVs anymore? Making the game favor lower spec hardware is counterintuitive. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, KoN said:

    What system would be used . Let's say ED scap this dot system as you are asking , what's in its place . 

    The 3D model. What else? I don’t see a reason why the game needs to enhance the model with dots. There is currently no true way to turn them off. However on a 4K monitor when you select Spotting Dots: Off you are effectively seeing what the game looks like without dots since they are just a single 4K pixel and nearly invisible. It seems perfectly realistic. You cannot easily see aircraft at egregious ranges but you can make them out in a way that corresponds to reality. 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, cfrag said:

    It seems to me that you are not considering much, and pardon me if I am mistaken, you do not seem to be knowledgeable in things relating to application programming.

    True 😆 But I know all other programs and games are capable of doing this so I’m sure DCS can too. And it will.

  15. 6 hours ago, falcon_120 said:

    That would not work as it is now, the track replay is totally inconsistent in a mission longer than 10 min, many times shows totally different results, like a missile you evaded hits you in the track.

    I don’t figure this working that way literally, but just to make a point. This isn’t an insurmountable task. All things considered it’s probably one of the easiest things to add to the game. And the most important. 

    7 hours ago, Waxi said:

    If I recall correctly, the Save Game feature announced earlier this year is supposed to be based on new features that have been added for the Dynamic Campaign feature that is in the works.

    Certainly. Again a DC without this feature would be rather worthless. 

  16. 1 hour ago, falcon_120 said:

    I wonder if it will be compatible with the future Dynamic Campaign, that'd be lovely.

    I would say that’s a must. In fact a DC without the ability to save mission progress would be rather useless or unapproachable. 

  17. 42 minutes ago, LucShep said:

    It's as said before in this thread - DCS is for jets (be it CW or modern era) and that's it.
    For WW2 warbirds, no way

    I don’t quite see the logic in that conclusion. The DCS engine does quite a good job with all these periods and modules. There’s nothing inherently lacking with its ability to do WWII.

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