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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by hayesj23

  1. mods need to lock this thread right quick lol
  2. It's really not a big deal. If you've been playing for more than a few weeks you will have already memorized all of your controls.
  3. Is there a way to have the game automatically save track files like tacview does? As far as I can tell there is no way to get a track file from a multiplayer game. Is it possible to convert a tacview file into a track file? :helpsmilie:
  4. Here is the tacview file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15034071/15-33-02%20ilykemoney%20has%20fired%20gbu-38.acmi In the flight log, jump to: 15:33:02 A-10C (i_lyke_money) has fired GBU-38 You will see the bomb release, but not obtain any sort of realistic path. It never guides itself to the target and remains in the same vertical/horizontal position as if it were inside a vacuum. The release was within 0-8mils of the pipper and within the maximum and minimum range. Any idea what causes the GBU-38 to bug out like that?
  5. It's not a bug, just the screenshot being taken at different points during the flight (notice the change in ground scenery).
  6. Here are screenshots of the issue. Before alt-tab: After alt-tab: It's hard to tell because of the resolution of the image, but in screenshot 2 a soft bloom effect is applied over the entire image for the rest of the game (doesn't matter if i'm looking away or towards certain light sources). It makes the image blurry. It doesn't always reoccur on the first time I alt-tab. Sometimes, I can alt-tab in and out as many times as I want when I do a ramp start. Sometime after though, say when I am in the air, and I come back into the game after an alt-tab the issue in screenshot 2 appears.
  7. Hello DCS devs/mods, As missions are becoming more complicated with audio scripting, the file sizes of these missions are rising. When joining a MP server you have to download the mission EVERY single time from the host, which can cause network issues from the hoster becoming overloaded with network data. Please implement some sort of system that allows us to point the sim towards the mission file already downloaded on our local drive and then remember that location so that it loads it each time we join a server with that mission loaded. Some sort of integrity check would be useful to to make sure players don't accidently load the wrong mission. If not that, just store the mission once downloaded and then reference that file on the disk each time as opposed to making us re-download it from the host every time. Thanks.
  8. I can't stand the AI wingman when doing singleplayer missions. I want to go into the mission editor and just remove him from the unit and do it solo, but i'm wondering if there will be any repercussions to doing so (in terms of breaking the mission)?
  9. I don't remember getting any data on the primary target either, but it's perfectly possible without it so I wouldn't fuss over that. There is, however, a planning issue that I think has arisen due to the age of this mission: One of the JTAC assignments is to blow up a "camouflaged" ammo depot. The thing is, the payload given to us doesn't have any bombs that can properly destroy it. By that point in the mission you have only one GBU-12 left, possibly two CBU-105's and then the two 65D's. I think it used to be that the ammo depot only took one hit from a GBU-12 to be destroyed but after a patch they buffed its strength? Anyway, I added a trigger thanks to some help that blew up the ammo depot if it took any damage. Other than that, once I had completed the primary target, the tank tasking and ammo depot tasking I flew back to Deniro and there were no other messages. I made sure to pass thru the waypoint a few times just to be sure and I still had no tasking or any message of any sort. I decided to RTB at that point and still didn't receive any message. :helpsmilie:
  10. I think the cockpit level of wear and tear is fine. The thing that bugs me is that the cockpit doesn't have any damage modeling. You could have both wings blown off and both engines on fire but the cockpit is still in perfect visual condition.
  11. or, you know, calculating the flight plan my ai wingman needs to take to crash right into me. :noexpression:
  12. This is exactly the guide i've been looking for. Thanks a lot gerry. :thumbup:
  13. Is there a shutdown procedure guide somewhere available for download (similar to the start up one in the documents pack)? I don't see one on the wiki. Thanks. :)
  14. ah, looks like I bought the game one week too early. :(
  15. Thanks for the tips everyone. One more very noobish question: How can you tell when a mission is actually over? I did the sitting ducks mission as suggested in this thread and destroyed all the targets ("Destroyed all targets" showed up on the top right) but nothing happened afterwards; no "mission success" notifications or anything. I tried following the rest of the mission waypoints which led to a landing at Senaki airport. I did that, and taxied to parking as guided by ATC but still nothing happened. Is standard protocol after completing a mission to hit esc and pause the game and quit? Or will a "mission success" dialog appear that takes you to the mission report screen?
  16. Is there a way to overlay some sort of text box over the game to write down mission data in? I'd much rather prefer this than having to write it down on paper. Thanks.
  17. does this still work with the latest version ( if not, any chance for an update? :)
  18. For example, this is my joystick: http://www.cyborggaming.com/prod/v5stick.htm It only has one 8 directional hat switch so assigning all my HOTAS controls and REMEMBERING them is not an easy task. Any tips?
  19. Thanks for the link. Here's my controller: Saitek Cyborg X. It's budget, but that's because i'm on a budget :). I basically went crazy with the modifiers so that I could use the TMS, DMS, Coolie, Boat etc. functions with my hat switch. Shift + Hat switch = TMS, Ctrl + Hat = DMS and so on... Do you know of any videos that show someone going through some of the stock missions from start to finish (for example, a video with a voice over that starts in the mission briefing section explaining how they go about planning for the mission and then executing it etc.). The training missions had such a nice learning curve lol, but beyond that it's like a brick wall o_o.
  20. Hi everyone, This is my first time playing any DCS game. I completed all the training missions thinking that would prepare me for the missions. First thing I did after completing the training missions was go into the campaign and try the first mission. I had NO idea what to do. I just sat there listening to all the radio commands and nothing seemed directed towards me giving me permission to takeoff or anything. I went back and read the mission debriefing but was unable to understand any of it. Is there some sort of mission that has a walkthrough style of gameplay similar to the training missions? Something that will show me what the important parts to take note of in the mission briefing are and what to do once the mission is started etc. Something tailored towards someone who has never played a DCS game before. Previous sim experience includes plenty of hours in FSX flying PMDG level aircraft etc. further info: in-game settings are set to "simulation" preset. Thanks. :helpsmilie: p.s Are there any must have add-ons for this sim? In terms of graphics or performance add-ons? I know in FSX there were tons of add-ons that without made the sim a pretty mediocre experience. Just wondering if it's the same for this sim.
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