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Everything posted by AegisFX

  1. I was doing an instant action mission while troubleshooting an issue I was having with my joystick. I approach waypoint 1, and in the process of doing my gun run on a truck, I run into it. It "Catches" me and I don't explode. Neither does the truck. It then explodes, leaving me stranded on the ground with my ai wingmate tellin me how much he wants to RTB. attached is the track. I also think I have a track of my plane diving into a river, skidding through it and the ground, before being angled at maybe 20-30 degrees up and sorta propelled off the ground with no damage. wtf.trk
  2. I just experienced this problem in dcs world. strangely, i have never experienced it in dcs a10-c (Steam). What I did was set my trigger, the pinky trigger, to "latched" in sst. FIXED. edit: while this worked in single play, it seemed to fail me in multiplayer edit2: went right back to failure actually. Still trying to troubleshoot this.
  3. I want almost everything on that site. :pilotfly: http://www.simw.com/cdu-i-panel.html:thumbup:
  4. Not sure if I'm right, but I think in image one, you're bomb is set to release in ccrp mode. You have your own flight line, as well as a target cue line that lines your flight up to do a basic fly-over. In image one, either you aren't line up with your target, or you aren't in ccrp mode. In ccip, I believe you have to make a dive at the target to get the reticule on it.
  5. I've been practicing at the game, but am getting a bit worn on listening to tutorial guy and doing training missions to be sure i got it down. Just wanna relax and do some leisurely flying sometimes, if anyone's hosting that kind of game. If not, I'd love to try to host a free flight, especially for other new/not so pro players.
  6. So I'm currently using joystick, throttle, and combat pedals, as well as cougar mfd's on my monitor via velcro. I also am expecting a small keyboard I intend to configure as a small UFC panel, and may end up assigning the remaining keys to something like one of the CMS panels. Since I really want to move on to a full cockpit at some point, I'm interested to get some thoughts on how the rest of you prioritized. Did you first make a panel of buttons and switches you would need the most and then dropped this into your cockpit? Or did you begin by building a cockpit shell and laying your buttons out as closely as possible?
  7. Mr. Burns, I have had DCS A-10C for a while now, but never could get into it. I always felt my stuff wasn't "sim" enough to really be fun. I recently finished up school, and during the summer, decided to come back to it, and really give dcs the try it deserves. Threads like this, where I can see people are able to enjoy the game with creative use of hardware, has inspired me so much. and MY GOD, THAT MINI KEYBOARD FOR UFC?!?!?! GENIUS. I seriously just had to post to say that Mr. Burns. Seeing that...just makes me think I can easily have fun with what desktop space I can use.
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