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About Timghetta

  • Birthday 07/14/1972

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    3D Modeler/Developer
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  1. E09, not apart of the paint kit, no plans to be included in the paint kit. Also added a list of Material names for LUA below... -- Canopy Glass (Exterior) {"Glass_Exterior", 0, {"Glass_Exterior", 1, {"Glass_Exterior", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- Instrument Glass (Exterior) {"GLASS_INST", 0, {"GLASS_INST", 1, {"GLASS_INST", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- Inside Canopy/Lenses (Exterior) {"Glass Behind", 0, {"Glass Behind", 1, {"Glass Behind", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- HUD Coating {"HUD Coating", 0, -- NOSE {"F-15E_01", 0, {"F-15E_01", 1, {"F-15E_01", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_01", DECAL, -- TOP {"F-15E_02", 0, {"F-15E_02", 1, {"F-15E_02", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_02SB", 0, {"F-15E_02SB", 1, {"F-15E_02SB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- BOTTOM {"F-15E_03", 0, {"F-15E_03", 1, {"F-15E_03", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- WING1 {"F-15E_04", 0, {"F-15E_04", 1, {"F-15E_04", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --AILERON1 {"F-15E_04AT", 0, {"F-15E_04AT", 1, {"F-15E_04AT", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_04AB", 0, {"F-15E_04AB", 1, {"F-15E_04AB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --FLAP1 {"F-15E_04FT", 0, {"F-15E_04FT", 1, {"F-15E_04FT", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_04FB", 0, {"F-15E_04FB", 1, {"F-15E_04FB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --- WING2 {"F-15E_05", 0, {"F-15E_05", 1, {"F-15E_05", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --ALIERON2 {"F-15E_05AT", 0, {"F-15E_05AT", 1, {"F-15E_05AT", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_05AB", 0, {"F-15E_05AB", 1, {"F-15E_05AB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --FLAP2 {"F-15E_05FT", 0, {"F-15E_05FT", 1, {"F-15E_05FT", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_05FB", 0, {"F-15E_05FB", 1, {"F-15E_05FB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --- TAIL {"F-15E_06", 0, {"F-15E_06", 1, {"F-15E_06", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_06", DECAL, --LEFT STAB {"F-15E_06LS", 0, {"F-15E_06LS", 1, {"F-15E_06LS", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_06LS", DECAL, --RIGHT STAB {"F-15E_06RS", 0, {"F-15E_06RS", 1, {"F-15E_06RS", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_06RS", DECAL, --LEFT RUDDER {"F-15E_06LR", 0, {"F-15E_06LR", 1, {"F-15E_06LR", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_06LR", DECAL, --RIGHT RUDDER {"F-15E_06RR", 0, {"F-15E_06RR", 1, {"F-15E_06RR", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_06RR", DECAL, --RIGHT ENGINE {"F-15E_09A", 0, {"F-15E_09A", 1, {"F-15E_09A", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --LEFT ENGINE {"F-15E_09B", 0, {"F-15E_09B", 1, {"F-15E_09B", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- CFT {"F-15E_07", 0, {"F-15E_07", 1, {"F-15E_07", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_07", DECAL, -- EXTRA {"F-15E_08", 0, {"F-15E_08", 1, {"F-15E_08", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- DROP TANKS {"F-15E_13", 0, {"F-15E_13", 1, {"F-15E_13", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- NAVPOD PYLON {"F-15E_14", 0, {"F-15E_14", 1, {"F-15E_14", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- EXTERIOR COCKPIT {"F-15EC_02", 0, {"F-15EC_02", 1, {"F-15EC_02", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_03", 0, {"F-15EC_03", 1, {"F-15EC_03", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --COCKPIT-- Note: a Texture should match corresponding Marterial name. {"F-15E_INT4", 0, {"F-15E_INT4", 1, {"F-15E_INT4", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT6", 0, {"F-15E_INT6", 1, {"F-15E_INT6", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT7", 0, {"F-15E_INT7", 1, {"F-15E_INT7", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT8", 0, {"F-15E_INT8", 1, {"F-15E_INT8", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT11", 0, {"F-15E_INT11", 1, {"F-15E_INT11", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT12", 0, {"F-15E_INT12", 1, {"F-15E_INT12", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT14", 0, {"F-15E_INT14", 1, {"F-15E_INT14", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT26", 0, {"F-15E_INT26", 1, {"F-15E_INT26", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT27", 0, {"F-15E_INT27", 1, {"F-15E_INT27", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT28", 0, {"F-15E_INT28", 1, {"F-15E_INT28", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT29", 0, {"F-15E_INT29", 1, {"F-15E_INT29", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT30", 0, {"F-15E_INT30", 1, {"F-15E_INT30", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT31", 0, {"F-15E_INT31", 1, {"F-15E_INT31", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT32", 0, {"F-15E_INT32", 1, {"F-15E_INT32", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT35", 0, {"F-15E_INT35", 1, {"F-15E_INT35", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_INT37", 0, {"F-15E_INT37", 1, {"F-15E_INT37", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --Ghost Controls {"F-15E_INT4_GHOST", 0, {"F-15E_INT4", 1, --NUMBER---------------------------------------- --F-15E_NOSE-NUMBER {"F-15E_REFUEL-NUMBER", 0, --F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER --(Tail Number used on the Nose Gear Door)-- {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER", 0, --F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-L {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-L", 0, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-L", 1, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-L", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-L", DECAL, --F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-R {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-R", 0, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-R", 1, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_TAIL-NUMBER-R", DECAL, --PILOT {"F-15EC_05", 0, {"F-15EC_05", 1, {"F-15EC_05", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_06", 0, {"F-15EC_06", 1, {"F-15EC_06", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_07", 0, {"F-15EC_07", 1, {"F-15EC_07", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- {"F-15EC_07", DECAL, --WSO {"F-15EC_05R", 0, {"F-15EC_05R", 1, {"F-15EC_05R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_06R", 0, {"F-15EC_06R", 1, {"F-15EC_06R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_07R", 0, {"F-15EC_07R", 1, {"F-15EC_07R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, -- {"F-15EC_07R", DECAL, -----------------------------VR/OTHER PILOTS----------------------------------------- --PILOT {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --WSO {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1R", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1R", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot1R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2R", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2R", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot2R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3R", 0, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3R", 1, {"F-15E_VR-Pilot3R", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, --Visor {"F-15EC_07_Visor", 0, {"F-15EC_07_Visor", 1, {"F-15EC_07_Visor", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, {"F-15EC_07R_Visor", 0, {"F-15EC_07R_Visor", 1, {"F-15EC_07R_Visor", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, custom_args = -- [32] = 0.0, -- 1 -- [31] = 0.0, -- 10 -- [442] = 0.0, -- 100 [1000] = 0.0, -- change of type of board number (0.0 - No Numbers, 0.1 - 3 Numbers, 0.2 - 4 Numbers starts with "1", 0.3 - Full 4 Numbers, 0.4 - IDF Numbers) [1001] = 0.0, -- vis refuel board number (0.0 - No Numbers, 0.1 Numbers, 0.2 - Numbers Early) [1002] = 0.0, -- change of type intake board number (0.4 - IDF Nose/Fuselage Numbers and Model Change) [1003] = 0.0, -- vis Nose Gear board number (0.0 - 4 Numbers 0.0 to 0.05 adjusts the placement, 0.1 - 5 Numbers, 0.4 - No Numbers)
  2. The panel looks great. I just ordered one. Can't wait to see it in person.
  3. Later down the road, for the second CTU, you'll get JHMCS v1. Still have to add 3D model NVG with banana mount on the helmet. Will come soon.
  4. Yes, I'll get a list. Seam lines are caused by the Mipmapping. Usually I change the background to match the color if it changes to avoid this. With the Aircraft template I did add 4 pixel padding, I don't remember if I did it with the Sensor template, but I can add padding to it. Highlight layer is using the same as the others with the Linear Dodge at 14%. You can always turn it up by the opacity amount or levels. I think since it's more underneath and tucked in-between CFT inner rack it will naturally look less. Custom RGB, that my friend is a tricky one. I could have merged the weathering layers together, just offering simpler layers. I wanted to give all of the ability for artists to come in and add more on the layers giving them the freedom as much as possible by editing masks. Problem is the color and blending of the masks uses this custom RGB to blend correctly. This template was generated from Substance Painter, and of course I don't want to be a shill for Corporate America, but I am forced to use the custom RGB. The Custom RGB gives the paint kit a better range of colors in-between black and white and for a more "Real Look" in the blending. It has a lot more information in layers the way it is now, and converting tends to destroy that. I know someone converted it to a Standard RGB and it lost a lot of much needed value, and it look overly saturated, and best described as "Gamey". Another person very knowledgeable in Photoshop, converted the paint kit and discovered the size had doubled due to the information in it. Until I can find a way to convert this Custom profile into a Standard one with same color/blending/size and not changing as others have done, I cannot promise anything at this time. I assure you it has not been forgotten and still on going. I see this as a future problem, with using Substance Painter to generate a paint kit, causing this issue more and more as it become more popular.
  5. Only Ace Combat livery I am doing is this one.
  6. Right now working on patches, already added head shadow, and cavity map. But honestly don't how much further can go yet. it's a pain making 3 sets of patches used on the pilot. Got to make the normal map look like patches and that means redrawing them multiple times, just to build layers. (First set seen here)
  7. Yeah I can add more polygons and keep UVs LOL, no problem.
  8. Eagle Dynamics have done really good F-15 (C and E) models. They gave us the "E" model some years ago. There is no secret as we mentioned it multiple times in the past. We decided to improve it and keep as much of the UV mapping so older liveries would port over easily for artists. If you look more closely you will notice a lot more items are changed or completely redone all over the model. We fixed a lot of the things that were found incorrect, added to it, and tried to keep it as much as possible to the original shape.
  9. Well the VR pilot body actually was needed since this is a multicrew cockpit the other guy has to look good when we turn around, so it was 2 birds one stone situation. 3D scanner and spray: $9000.00 (MZ-HM01) Mannequin: $508.00 CWU-27/P (Desert): $37.99 CSU-13B G-Suit: $92.99 USAF crew survival vest snap track w/ holster: $22.49 PCU-15 Harness w/ LPU-9: $516.00 CRU-94P CRU Oxygen Regulator: $202.98 Belleville USAF Flight Boots: $79.81 and so much more... Giving people a good in cockpit/VR pilots.. PRICELESS! There are some things money can't buy; for everything else, there's Mastercard
  10. Yeah I kind of went overboard with that, still have to add to the WSO.
  11. Thank you for the kind words.
  12. Timghetta

    F-15E Livery Editing

    Example: {"F-15E_02SB", 0, "F-15e_E02_LIBERTY", true}; {"F-15E_02SB", 1, "F-15e_E02_NRM", true}; {"F-15E_02SB", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC, "F-15e_E02_RoughMet_LIBERTY", true}; F-15E_02SB is the name in the lua for speed brake to use custom texture.
  13. Exactly my thoughts as well. I wanted them where you can put them on/off while in the aircraft. I'll talk to guys to get a solution cause it will not be great if the mission starts during the dusk or ends at dawn and you can't see the lights.
  14. The NVG filters when installed should physically block out the light even when goggles are not on. That's why we did it so when the filters are placed on the lights are automatically dimmed. They don't fly in daylight with them, due to IRL being pretty hard to see through the filters.
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