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About [Knight]

  • Birthday 12/16/1987

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Planet Earth
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  • Occupation
    Disabled Vet
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  1. BUMP....still an issue
  2. 104th_Knight - F14B
  3. I have the same problem, Name was [Knight]
  4. I have really no way to explain this rather than type my experience while playing in VR. I have noticed ever since the 2.5.6 patch and lighting changes that it is harder to spot targets, even with labels turned on it is challenging. I keep losing targets low that I'm chasing against the trees that are only about a mile or two in front of me. I even have a hard time spotting guys higher above me. I entered into the mission editor and placed 2 air-frames 4 miles apart for a dogfight, a Bf109 and a P-51, I noticed I really had to strain to see the AI 4 miles ahead in a head on aspect. I am not the only one with this issue I have talked with another guy that said he has the same problem. I have also noticed that the position of the sun effect how well I can see and if the sun is at the noon spot it makes it really hard for me to spot dots. I and this other guy both use the HP Reverb. I'm on the latest Studio Driver for the GTX1080TI and my pixel density is set to 1.0 with the Steamvr scaling at 200%. I'm really starting to pull my hair out about this problem I have tried different settings, drivers, scaling options and I cant get anything to be back to how it was in 2.5.5. The reason I'm posting this in the bug section is because I think it has something to do with the LOD and the lighting. PC SPECS: I7 8770k 32gb Ram GTX1080Ti driver 451.77 studio(because latest release driver had bad performance for me) DCS World OB If you need anything else let me know. Kind Reguards
  5. Just remove them and replace the image with a few scratches and smudges, same with the canopy glass, whoever is doing this on ED's part please stop adding baked in reflections or give us an option to check so we don't have to have them at all, its real bad in VR. Thanks
  6. As of now we will be rolling back our server to Open Beta due to the instability in DCS WORLD on the new 2.5.6 patch, We apologize for any inconvenience. As we all know this is OPEN BETA and we cannot expect everything to be smooth all the time.
  7. I'm starting to have a problem with mine, my X and Y stops working in mid game and in windows. I have had to shut down, take apart the throttle and check the connections. All is good inside connections are nice and snug and it works again. Now it keeps doing it and I have to rinse and repeat. The second time I had to recalibrate. I may need a new set of wires. Order # 1243
  8. Name:104th_Knight Squadron:104th Phoenix Country: USA
  9. When ever I try to change radar stuff like azimuth i get a message that the radar is in lock mode??? how do I get it off this mode and why is this a feature?
  10. Fixed it, Looks like VA did a few sneak updates on me Pls Update your VA to 1.7.5 if you have that problem
  11. since last update any ptt button press other than TX3 on WH gets this message in VA: 3:33:04 PM - Plugin execution exception: 'VoiceAttack.VoiceAttackInvokeProxyClass' does not contain a definition for 'State' then : 3:33:43 PM - UNABLE TO INVOKE PLUGIN, 'VAICOM PRO 2.5. DUE TO EXCEPTION: 'VoiceAttack.VoiceAttackInvokeProxyClass' does not contain a definition for 'State'
  12. @Hollywood, Another to add to the ever growing list: Need and option to create WP from the map mark and tune tacn for multiple CV's and Tankers w/ the same callsign. Thanks
  13. Ok but for DL to tune to a specific freq like a CV or navy/awacs does this work? The manual only has the command for decimal 0-7(300.0-300.7) so if the freq is 322.7 then I can't tune it. This becomes a problem with MP because the Freq changes when a new awacs comes on station, and you cannot tune to the CV to get ACL/AWL.
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