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About Yambo

  • Birthday 11/15/1984

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    Flanker, LOMAC, DCSW
  • Location
  • Occupation
    QA Engineer

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  1. Red Yambo Mikoyan reserve team
  2. Same 29 but from different angle and upgrade is described in following link
  3. Fulcrum in picture is not 9.12b, it's upgraded and modernized variant of MiG-29, tailored for requirements of the Serbian AF. Capabilities are very similar to the MiG-29M (9.15) prototype but i might be wrong about it.
  4. Petrovich AI doesn't shoot ATGM when second player is in KORD-gunner seat.
  5. Hey team, There's an issue with 29s EOS scan zone and acquisition in "DVB" ("BVR") mode (key bind is "2"). Pilot in 29 is only able to lock targets when EOS scan zone is set to front. If pilot set scan zone to left, picture stays same as it is scanning to the front, same goes for scan zone slew to the right. Further more target acquisition doesn't work if scan zone is slew to the right or left. Tracks attached for all versions of the MiG-29 in game. Best regards! 9.12a EOS bug 9.12b EOS bug 9.12s EOS bug
  6. [51☭] Yambo MiG-21bis Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Yambo

    Corsair Hype!

    You must be thinking on A-7 Corsair II, F-8 was Crusader
  8. Will do.
  9. [51☭] Yambo - Ka-50
  10. [51☭] Yambo - Red Navy - Su-33
  11. [51☭] PVO / [100☭] KIAP - Red Navy 8xSu-33 Discard my application for the team, pilots will sign up individually.
  12. [51☭] Yambo - Ka-50 - reserve Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. Didn't notice anyone has reported this, but if double please disregard, instead class name, it should be full description. P-47D-40: P-47D-30 e.: P-47D-30: Best regards, :thumbup:
  14. I'm hoping that ED will revise their opinion on R-27R/ER as those missiles are not same as AIM-7....
  15. Well played! Really enjoyed event thx 104th for having us!
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