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Art-J's post in Animation of main wheels rotation reversed was marked as the answer
It's been reported for a while, so we can only wait and bump it every now and then.
Art-J's post in FW190 a8 weapon setup quite complicated was marked as the answer
When Anton was released I recall there used to be a problem with guns becoming inop when relevant electric circuits were enabled by player too quickly one after another. I think that issue was fixed, albeit just out of habit, I personally still tend to enable pairs of guns only after the red light for previous ones is on. Never had a problem with guns ever since.
I'd hazard a guess your issues are more related to that ghetto streamdeck setup of yours.
As for delayed reloading of stores with unlimited ammo option on - it's more of a general DCS problem, not warbirds one. One just has to accept it's one of "DCSisms" that's never going to be tweaked and deal with it.
Art-J's post in F-15E Remastered STEAM was marked as the answer
As mentioned by BN in the other thread, they have to wait for the Steam sale to end later today before remaster becomes available.
Art-J's post in Artificial horizon was marked as the answer
Gyro AH not self - correcting in any phase of flight has been a DCS problem for many years and affects all warbirds. Brit ones are just affected the most since they lack cage/uncage AH feature that US and German ones have. We've been recently told it might be reviewed in the future. More info here:
Art-J's post in Can't install DCS - Server Capacity Limited was marked as the answer
To each his own, but from my own experience I still believe using "load profile" button in control options screen to import old bindings from backup files is faster and easier way of getting the controls sorted on new PC / Windows than faffing around with creating new diff.luas and renaming them (or copying their contents).
The bloody button is there for a reason, why not using it then. True, it only allows importing backup diff.lua files one by one (per each aircraft and each controller), which will require some extra mouse clicks, but it's still faster and more foolproof method in my opinion. No extra apps or batch files necessary either.
Art-J's post in [NO BUG] Fan Turbines Do Not Spin was marked as the answer
Not sure about all versions of J79, but in the one I saw at museum, the first stage behind supporting struts was variable inlet guide vane stage - ie. it doesn't spin, only adjusts AoA of blades.
So what you see on the video might be roughly correct, but I'm sure devs will chime in and reply.
Art-J's post in P-51 Throttle slams to full was marked as the answer
Sounds very much like other axis (most likely on other device) is bound to throttle lever as well.
Unwanted, duplicate assignments are "normal" in DCS, double check axis option screen again and get rid of them.
Art-J's post in ST - Ground object level of detail in tgp was marked as the answer
I've read in the other thread that it happens if you still run DCS in single-threaded mode.
Art-J's post in Problems with assigning the throttle to my Thrustmaster Hotas throttle unit was marked as the answer
Since the problem is somehow default controls-related, have you tried clearing first ALL default throttle assignments, including keyboard ones? THEN restarting DCS and trying to reassign again? When I had similar problem with F-86 axes, I had to restart the game to make the changes "stick" and red marks disappear for good.
For reference, grab my diff.lua for warthog throttle, which works OK for me in 2.9.6. Obviously, it won't work on your PC because of USB ID, but maybe you'll be able to compare its lines with your old diff.lua. For the record I use left lever for throttle and right one for prop RPM. Also, screen shows how they look on my controls options page.
Throttle - HOTAS Warthog {839B5A00-446A-11ea-8002-444553540000}.diff.lua
Art-J's post in Microphone Button (call radio menu) not working was marked as the answer
It seems 2.9.6 patch turned easy comms option on for many (if not all) users. That might be the culprit in your case as well.
Art-J's post in How can AI take this much damage? was marked as the answer
It's been explained elsewhere in one of similar threads on this very subject that warbirds damage and AI behaviour has not been programmed with missiles in mind so such combo just isn't going to work correctly now or in forseeable future.
I suppose only period-correct WGr 21 and R4M can yield more plausible results but haven't tried them myself.
Art-J's post in Why is my DCS 228GB?? I thought it was supposed to be 150GB was marked as the answer
You might take a look if you've got folders called _downloads and _backup located in your root DCS folder and if there's any trash left there (leftovers from failed update process and from modded files being replaced with stock ones respectively).
Other than that, however, 228 GB is pretty small size for DCS and not unusual if there are any maps amongst these "3-4 modules" of yours.
Art-J's post in No news letter discussion for today's news updatte was marked as the answer
What do you mean? Threads to discuss the latest newsletters? These are located in newsletter section of the forum now:
Art-J's post in SU-25T cockpit windows with camo texture after updating to DCS 2.9 was marked as the answer
Do the usual DCS troubleshooting then: make sure there are no active mods not only in game root folder, but also in Saved Games location, then run repair command, preferrably the "slow" one. What you see is just some texture files missing, if there are no mods interfering with the game, repair will download and reinstall these.
Art-J's post in Track replay is broken for files done with previous builds was marked as the answer
Keep in mind that by definition tracks in DCS have never been backwards-compatible, especially if an update is a big one and contains many changes to this or that module. I don't think the replay system improvements introduced in 2.9 were meant to change that, they were supposed to increase replay accuracy but within the same version number.
If some of the older tracks still work after an update or two, it's an exception rather than the rule. Expect them to become broken eventually.
Art-J's post in Bf109 Immersion-Killer was marked as the answer
Well, the last thing that needs to be tried then is temporary removal of all custom mods and apps from Saved Games location, whether they are 109-related or not. You've got quite a few of these, judging from your log. Then launch the game and see what happens.
Keep in mind that repair and cleanup procedure fixes the main game folder only, but does nothing to content in Saved Games folder at all, so if source of the problem is hidden somewhere there, it's going to be still there no matter how many times you're executing repair command.
Art-J's post in Instrument tint problem was marked as the answer
As Kerosene noted above, it's most likely caused by some custom mod located in Saved Games (remember that repair command checks only the main game folder but doesn't check Saved Games location!)
Art-J's post in Landing gear indicator bug was marked as the answer
They're fine here. Latest OB, MT mode. Screens below.
If you're experiencing missing textures, do the usual troubleshooting: disabling mods, removal of fxo & metashaders, then repair & cleanup.
Art-J's post in 2.9.2 OB - all AIM-120 bizarre movement/separation upon launch off the rail? was marked as the answer
Also, remember to temporarily remove or rename your Saved Games/DCS folder. Reinstalling the core game only won't do anything good if there are still any modded leftovers in Saved Games.
Art-J's post in A4 skyhawk autorization issue was marked as the answer
You've ben answered in the other thread you started:
If you launched DCS at least once, then there is a folder created on your system partition here:
C:\Users\[your windows user name]\Saved Games\DCSworld\
It might be hidden by Windows, but it's certainly there. Un-hide it if needed.
You have to go there, create \Mods\Aircraft\ sub-folder manually and extract A-4 archive over there. It's the only way to make the A-4 mod work.
Art-J's post in Shifting clouds when banking... was marked as the answer
If you're talking about distant layers jumping slightly up and down then yes, it's a DCS thing since new clouds tech was introduced in Spring 2021. Apparently it's more or less noticeable depending on players resolution, screen vs VR etc., but it's always there to some extent.
I know it's difficult to un-see it once you saw it, but get used to it, there's no fix.
Art-J's post in Normandy (2.0) - Low poly buildings and missing textures was marked as the answer
Size and number of files and folders is correct. As razo+r pointed, that's Normandy "1.5" you're looking at. All the detailed stuff that comes with version 2 is just hidden/locked until its license is purchased and activated.
Art-J's post in 2 dısc ınstallatıon was marked as the answer
Yes, module licences are tied to your account, not to your physical installs, which you can have many of on your computer.
As long as you log into your OpenBeta with correct login and password, and if all your purchased modules were installed in enabled in your Open Beta as well, they will be accessible allright.
Art-J's post in instrument panel messed up was marked as the answer
About the bars, you've got some cockpit mod leftovers in Saved Games location (repairing and reinstalling doesn't touch that folder, so don't bother - they can't help). That was the culprit for the same problem, found in the other thread (though the guy didn't mention which mod exactly caused it).
About green tinge, it's part of new dynamic reflections. It will depend on sun position and terrain you're on / over.
Art-J's post in Nose Trim instrument light was marked as the answer
^ I think he's asking why the trim gauge doesn't react to cockpit light then, like other instruments which were painted with fluorescent paint for that reason.
@SlippaWe know that complete cockpit retexturing of the Spit is in the works. I suppose they won't bother with fixing the old textures when these are soon going into a bin anyway.
However, if the problem persists in the new pit, you're free to unleash the report bumping fury 😄 .