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Everything posted by f4l0

  1. maybe reboot your computer?
  2. RPM/Rotor effect for the starting sequence is bugged... DCS reports Ng values not Nr/Np values which SSA would need, if someone finds a way to export Nr via LUA, I could add a proper startup/shutdown effect... However, I'm building beta 2.3.7 now. Known issues: - Startup/shutdown effect is bugged - does someone knows how to extract Nr or Np value via lua? - APU effect not working - does someone knows how to extract APU RPM value via lua? - ETL/VRS threshold values might not match - please report "better" values... Should be available soon...
  3. No, 2.3.7 will have the Apache... I still do some testing before I release it...
  4. Hey, today I'll release a first beta version for the Apache. All effect except engine effects should work... Once I/we(the community) found a way to get RPM, torque or N1 via lua I can add the engine effect in SSA... UPDATE: A good night sleep was the answer... I found a solution and was able to extract the RPM values
  5. Bad news for all Apache pilots... I just noticed that the Apache has almost no analogue gauge which SSA can read/extract, so it is very hard to get the RPM, torque or other engine parameters. Maybe someone of you has an idea how to extract those values from the AH-64D...
  6. Andre is not the SSA dev ;) It's a busy week for me, I try to add the Apache over the weekend...
  7. Which SSA version do you use? Do you use any other 3rd party addon? What does the log in SSA show?
  8. Gerade erst mitbekommen dass es hier ein SSA/Jetseat Thread gibt... Ich bin der Entwickler von SSA, aber nicht dem Sound Module oder dem Sitz Mittlerweile gibt es auch einen SSA Discord (https://discord.gg/N9WjGJjn), da könnt ihr mich bei Fehler oder wünschen für SSA auch direkt anschreiben...
  9. OK, one of your files is corrupt. Try to delete C:\Users\Jessica\AppData\Local\Dream_Sim_Team\SimShaker_for_Aviators_Be_Url_vtzwmyclpdxzvcr4jaccdejviopxzyyo\\user.config
  10. Do you get any error message? Could you please check if SSA generates an errorlog? It should be in your profile document's SimShaker folder
  11. Which version does the title bar shows? You can also use the help about dialogue. Thx for the report, I'll have a look... Will be fixed in the next beta
  12. I just checked it with the latest DCS OpenBeta and SSA beta. Worked on my side. Any other user having the same issue?
  13. Wrong forum! Check the MSFS forum or discord channel: https://discord.gg/jkadGQbNj3
  14. I didn't work on the g feeling effect...
  15. Version 2.3.4 – beta release Added Changed Internal handling of engine effect reworkes - Please report issues DCS: A4 got some love - Please report issues Fixed Fix for dampening factor of 100 Auto start / Start with windows feature updated. Feedback is welcome
  16. Should be fixed in the beta... If you are on stable you can try 99 instead of 100... Thx, for the feedback
  17. Some application still uses the network port SSA requires to talk to DCS. Is the SSA processes completely terminated? This is the known "start with windows" bug. I'm working on this...
  18. Yeah, I guess it's a limitation of DCS. There is no "command" (as far as I know) which is send by DCS which tells SSA that you respawned. Thus things might get messed up... Could you give me some mode details? Do you use unlimited ammo? I'll have a look... Anyone else having the same issue?
  19. Mods are not really on my list to add. I try to focus on official modules... However, there are ways to add them (as mentioned before) Do you get any error message? There should be a log file in your settings folder. You should find it here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\SimShaker for Aviators
  20. what is the error you get?
  21. I just published a new beta with some small fixes: Version 2.3.2 – beta release Fixed Turboprop engine effect should now use dampening factor if enabled and airborne Dependencies updated Auto start / Start with windows feature -> new debug output added, might help to track down the issue. Feedback is welcome
  22. I'm currently checking if the engine effect reductions works correctly with the sound module ... The other settings are used to define the "threshold" when these effects start. E.g. the F18 changes flaps/slats alls the time by a very little value. some people don't like if it would trigger the effects all the time thus you can modify the value... The turbulence editor was mainly developed for MSFS. I'm currently not sure how good it works in DCS but the easiest thing is to play around with it .
  23. I just jumped into the F18C free flight mission and hit the gun trigger. The effect is working on my side... Do you have unlimited ammo enabled?
  24. Still downloading the new open beta... Anyone else here having the same issue? SSA uses the data DCS provides. Maybe it's a bug on their side... Which DCS version do you use?
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