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Everything posted by BlackBaron46

  1. Magic. Thanks Zabuzard!
  2. I thought it might have had something to do with the jester UI. I did notice it was still visable in the cockpit in the track. Is there a means of disabling the head track/mouse input for the UI in the settings?
  3. Here you go. (Hopefully I uploaded it right!) Every track I have for the F-4 does the same thing. ShahrainScramble-20240728-194312.trk
  4. I don't have this issue with any other aircraft. It seems to be native to the F-4.
  5. I don't use any of those. It also wouldn't explain why my Chocks stay on and my canopy stays open.
  6. There's a strange bug in my replay tracks where my aircraft takes off with canopies open and chocks stuck on the wheels in complete silence, while every other aircraft seems to be fine. Anyone else having this happen?
  7. This may not be in keeping with this thread, but I've been having issues when carrying 4 Sparrows. I can shoot two of them but the forward pair won't fire, and I don't have the RADAR weapon selection light. Is there something I'm missing?
  8. The most boomer post on this Forum.
  9. The lighting was too good to pass up throwing one of these together.
  10. You Gotta Be Sh*ttin' Me
  11. Had some strange landing gear related issues this evening. Even after we repaired all three aircraft twice, and landing gear lights cycled/went out on take off, it still won't retract/repair. We even had one aircraft repair himself after he was hit by flak, but the resulting fall after the repair function lifted him into and dropped him broke his gear. See photos.
  12. Bumping this as the D30 (early) still seems to have this issue.
  13. Glad I haven't lost my mind then!
  14. I've just noticed that since the update in June, all liveries now suddenly have this very pronounced strip along the top of their fuselage. And it's not just my own that it's happening too. The base liveries also have the same artefact. I've gone over my files again and again and it's not on any of the templates so I'm sure it's not a texture issue, but rather with the model itself. See example below: Before After
  15. Think it's bug thread worthy? I mean if it's a problem with the 3D model itself I feel like it is.
  16. I've just noticed that since the update in June, all liveries now suddenly have this very pronounced strip along the top of their fuselage. And it's not just my own that it's happening too. The base liveries also have the same artifact. I've gone over my files again and again and it's not on any of the templates, so I'm not so sure it's a texture issue. See example below: Before After
  17. Despite the fact replying to this topic is probably in vain, I could use some help as well getting this working.
  18. Do you still have these? Skinning my own with the geometry is slowly killing me!
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