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  1. Wouldn't that just be an E model made by the japanese? I'm guessing they'll go for a naval variant
  2. What about the triple launchers only carrying 2 missiles each? Or just letting us do it anyways and burn our stabs away? Like i needed them, just useless weight ;)
  3. That makes sense, but i also heard that EDs F-16 will only carry 2 AGM-65s. what's up with that? I thought it could carry two triple racks
  4. Does anyone know why they aren't including JASSMs and JSOWs anymore?
  5. +1 a Belkan war setting would be cool Valais AF base, Castle Stier, Directus, B7R. It would be very varied
  6. Cool, i hope the MiG-27 is surprise number 2 I'm more of a CAS guy myself
  7. As an F/A-18 mechanic for the swiss air force, the Hornet was a day one buy for me. and here are my first impressions of it: 1. No big Surprise here, it looks amazing the level of detail is fantastic. But there are some imperfections like the missing screw on the front cap of the radome. At work we joke about it being the main bolt holding all of the plain together. 2. And a more severe mistake: the missing Wing unlock bolts. As soon as you unlock the wings to fold them two red bolts pop out of the wing, one for each. these signal that the wings are un locked an not ready for flight. 3. Chicken Mode! its offical name is FCS test mode it's accessed by holding the FCS test switch and pressing the FCS reset button, which causes all the control surfaces to move for testing letting the Hornet wiggle around like a chicken. it's more or les useless for flight operations but a nice detail 4.PLF: Plaining Link Failure (i think). a very real problem that hasn't been solved yet. basically what happens is that the main landing gear wheel, up on touch down, can swivel slightly in board towards its stored position. you can imagine that this isn't an ideal situation for the pilot. Protocol for a situation like this would be, as soon as one of the MLG lights goes off during landing the pilot has to go around and land with the hook to minimize risk PLF might have happened on my first landing. I was slamming it down pretty hard so the wheel might have just been bent. this brings me to my final point 5. The Hornet loves to fly! she almost takes off by herself even from regular tarmac. She climbs like an arrow and turns amazingly She loves flying so much she would rather die than stopping it... as soon as you drop the gear and deploy the flaps she alsmost drops like a rock, you viggen pilots out there might not have that much trouble with it but the Hornet behaves much worse than the Viggen on Final. So this will take some time getting used to it Anyways the Hornet is a fantastic module and i'm excited for the weapons and systems to come especially the HARM! Keep making this good stuff ED and Belsimtek!
  8. Can't Move Throttle out of detent Hello When I tried the startup i couldn't move the any of both the throttles out of detend to spool up the engines, although i mapped both the throttles and the detents. the later to multiple different buttons for testing I also tried keyboard commands, which also didn't work I'm using the Thrustmaster Warthog I hope somebody can help me with this issue since no other module made this kind of problem
  9. Thanks, that did the job!
  10. I tested a couple of things. In most modules the corresponding liverie will only show up if the correct country is selected, the Tiger is among them. In the encyclopedia all the liveries show up. So i suspect that all the countrys that have liveries would need to be selectable in the mission editor to be usable But I fear that, that is an ED-level problem...
  11. While screwing around with the editor I found that the liveries for the swiss air froce and basically all other nations except for US version were missing. I tried switching nations but switzerland is missing in the editor I even checked 2.2 beta release with the same result. the files are in the in the DCS directory however
  12. If it comes down to F-111 or Tornado I hope we get a german one. I want that MW-1
  13. The JA 37 had automatic targeting for the gun? that's freaking awesome!
  14. same here, even after putting the volume knob to full power I didn't hear anything, my buddy however did and we were flying in close formation
  15. The tape player from the Viggen is supposedly also in the Tomcat
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