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About Reflected

  • Birthday 04/06/1984

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  1. Hmm, I never used the radar. Just the HSI with the course set from bullseye. Chainsaw also tells you the name of the 2 villages the column is in between, so once you find those, it’s easy to spot the vehicles.
  2. @5EVC Tiger OK, I just tested both missions and both worked fine. Do you have any unofficial mods enabled, and are you 100% sure you're using the salute control assignment and not the salute radio command?
  3. What do you mean due to carrier wake? Is it your jet that moves?
  4. Join me on January 1st to find out what plans I have for the new year!
  5. I agree, Paco could have mentioned it during the qual missions but somehow it didn’t even occur to him when he wrote the script. Perhaps it’s so ‘basic’ or ‘second nature’ for Naval Aviators? I mean they have to know the NATOPS inside out while we just play through a few missions Again, I cannot influence this drift feom the mission editor. Also please note that the INS will drift if you pull too many g-s, and also if you start the alignment while the ship is turning into the wind .
  6. That’s Ugra’s map design I already reported to them, no reply.
  7. You need to sync the compass when you leave the magnetic field of the carrier, and you're flying straight and level. I do it at 7 miles. It's not part of the official checklists, it's jsut a thing you do regularly. There's nothing to 'implement' in the campaigns, it's already a feature of the F-14 module
  8. Hahaha you forever wrote them out of the story
  9. DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations More accurate formations Larger scale takeoff sequences Miller's Mayhem 2 has a Mk.8 gunsight now for historical accuracy Skin update - kill markings added, correct bort number font Consistent parking spots per squadron Doc updates DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations Bonus mission fixes More accurate formations DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations Typo fixes Finnair skin not showing fixed Mission 1 - ICP buttons remain stuck after auto setup fixed Unlimited fuel option accidentally disabled - fixed Mission 3 - first strikers deactivated just in case the player doesn't pay attention to the AWACS
  10. Yeah I know you didn’t, but many people can confuse module bugs with campaign bugs. If it was 10 below freezing, I wouldn’t want to stand next to the nacelle either to prime it for too long haha
  11. UPDATE: Bignewy just told me they're aware already and working on it. Until then... Moral of the story: just because something seemingly only happens in a campaign mission, it doesn't mean the bug is caused by the campaign. Most likely you haven't flown the aircraft before in similar conditions as the mission/ campaign in question. If I could change flight models/ engine modeling in the mission editor, then so could you, and multiplayer servers would be full of cheaters
  12. Here's a track, it took me 1 minute to replicate. Empty Caucasus map, -10 degrees C. none of the engines start. Maybe the crew chief doesn't prime the engines enough for cold weather. mossiestart.trk
  13. Again, the auto start not working has absolutely nothing to do with the campaign. We can run around in circles saying 'but it's only in this campaign' ,which will not lead to any results, or, we can provide ED tracks so they can add it to the bugs list. Alternatively, what I can think of is a HOTAS switch assignment. It's switched and synchronized into a position that breaks the autostart procedure. It has happened to me before on other modules.
  14. I'm suspecting the auto start procedure is not fine tuned for cold weather. Try making a simple cold start mission with the same temperature and see if that's it.
  15. Uhh, these missions are sooo old! I didn't delete them, but I certainly don't have them anymore either
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